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Juan Pablo Padilla Volpe

Partial I

Group 4


Language Abilities

I think animals have language abilities due to their ways of

communication. First of all, a language is a way of communication; it doesnt
have to be spoken communication to be a language. Having a language means
that a person can communicate with others, but not only with words, but
symbols and signs too. Secondly, animals, like I said before, have different
ways of communicating. Sometimes they do it to warn their specie, others to
know each other. Some animals, like dogs, smell themselves to know each
other; whales make sounds to know where they are. Finally animals may not be
speakers, but they think and have a different action to every cause as well as
humans do. Sometimes even better. They have a better warning system; theyre
more of a community than most people are. I think animals are not as smart as
we are, but they feel like we do and we can help each other by communicating.
In conclusion, animals have language abilities because they can transmit
messages and use symbols, signs and smells.

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