03.20.15 - Iran Letter - POTUS - 2

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Congress of the United States lashington, BE 20515 March 20, 2015 ‘The President ‘The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avene, N.W. ‘Washington, DC 20500 ‘Dear Me, Provident AAs the deadline for a comprehensive nuclear agreement with Iran nears, we write t0 you to underscore the grave and urgent issues that have arisen in these negotiations. While we hope the Administation is able to achieve a lasting and meaningful agreement, we understand that there are several difficult issues that remain unresolved. No issue will be harder to resolve with the Iranian regime than the status of its uranium ‘enrichment program. This isthe key technology Iran would need to develop a nuclear bomb ~ technology that Iran has been permitted to continue to research and develop under the interim ‘aangement. Many of us wrote to you a year ago, calling for dismantlement of significant portions of Iran's nuclear infiastructute, “such that Iran will not be able to develop, build, ot quire a nuclear weapon.” A final comprehensive nuclear agreement must constrain Iran's nuclear infastructre 50 that Iran has no pathway to a bomb, and that agreement must be long Jasting. International inspectors report that fran has still not revealed its past bomb work, despite its international obligations to do so. Of the 12 sets of questions that the Intemational Atomic Energy Agency has been seeking, Tehran has answered just part of one. Just last week, the IAEA reported that it is still oncemed about signs of Iran’ military related activites, including designing a auclear payload for a missile, Indeed, inspectors had amassed “over a thousand pages” which showed “research, development and testing activities” on technologies needed t0 develop a nuclear weapon. Last fll, over 350 Members of the House wrote to the Seoretary of State expressing deep concems about this lack of cooperation. The potential military dimensions of Iran's nuclear program should be treated as a fundamental test of Tebran’s intention to uphold the final comprehensive agreement. Unless we have a full understanding of an's past program, it will be impossible for the international community to judge Iran's future breakout time with certainty, sran’s record of clandestine activity and intransigence prevents any tust im Iran. Indeed, a top ‘State Department negotiator has told Congress tha, “deception is part of [Iran's] DNA.”” Even uring the period of negotiations, Iran has illicitly procured nuclear technology, which your Administration quickly sanctioned. Additionally, because of the strict inspections regime under the Joint Plan of Action, Tehran was caught testing a more advanced centrifuge that would have helped produce bomb material more quickly. Given Iran's decades of deception, negotiators ‘must obtain maximum commitments to transparency by Iran. Any inspection and verification ‘The President March 20, 2015 Page 2 regime must allow for short notice aveess to suspect locations, and verifiable constraints on Iran's nuclear program must lat for decades. Finally, while the negotiations with Iran have focused exclusively on Trans nuclear program, itis critical that we also consider Iran's destabilizing role in the region. Iran is boosting Assad in Syria, supporting sectarian elements in Irag that undercut hopes fora unified and stable country, and providing assistance to Hezbollah, which continues to threaten Israel. And last month, an Iranian-backed militia displaced the government in Yemen, a key counterteorism partner. Ian's Supreme Leader has also called tor an expansion of his country's ballistic misile program, yet another dimension of the potential threat posed by Iran, Iran’s role in fomenting instability in the region—not to mention Iran's horrendous repression at home—demonstrates the risks of negotiating with a partner we eannot trust. ‘The United States has had a longstanding interest in preventing Iran from achieving a nuclear ‘weapons capability. Over the last twenty years, Congress has passed numerous pieces of legislation imposing sanctions on Iran to prevent that outcome, ultimately forcing Iran into negotiations. Should an agreement with Iran be reached, permanent sanetions relief from ccongressionally-mandsted sanctions would require new legislation. In reviewing such an ‘agreement, Congress must be convinced that its terms foreclose any pathway to a bomb, and ‘only then will Congress be able to consider permanent sanctions relief, Resolving the nuclear crisis with Iran remains of grave importance to our nation’s security. As ‘the Administration continues to negotiate with Ira, we are prepared to evaluate any agreement to determine its long-term impact on the United States and our alles. We remain hopeful that a diplomatic solution preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon may yet be reached, and We ‘want to work with you to assure such a result Diller —————— GL Es DOES eRe +— crowa (oer Member of Congress ‘The President Mareh 20, 2015 Page 3 7 c KEVIN M&CARTHY Membr of Congsess STEVE SCALISE THEOAORE E. DEUTCH Member of Congress Momber of Congress BRAD SHERMAN ‘Member of Congress ILEANA ROS EN “Member of Congress TED ‘NITA M. LOWEY ‘Member Mf Congress ‘Member of Congress rc Penge DAVID N. CICILLINE Member of Congress ‘Member of Congress ‘The President March 20, 2015 Page 4 DARRELL £-IS8A Member of Congress bL=> RON DESANTIS Member of Congress SALMO! ‘Member of Congress Member of Congress Member of Céagress f, (GERALD E. CONNOLLY ‘Member of Congress TULSIGABBARD ‘Member of Congress 10 SIRES ‘Member of Congress BASS fember of Congress ‘ALANS. LOWENTHAL ‘Member of Congress b JATHCAR fr Member of Congress ‘The President March 20, 2015 Page 5 A PAULRYAN Member of Congress Re (Wabiban GREG WALDEN Member of Congress TOM PRICE Member of Congress BLAKE FARENTHOLD ald ‘Member of Congress WAN sn aoe Pee ‘Mig POMPEO Méber of Congress KURT SCHRADER Member of Congress ANN. KUSTER Member of Congress t= THY CASTOR Member of Congress we SUZAN KI E ‘Memb of Congress ‘ANN KIRKPATRICK “Member of Congress ‘The President ‘March 20, 2015 Page 6 on AM Li Gone jamese Clade HAHN of Congress Member of Congress he Bale LOU BARLETTA 'BONAMIC ‘Member of Congress ‘of Congress ERICSWALWELL ‘Member of Congress TABROWNLEY ‘Member of Congress — Renn Thenpaurn By GLENN THOMPSON iS FRANKEL Member of Congress ‘Member of Congress ‘MIKE QUIGLEY, Member of Congres ba. Sate ‘The President March 20, 2015 Page 7 Ewcle Foaltene ERIE FADISEN Nene otContes — TIM HUELSKAMP Member of Congress . Ll Wel MEL pica wear ee TEONARD LANCE ‘Member of Congress Jit illite BOB GOODLATTE ‘Member of Congress ( >ATRICK MEEHAN ‘Mernber of Congress wy ‘C. "BOBBY" SCOTT ‘Member of Congress JIM COS} ‘Member of Congress RAU “Member of Congress “AMIBERA ~ Member of Congress DEREK Kl Member of Congress ‘The President Meme Met LEI. npr, Coe eprom Pc a ‘Member of Congress = TIPTON RICK LARSEN Member of Congress Member of Congres oA Page c (Glo. is. Ks (OMASZROONEY ‘ADAM. SCHIFF Member of Congress Member of Congress BUKCAN ‘Member of Conaress ROBERT PITTENGER y ‘Member of Congress Member of Congress “The President March 20,2015 Page 9 Chek Le FLERC — Member of Consress KEVIN BRADY “101 hI Member of Congress CAtember of congress Ett oe — "ER Stevi isRant Member of Congres Member of Conress . . BW TODD ROR BRANTIGGNS Member of Congress Menber of Congress RICHARD HANNA wrk, WEBER. Member of Congress Member of Congress CANDICE S-MILLER TED S.YOHO Member of Congress ‘Member of Congress ‘The President March 20, 2015 Page 10 aa Chitis STEWART Member of Congress ROGERS ‘Member of Congress ‘Member of Congress BOB GIBBS. ‘Member of Congress ok "ETER T. KING Member of Congress DAVID LOEBSACK ‘Member of Congress fember of Congress 6. Fin BILL FLORES Member of Congress BILL HUIZENGA ‘Member of Congress ‘ADAM KINZINGER ‘Member of Congress ‘The President ‘March 20, 2015 Page 11 TOM MARINO ‘MO BROOKS. Member of Congress ‘Member of Congress 7 sa ‘of Congress eee lWatoes - a Meee reer ‘Member of Congress ‘Member of Congress RICHARD. BILL SHUSTER “Member of Congsess Member of Congress ‘The President March 20,2015 Page 12 L Gewies Sz Gb) ToMGRAVES SSS TOE WIS Member of Congress Member of Congress NB Ly techaitcx ‘HEL FOSTER pate Mesirot Coes An Pail Glvor mania SR WATSON OMAN ee Nenbraf ons FT ts aan meee coe & ‘ANDER CRENSHAW .A! DUTCH RUPPERS! Member of Congress Member of Congress Chant Binates ITH, ROTAFUS GHERIBUSTOS Member of Congress Member of Congress ‘The President March 20, 2015 Page 13 ate GOSAR ‘COLLIN. PETERSON Member of Congress ‘Member of Congress ia FA DAVID = ‘Member of Congress ‘Member of Congress Evbae M. Gt fork ELISE M. STEFANIK ‘Member of Congress Member of Congress DAVID G. VALADAO GRACE. sont Member of Congrest Member of Congress GREGORY W.MEEKS ‘Member of Congress GWIN GRAHAM ‘Member of Congress ‘The President March 20, 2015 Page 14 & - % ‘Member of Congress wae 5 Ql t ‘Member of Congress ber of Congress ath bat Lee ‘Member of Congress Manesr £ Ypdge - ies maa a ‘The President anata nes oo a oy Louk Wu Caberars~ mat cator AGaRITARARO es aa ane ane Pore eee Bill BILL JOHNSQN “Member of Congress DIANE BLACK ERIC A. “RICK” CRAWFORD Member of Congress Member of Congress q ANDY HARRIS SAL ‘Member of Congress ‘Member of Congress “The President March 20, 2015 Page 16 RL? Lye Oe RICHARD B NUGENT ‘Member of Congress ‘Member of Congress BILLY LO! ‘Member of CB CHRISTOPHER P. GIBSON JEFF M ‘Member of Congress ‘Membddpt Congress DOUG “4 a a ERI = Member of Congress Member of Congress ao ——— RODNEY. REL GSES a Neer afGunon Korheo hn Foes aca SWS Member of Congress ‘Member of Congress “The President ‘March 20, 2015 Page 17 FRED Seren? ELUAH E, CUMMINGS $ Member of Congress Member of Congress INE LUE err ae ee Pyare neuen a a Aonts a // Member of Congress ‘Member of Congress ea To ANEEAITONIE MemterofCoegea MakeetGmpe Gk Goss soe a Fae eee oo Se pee ‘The President March 20, 2015 Page 18 Bi ‘Member ofGongress chat fo MICHABL R. TURNER Member of Congress STOPHER H, SMITH Member of Congress CHARLES W. DENT “Member of Congress JASON CHAFFETZ ‘Member of Congress Ua. Dey Member of Congress Ble Lssegoon ‘Member of Congress ;ENE GREEN ‘Member of Congress ‘Member of Congress Pad Yilea PAUL TONKO ‘Member of Congress PETE AGUIL: “Member of Congress The President March 20, 2015 Page 19 VIRGINIA F RICHARD M. NOLAN “Member of Congress Member of Congress ‘STEVE: = Y PZ ‘MESSER Member of Congress ‘Member of Congress Toth Site “Member of Congress eee eS, a eel aca [oecse ona - — _— Crone Attn Dal BA. so le a ‘Member of Congress ‘Member of Congress ‘The President TA E. Ft Re Librotey, te ae Bera BADE NEST a eel {saw EEA TONS ena” Crue. titra BRUCE WESTERMAN Member of Congress er of Couftess IE BARTON TAKEEM, GOS ber of Congress ‘Member of Congress TIMRYAN, DANIEL LIPINSKI ‘Member of Congress ‘Member of Congress ‘The President March 20, 2015 Page 21 Se sea i a c= a (bhi? Goma oe nom a Lark K fit AN leer Gavan a aoe Dbdy — Sealy DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHUMTZ ‘Member of Congress Member of Congress ‘The President ‘March 20, 2015 Page 22 ‘MIKE COFFMAN Member of Congress Ogee ‘SMITH aoa ‘Member of Congress ‘ALEXANDER X. MOONEY 4 “Member of Congress ‘AUSTIN SCOTT ‘Member of Congress Jaane Saat ~ ‘Mer ember of Congress CHARLES B. RAN Member of Congress ‘STEVE WOMACK “Member of Congress DQ Sih TINDA T. SANCHEZ Member of Congress ‘CARLOS CURBEL( Member of Congress ‘CHRIS COLLINS ‘Member of Congress ‘CORT CLAWSON ‘Member of Congress “The President ‘March 20, 2015 Page 23 ‘BARRY QAUDERMILK ‘Member of Congress Sane AMoDet ‘Member of Congress DAVID P. ROE ‘Member of Congress DAVID YOUNG (A) “Member of Congress 2) tA, Member of Congress S ‘of Congress DAN NEWHOUSE “Membet of Congress DANIEL WEBSTER. ‘Member of Congress Rab, Roger Member of Congress rep — DAVID TROT Member of Congress eC DENNIS A. ROSS Member of Congress “The President ‘March 20, 2015 FRANK C. GUINTA Member of Congress ‘GARY J. PALMER “Member of Congress GUS MBILIRAKIS “Member of Congress ——— ‘JAMIE HERRERA BEUTLER ‘Member of Congress re — JAN KATRO ‘Member of Congress WANT. JENKINS “Member of Congress ff Gi Member of Congress Lo Syn@— GLENN GROTHMAN Member of Congress Lots OLD ROGERS” “Member of Congress KLINE, fer of Congress RATCLIFFE ‘The President Mareh 20, 2015 Page 25 th Ce AA san Air ‘Membétof Congress PETE OLSON ROD Member of Congress Member of Congress ‘SANF Member of C he B ff ‘Member af Congress MIKE BOST MIKE BISHOP ‘Member of Congress Member of Congress ‘MIMI WALTE! 4 ‘MOOLENAAR ‘Member of Congress ‘Member of Congress ‘The President March 20, 2015 Page 26 ‘PAUL COOK Member of Congress RANDY NEOGE Member of Congress Member 8f Congress ROBI T Member of Congress ROBERT J ‘Member of Congtess EY KNIGI ‘of Congress ER RALPH LEE ABRAHAM ‘Member of Congress Member of Cghgress RICK W. ALLEN Member of Congress Aco ROB BISHOP “Member of Congress - COSTELLO of Congress. foMAS MACARTHUR ‘Member of Congress ‘The President ort Tn Eon Uji 16t. ~ [Ax—_ Eo qT LYNNA. WESTMORELAND ‘Member of Congress ‘Member of Congress O-S Wve RUSSEL “Member of Congress Member of Congress ‘The President March 20, 2015 a Vw Fit. ee ee Ech) SHA BLACKBURN ‘Member of Congress o DAVEBRXT ‘Member of Congress CO online: fine ‘CORRINE BROWN “Member of Congress KATHERINE M. Chi Member of Congress SC. TOM COLE Member of Congress feat ‘Member W Congress Lhe CHARLES W. BOUSTANY, Jr. Member of Congress ‘SUSAN W. BROOKS ‘Member of Congress LACY CLAY, ‘Member of Congres SUSAN A. DAVIS, ‘Member of Congress )ESAULNIER ‘Member of Congress Lo — ‘STEPHEN LEE FINCHER “Member of Congress Y; ‘Member of Congress Member of Congress Samnnofeaon? ‘SAM JOHNSON ‘Member of Congress at ee G - “Member of Congress f L. HASTINGS Member of Congress ae RANCH FLL Memterof Cones ‘MARCY: Member of UR ress ‘The President March 20, 2015 Page A_ PAE. MIKE KELLY ‘Member of Congress ‘Member of Congress : aiid Rebate, ane {RAUL TARERDOR——— ont srg Nntr acon tw Makatle hujan Sihem FRANK. LUCAS ‘MICHELLE COJAN GRISHAM “Member of Congress ‘Member of Congress ‘MARTHA MeSALLY ‘Member of Congress we Cobiqui {UCE POLIQUIN ‘Member of Congress AOraAdar - —Wyetls 0.0barke ‘ALMA S. ADAMS, YVETTE D. CLARKE Member of Congress Member of Congress ‘The President March 20, 2015 Dots. Mcbea DORIS 0. MATSUI ‘Member af Congress A MARKWAYNE MULL DANIEL T. KILDEE. ‘Member of Congress ‘Member of Congress Low G-—— Nn Kevin CRAMER coor co aaa Le Kon Prick ee am —— Pla a W hepa ED WiITFIELD ‘Member of Congress TAMAR SMITH "YOUNG, “Member of Congress Member of Caflaress ‘The President ‘March 20, 2015 Page 32 RODNEY Le 4 wipes wa oko fewest we Gad L ——— ca ETN Dent te fedbes BE eet ——— xf aE asian fember of Congress ‘Member of Congress ‘The President Meh 20,5015 Pas Bebe ORowke. SEs ‘eTOO ROE STEVEN. PATAZZO Pemba Member ot Cones Uj = —— eerie atte Member of Congress Member of Congress

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