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This is a project about my best friends in Berlin whom Ive known for 3 years.

have given seminars to them about cinema and I realized that the more I explain
them, the more they ask me. After those seminars, we got close friends with
them and learnt many things about each other. I, as an immigrant from Bulgaria
to Turkey, was impressed by their stories and the way they live their lives.
Especially Rafet is a big inspiration for me and I believe that everyone has
something to learn from him.

I never want to make a documentary film full of talking heads. Stylistically, the
film looks more like a docu-drama that is neither a documentary nor a drama film.
As it captures not not only the presents but also the pasts and the futures of the
characters, I needed to use a different aesthetic. For pasts, I used the voice-over
from the interviews over some symbolic shots that might be seen as fictional
while the presents and the futures are like pure live-shots without any special

The film is not only important to mirror those lives of immigrants and criticize the
idea of family in modern world but also it is an important example of a creative
documentary. It is about those immigrant workers who came to Berlin for some
reasons (economical and politic) but they have changed a lot with the help of
I have a master degree in film but I can easily say that those 4 men have more
knowledge in sociology, philosophy, politics and psychology than I have. And
Rafet is not only a teacher for them (also for me), but everything: an bermensch
(over-person), an idol, a father, a teacher or just an old crippled man.

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