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Shane Gladwin



TenX! Design Cycle Report

Criterion A: Inquiring and analyzing
For this years Personal Project exhibition which is being hosted by us
the Grade 10 group, our theme and idea came from Ted X, which is an
non profit organization which pushes forwards Ideas Worth
Spreading. Thus the name TenX, this really goes well with our
Personal Project, which is basically us, putting forth our ideas and
creations and sharing it with other people.
As part of our Design project we had to come up with our own
creative, different layout plan, which would differ, from last years. We
also required a 3D model of the layout along with a poster and
invitation design. Our client Mr. Jordan would then pick these designs
and the picked designs will come through as the designs that get
Research Plan:

Research Question


What will I research?

What will help me

make an accurately

How will I get this information? (Primary


How will I get this Information?

(Secondary Source)


No primary sources.

websites, forums.

Why is this research important?

This research is the

most important
because this unit
revolves around the
skill to 3D model.

How is this information useful?

Because it will allow

me to pick the best
suitable software to
model my plan.

Shane Gladwin


What will I research?

How will I get this information? (Primary


How will I get this Information?

(Secondary Source)


Are there any new

ideas? Or does space
dictate design?

Rick (Ex-Student)

No Secondary

Why is this research important?

Because this will

show me how
important the actual
design is.

How is this information useful?

It will allow me to
figure out a way to
balance the space
given and be as
creative as possible.

What will I research?

What is a successful

How will I get this information? (Primary



How will I get this information?

(Secondary Source)


Websites on Success
on exhibitions and
what makes an
exhibition good.

Shane Gladwin


Why is this research important?

So I can plan for the


How is this information important?

To help me make our

exhibition better.

What will I research?

What is the value of

negative space?

How will I get this information? (Primary


How will I get this Information?

(Secondary Source)



Rick (Ex-student)

Forums, Websites on
Negative space

Why is this research important?

To understand the
importance of
negative space and
how it can
dramatically change
a layout.

How is this information useful?

So I can apply it to
my design.

What will I research?

Is it necessary to be
original to be

Shane Gladwin


How will I get this information? (Primary


How will I get this Information?

(Secondary Source)

Why is this research important?


Websites on
originality and
To figure out my
boundaries on how I
can be successful.

How is this information useful?

This can dictate

whether my design
needs to be 100%
original or not.

What will I research?

What is important in
making a floor plan?

How will I get this information? (Primary


How will I get this Information?

(Secondary Source)
Why is this research important?




Architectural forums,
So I know what to
include in my floor

Shane Gladwin


How is this information useful?

So I can use the

knowledge learnt
here to make my
floor plan good.

What will I research?

Is a floor plan really

necessary? Why?

How will I get this information? (Primary


How will I get this Information?

(Secondary Source)



David Heng

No secondary

Why is this research important?

To see whether what

im doing has an
impact or not.

How is this information useful?

I can alter the focus

I put on my designs
compared to other

What will I research?

How useful are

(posters, invitations)
in the creation of a
successful event.

Shane Gladwin


How will I get this information? (Primary


How will I get this Information?

(Secondary Source)


No primary sources.

Websites on
Advertisement and
how important they

Why is this research important?

To help me further
understand the need
and requirement of

How is this information useful?

So I can improve my

Research Questions
What tools will help me make an accurately measured
representation? (1) (Factual)
In order to create a detailed and effective plan one must start of with
a pretty detailed however not exactly a perfectly drawn floor plan.
Using a piece of graphing paper along with a team of measuring
people and the help of tape measures being along with measuring out
the walls and figuring out the length and width of the building/room.
Take note on wall sockets, and any different heights and
measurements in the room and use different shading/drawing
techniques to mark each of them differently and make sure to justify
those differently drawn places on a legend.
Once a fairly detailed floor plan is drawn its time to move on to the
creation of a 3D model. There is a variety of software out ther to
create your 3D model. Among the top 5 are:


Shane Gladwin



1. Archi CAD
2. Chief Architect
3. Punch Software
4. AutoCAD Architecture
5. Vectorworks Architecture
This is where considering the 3D aspect comes in handy. Measuring all
the 3D components of the room is key on creating an accurate model.
Therefore once you have the flat layout you must go and measure
continuously on the spot unless you have an effective way of writing
down 3D measurements such as height and depth of wall.
However, along with some other research I have found out that the
top 5 list does not include one of the easiest softwares to use which is
Google Sketchup.
Are there any new ideas? Or does space dictate design? (2)
According to my primary source Rick and ex-student at NISC, its the
new ideas that matter. Because thats what the space will be decided
upon, because with each design comes a different sense of space and
amount of space given.
In my opinion however its the space that dictates the design due to
the fact that if you have a sense of how much space you have to work
with you can easily alter your design to the space given rather than
having to worry about the space once you have already created the
What is a successful exhibition? (3) (Debatable)
Although most research out there focuses on Company Exhibits a lot
of the same rules apply to our Personal Project exhibition as well. One
of the major key points that most websites give as a tip is to present
your idea well. One of the main components of exhibitions are the
exhibits themselves. Without an interesting poster or display table to
display your product/idea nobody will be interested therefore causing
it to be boring. However, make it eye catching, cool looking and
catchy and you will attract lots of attention.
Another main point is speaking out your idea, if you have an idea and
youre at an exhibit you should be speaking. If not, then why are you
at an exhibit at the first place? Therefore make sure if you have to talk
to yourself in the mirror as that can help imitate someone having a
conversation with you.
Something else that I saw was that a lot of the websites state that you
should monitor your progress and analyze the way you and your stand
performed at the exhibit so that you can improve the next time you


Shane Gladwin



come back. This is essential in ensuring that you do a better job next
What is the value of negative space? (4) (Conceptual)
For this question yet again Rick was my Primary source. To him given
the fact having positive space also means negative space , negative
space refers to the empty parts of the layout. So the value of having
negative space is getting the necessary information and design in the
necessary spaces.
Along with that I think that if we are referring to negative space as
empty space it is important to have an equal balance between
positive and negative space to allow a good flow of movement. If
there is too little negative space, it tends to get congested and
cramped allowing for less movement. If there is too much then it
becomes boring.
Is it necessary to be original to be successful? (5)
It is essential to be original to be successful as this way you can
express your ideas to the fullest. Doing something twice might not
work because the same audience might come twice, this can cause it
to be boring and not worth the visit.
However sometimes using part of someones idea is perfectly
acceptable if they allow it. Sometimes ideas might be so great they
can be used twice and people might not get bored, however if the
same people come twice it might become boring and repetitive. As
this is a highly debatable question many answers can be made to
answer this however it all really depends on the situation.
What is important in making a floor plan? (6)
Many things are required in a floor plan, however for it to be effective
and understandable it needs to accurate and detailed. One of the
main things that will affect the readability of the floor plan are the
labels, therefore it is necessary to which includes a correct legend
which clearly states what each symbol/line is.
Another important part of a floor design is the way you draw, all lines
must use a ruler in order to ensure that the lines are clear and
Is a floor plan really necessary? (7)
According to my sources a floor plan is really important in order to be
efficient with time and space. If you create a floor plan it stops you
from having to think on the spot as everything is already planned out.


Shane Gladwin



Therefore a floor plan is really necessary, also you can also save time
and still be creative as you can make the plan beforehand and then
lay out the floor. However without a floor plan you would just be
rushing which would call for an un organized and thoughtful process.
How useful are visual advertisements in the creation of a
successful exhibition?
Advertisements are a way of putting your idea and product out there.
It is a form of sharing your product with the world and bringing
awareness to it. Advertising through means of electronics is by far the
most popular way of advertiseing in todays world. A person can cover
a wide audience through this mean. Over time, advertising through
the internet is getting more popular and it is the most viable platform
to date.
Existing Products
This is from a Jazz exhibit and it
features jazz music history and
technical songs. It offers more of a
variety of pictures rather than text.
This also includes more of a catchy
title and this means that it is more
eye catching and popping, This is
something I could use for my own
poster so that it becomes more

Many existing exhibits feature a

pretty generic design, which is a
poster with picures and information
on it. This allows the audience to
further understand your product.
Over here we see a brown board
which features a huge range of
pictures and text .


This is from a book

exhibit which feature
wooden boards which
are again used for
displaying your books
idea. However this
time it features less
pictures and more
text. Each stall is9
different and offers
different colors and

Shane Gladwin



Design Brief
So for this project I will be creating a 3D model of the library, which
includes a 3D floor plan. The model will be there as a layout which can
possibly be used for the actual exhibition. Along with that an Invitation
will be created and a poster to advertise the Personal Project
Exhibition in a creative way.

Criterion B: Developing Ideas

Design Specifications:
For Invitation and Poster
Design Specifications
IB Logo

IB logo to justify that we are an
IB school and this must be on all
invitations, posters and
Nord Anglia Logo to Justify that
we are part of the Nord Anglia
group and this must be on all
invitations, posters and
To Notify the Audience on what
time they should arrive.
A short description on whats
going to happen during the
To notify the audience on where
the event will be taking place.

Nord Anglia Logo

Event Time
Event Information

For Library Model

Design Specifications
Be sufficient to present
everybodys projects

Background poster to present


Must use adequate space to
include everyones project.

There must be some form of postr

which will showcase your idea

Shane Gladwin


along with your pictures.


Needs to have enough space for

visitors to walk from one project
to another

There must be enough walking


Stage must be of adequate size.

Needs to have a stage large
enough for performers/speakers

Needs electricity sockets for any

students that requires electricity
Uses tables from design class
and/or the cafeteria
Needs a chair for each student for
the purpose of resting
Needs to have refreshments for
parents and teachers
Refreshments need to be in an
easily accessible location

Must have electricity sockets with

extension cords

Students who really needs the

power sockets must be placed
nearer to the sockets
Adequate space must be
allocated for performances


Electricity sockets must come to

mind since a lot fot he students
are using computers.
Only a specific type of table
should be used such as the
Design room ones.
So that the students dont tire

To keep them hydrated and

energized for all the projects.
So that people can go to them
with ease.

So that people in the middle of

the room can access.

People who really need it should

be next to the wall with the
electricity sockets.

There should be enough space for

the performances.


Shane Gladwin


Table arrangement should be

fairly efficient and convenient


There should be enough space to

walk around without feeling too

The design that I have chosen is my last design. The reason being is
because it offers the most space out of all. Compared to the first and
second design there is lots of movement space around the middle or
the library where the refreshments were which makes it easily
accessible. Along with that the layout was completely different and
didnt look generic compared to the other two. It offered different
angles at which the tables were. Compared to the other 2 designs my
last design.
My chosen design can be found in the folder handed in along with the
Criterion C: Create
January 16th
January 18th
Janurary 18th

January 18th

January 22nd

January 22nd

January 23rd


Work on
Materials to
measure library
Measure all the
walls of the
library, draw
out on graph
Measure the
length and
depth of all the
Measure height
of room and
calculate total
area along with
width and
Take note of the
heights of the
Measure and
draw nonmoveable

90 minutes


10 minutes

Measuring Tape,
Ruler, Paper,
Measuring Tape,

45 minutes

30 minutes

Measuring Tape,

25 minutes

Measuring Tape

30 minutes

Measuring Tape,

30 minutes

Meausring Tape,
Pencil, Graph


Shane Gladwin
January 24th
January 25th
January 25th

January 26th

January 28th
February 1st
February 5th

Invitation and
Draw different
designs for floor
plan layout
Compare all the
designs to the
Receive 3D
model made by
Hwanjin and
make final
design in 3D
Send all designs
to Mr.Jordan to
Do floor plan
layout for
Do evaluate
and finish up


45 minutes


45 minutes

Pencil, paper

15 minnutes

Pencil, paper

30 minutes


10 minutes

Email, Laptop

1 hour


45 minutes


To create the poster I created a simple design which uses all the
premade components like the TenX logo along with a premade page

You want to start off with a blank A3 size

canvas. Rasterize the layer in order for you
to paint on it.



Shane Gladwin



Using the color selection boxes click on

them and enter all the same numbers in
their respective places on the CMYK and
RGB boxes.
You want to then
select the paint
bucket and paint the

After clicking the paint bucket you want to

use the paint bucket tool and click your
canvas so it changes color and ends up
like this. This will be your primary
background color.

Using the already made

TenX logo you want to put it
in the file and enlarge it until
it reaches the borders of the
canvas with some space
remaining on all sides.

Then on Google you can choose a page divider of choice

and use it. Since the top half of the page is already
occupied apply the page divider to the middle of the
bottom half. This is there to separate the information from
the students and Teachers

Then click on the space below

You then want to select the text tool and
and logo
the14 for
the font and size, for the first set of text
you want
font at
thing Bauhaus
as in the 93
36 sized font.

Shane Gladwin



You then want to go back to the editing section of the text tool and
change the font to the one above. Also at size 36 font.

Then right below the entire TenX

logo you can begin writing out the
student information, however begin
first by writing STUDENTS

You then want to include all the

necessary information such as
Time, Date and Venue along with
some additional brief information
on what is happening. Follow the
picture on the left.



Shane Gladwin



You then do the

same for the bottom
half except for
Teachers, Friends
and Staff.

And again
include the date,
time and venue
along with some
In the end your final product should look like



Shane Gladwin



For my final design I think overall that I did a good job in keeping a
theme and structuring out my poster giving and placing things
according to importance. For example I put the logo at the top, which
shows more importance, and since its the biggest thing on the poster
it will be the first thing that people will notice and that Is exactly what
I want to happen. However I think that I could have actually done a
better job in coming up with more creative ideas on the way I display
the information such as the time, date and venue along with the extra
brief information that I gave.
However after creating the model I realized that something essential
was missing and that was the IB Logo alogn with the Nord Anglia logo.
With both those thing being in my design specifications the exclusion
of these can affect the validity and use of my product which means
that it cannot actually be used for the real exhibition since it doesnt
meet all the design specification requirements.
For my invitation once again I tried to use the same theme as the
Poster. However this time the invitation was double sided.

You want to start off with a

blank canvas which is 15cm
by 9 cm.

Then go into the color selection box

and entire these respective numbers
into their own RGB and CMYK boxes.
Numbers are on the picture to the



Shane Gladwin



Then rasterize the background

layer and using the paint
bucket tool paint over the
canvas. Then end color should
be like this.

You then want to insert the TenX

logo and size it up so that there
is slight space between the
edges of the canvas and the logo
so then you can see the contrast
of the teal with the grey.


Then using the same size

canvas you want to make a
new file.



Shane Gladwin



Again using the color

selection tool select or input
the same numbers as shown
in the picture on the right.
Then using the paint bucket
tool paint the canvas in the
selected color.

Then go to the text tool and edit the font to Edwardian

Script ITC at size 31.36.

The canvas should be similar to

this color. Along with that the
text should placed just below
the top edge and it should say
the words You have been

Then you want to change the font to another one called Monotype
Corsiva at size 14.
Then you want to type out
the remaining necessary
information such as Date,
Venue and time along with
some brief information on
whats going to happen. It
should all be structured like
the text in the picture.


Once done you want

add a border onto the
edges of the canvas.

Shane Gladwin



The last picture should be how your final back of the invitation should
look like. However once again I have forgotten to put the IB logo along
with the Nord Anglia logo. Just like my poster this affects the use and
validity of my invitation making it unable to use in the actual
3D Model of Library
For this task we were given a 3D model which was made by one of our
friends. This really helped save time as the 3D modeling was quite
intensive and required a lot of thinking since a lot of mistakes were
made during the measurement session.

This was the 3D model given to all of us by Hwanjin

one of our classmates, it served as the basis for all of
our designs.

I began by selecting
one of the tables
already made and
copying and pasting
them. I used this table
for my entire table


Shane Gladwin



I then copy and pasted

that table all around the
library model creating a
simple floor plan.
Therfore follow the way
all the tables are placed
in the picture to the left.

Then using the pain bucket tool we will have

to color code each table in its respective
global context.

This picture shows where all the global contexts will be.
Yellow = Personal and Cultural expression
Black = Identities and Relationships
Red = Scientific and Technical innovation
Green = Globalization and Sustainability
Each side is somewhat separated so that it makes it easier
for the

final 3D model includes a legend which states all the global contexts
and which colour is which GC. Also it has labels for the Stage,
refreshments and where the speeches will be.
The Final product look like this:



Shane Gladwin



Criterion D: Evaluate
Graphs that monitor feedback for Student session in Personal Project

I believe that the reason that this is the result is due to the fact that
the setup was quite cramped in my opinion.



Shane Gladwin



These results show that our advertisements did work along with our
advertisements from the social media worked really well. I think that
this was one of our major strong points.

Although a majority of the people voted that the space was perfectly
fine a few said that there wasnt much space. This shows that our
planning out could have been better.


Shane Gladwin



In my opinion there was quite a balanced space between tables and

empty space. However we had to drastically change the table
arrangements right before the exhibition which meant we did
everything on the fly, however I am surprised that people actually
thought that the table arrangement was fine and most people enjoyed



Shane Gladwin



I completely understand the reason why, the entire class did the
posters at school which meant a lot of it was rushed and under
pressure. Thus the reason why it looked half finished.

Due to the fact that the posters werent to our fullest we werent able
to express our Global Context to your best ability which means that
we werent able to communicate and teach the audience about our
global context.



Shane Gladwin



I think that this is an acceptable answer because of the fact that this
exhibition wasnt perfect and it could have been better.

After seeing all the results and feedback the main strong point that
people noticed is that the display boards. It seemed to hold us back
the most in terms of people liking the exhibition so therefore
something that we could definitely do next time is be more creative in
the way we displayed our information and product.

Teachers, Friends and Parents:



Shane Gladwin



1). How would you rate the overal setup of this exhibition?


Surprisingly the parents gave much better responses compared to the

students as none of them said they were fairly poor.
2). How did you get to know about our exhibition?


Since a majority of the people here were parents of the children who
were displaying their personal projects it makes sense that most of
the people said that they got to know about this from a student.
3). Do you like the refreshment that we prepared?


The refreshements that we prepared for the teachers were the same
as every other exhibition or show that we have dont in the library,
therefore I think that they were ok however I believe that we could
have been much more different and creative with our foods.



Shane Gladwin



4). How is the venue of the exhibition?


5). Is the table arrangement well organized?


6). How is the decoration of the library? Has it reflected on the idea of the global contexts?


7). Was the exhibition helpful in enhancing your understanding of the global contexts?




Shane Gladwin



8). If the event were to be held again, would you want to participate in it?


9). Any suggestions or comments.

More introduction of global contexts at the beginning
Great Job!
Should stay in your booth, not walking around
Be more focus
It should be done at other grade levels as well
I like it!
The students need to be more prepared to welcome visitors.
Don't just stand for the visitors to go and get them.
Better to have more larger space
Good job but don't go away from your place a lot of time. Well
done!! :)
Really nice! :)
I love it. I wish I could come again.
Posters should be hung up around the premises to let people
know about the event & its attraction
Talk more about your project, not just wait for question, be
More focus on presentation boards? Boards are not as
impressive as projects they present.

I think overall that our grade did well in the planning for the personal
project exhibition because of the fact that we did actually put a lot of
thought into the process. Even though it might have been a bit last
minute we really came through as a team and without teamwork we
wouldnt have been able to pull it off. However there were some
setbacks that I think we could have done better at. After most of us
had completed our layout plans we were told that we were not able to
find normal display cardboard, which meant we had to use big wooden
boards. This meant that on the day our floor plan/ layout was
drastically changed. We had to think on the fly since the boards are


Shane Gladwin



Here are a few pictures from the exhibition of my table and me.

McCarley, Billy. "How to Calculate Building Materials." EHow. Demand
Media, 25 May 2009. Web. 9 Feb. 2015.

"Top 10 Architectural Design Software for Budding

Architects." VagueWarecom. 5 Feb. 2013. Web. 9 Feb. 2015.

"10 Floor Plan Mistakes And How To Avoid Them In Your

Home." Freshomecom 10 Floor Plan Mistakes And How To Avoid Them
In Your Home Comments. 21 Aug. 2013. Web. 9 Feb. 2015.

"Construction." HSC Online. Web. 9 Feb. 2015.




Shane Gladwin



"Fresh Business Thinking, Information, Advice, Ideas, Inspiration from

Practitioners." Fresh Business Thinking, Information, Advice, Ideas,
Inspiration from Practitioners. Web. 9 Feb. 2015.

"Importance Of Advertising." HubPages. Web. 9 Feb. 2015.


Self Assessment
- I gave myself a 4 because of the fact that I was not able to
provide a range of existing products and analyze them
efficiently. However I did construct a detailed research plan
and developed a solution
- I also gave myself a 4 for this because I do not think I gave
a range of feasible designs for my invitation and poster. I
also do not believe that I did a good job describing and
analyzing my designs for the layout.
- I gave myself a 5 because of the fact that I think I did a
good job describing my process and providing screenshots.
I also analyzed and evaluated my product well.
- I think that I did a good job analyzing the feedback from
both the parents and students. Along with that I did a good
job evaluating against my product and on the exhibition as
a whole.



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