Government System Final

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System of



Chelsea Brost

The President:
Presidential elections by popular
vote are held in April, every 6
years. Presidential candidates
have the option of re-election.
The president selects a
Chancellor, but the chancellor
must be approved by the
coalition parties.

The Chancellor:
The Chancellor is basically the
head of the government,
however, he does not have
authority over the other cabinet
members. The chancellor also
advises the President on adding
or removing cabinet members.

The Coalition Parties

The coalition parties are political
parties that lobby for different
rights, groups and ideas. The
different parties are:
Alliance for the Future of Austria
Austrian People's Party
Communist Party of Austria

Freedom Party of Austria

The Greens
NEOS - The New Austria
Social Democratic Party of Austria
"Team Stronach for Austria"

The Cabinet members:

The Judicial Branch:

The judicial branch is comprised
of Constitutional Court,
Administrative Court and the
Supreme Court. Justices are
appointed by President and

The cabinet members are

composed of the Federal
Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor,
and the other Federal Ministers.
The cabinet members are
entrusted with the highest
administrative duties of the
Republic of Austria.

The Legislative Branch:

The legislative branch is a
bicameral Federal Assembly. The
branch is composed of 2
sections. First, the Fedral Council
or Bundesrat, in which each
state is given 3-12 seats based
on population. The second
section, the National Council or
Nationalrat with 183 seats in
which members are elected by
popular vote.

Austrian President Heinz Fischer,

elected in 2004

Chancellor Werner Faymann,

selected in December of 2008

AUSTRIA | Issue #

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