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BYU-Idaho IBC Performance Appraisal Form

Name of Evaluatee: Shawn Call


Evaluator Name: Brett

Title/Role: Marketing Manager

Date: 3-10-15

Department: Marketing
Performance Summary
Shawn was our marketing manager for this round but did so much more than just
helping marketing excel. Shawn took the initiative of customer awareness that
Brother Holt brought up and really looked into a solution to make it a better
process. Shawn also looked at ways to track previous customers and also
potential customers who stopped by the booth. He spent hours calling customers
doing all he could to receive feedback. He also helped our company immensely
by being one of the main foundation pieces to taking care of handles and booth
improvements as well as shoeshines.
Evaluation Themes
1. Takes the initiative

2. Humble

3. Gives his all for the company

Development Areas
1. Bring up more ideas.

2. Taking on different roles of the team

and learning new skills.

3. Letting go of the reigns.

Brother Holt brought up customer
feedback and no one had a plan. Shawn
created a plan and implemented it
Shawn is always willing to do whatever
it takes and will accept any challenge or
task you ask him to do. No questions
asked will just get it done.
I could rave about how much Shawn
does for this company. It isnt just
marketing it goes way beyond that in
creating handles, shoeshines, etc.
Im sure Shawn had a lot of great ideas
that we never got around to. I wouldve
loved to hear more from him about
what things he thought we should do.
This is largely my fault! We could have
done different things to get a better
understanding of design, social media,
customer feedback, and surveys rather
than doing what we did best most of
the time.
You are such an important piece to this
company and everyone sees that. This
is almost like your baby but I believe
you can let up a little bit and put trust
in the rest of the company to help you
out so you dont die!

Compensation Awarded for this period: $9400

Based on Rob Parson at Morgan Stanley (A), HBS case 498-054 Exhibit 3

BYU-Idaho IBC Performance Appraisal Form

Evaluatee Signature:
Rater Signature:

Based on Rob Parson at Morgan Stanley (A), HBS case 498-054 Exhibit 3

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