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University of Utah, Department of Special Education: Lesson Plan

Content Area:

Beginning Reading
Date: 10/21/14

Core Standard:

Reading: Foundational Skills: Standard 2d:

Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-toone letter-sound correspondences by
producing the primary sound or many of
the most frequent sounds for each

Grade level:


Instructor Name:

Jessica Twombly

Instructional Objective:
Students will understand the relationship
between letters and sounds for the letter F
Students will be able to see a word, slowly say
each sound in the word, and then say it

Behavioral Objective:
Follow Directions the first time.
Participate in learning.
Do your Best!

Content (concepts, information, skills,

new vocab, etc.):
-letter-sound correspondence practicing the
relationship between letters and the sounds
they make
-letter-sound for the letter F
-sounding out strategy with words with all the
letters they have learned (a, m, t, s, i)

Instructional Materials Needed:

Smartboard and marker
Word List

Reading: Foundational Skills: Standard 3a:

Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial
vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in
three-phoneme (consonant-vowelconsonant, or CVC) words.1 (This does not
include CVCs ending with /l/, /r/, or /x/.)
IEP Goal:
By 12/12/14, students will identify 20 correct
phonemes on the DIBLES phoneme
segmentation fluency on 3 out of 4 trials.
By 12/12/14, students will read 17 correct
letter sounds on the DIBLES nonsense word
fluency on 3 out of 4 trials.
1. Get students attention
2. Behavior expectations
3. State instructional
4. Review behavior
5. Instruction
a. Model
b. Guided Practice and
Group Practice
c. Independent practice
d. Error Correction
6. Wrap up

Teachers Role/What Im doing:

1. I say, Eyes on the board
2. Remember, we expect all students to follow directs, participate, and do our
3. Today we are going to practice a new letter. The letter is F. What letter
class? We are also going to practice reading some words that have the letters we
have practice. Lets review those letters.
4. What letter is this? (point to the letter A on the board) What sound does it
make? What letter is this? (point to the letter M) What sound does M make?
What letter is this? (point to the letter T on the board) What sound does T make?
What letter is this? (point to the letter S) What sound does S make? What letter
is this? (point to the letter I on the board) What sound does I make? Great job!
This class is AMAZING!
5. Our new letter today is F! What letter class?
a. The letter F says /ffff/.

Students Role/What
theyre doing:
1. Respond, Eyes on the
board and put their eyes on
the white board
2. Chant response, Do our
3. Students respond, F!
4. Respond: A, /a/ short
sound, M, /mmm/, T,
/t/, S, /sss/, I, /iii/
Choral response AMAZ-ING!
5. Choral response, F
a. /ffff/
b. /ffff/

a. Review key concepts/

Check for
b. Review objectives
c. Clean up


b. What sound class? Good /fff/. Again, what sound does F make class?
Good, /ffff/!
c. Lets practice individually. I am going to pull someones name out of the
popsicle stick jar. What sound does F make?
d. Error Correction When a kid says /th/ or /sh/ or the wrong sound, I will
say, close, /fff/. Lets try it together. What sound? /fff/. Good. Your turn.
What sound does F make?
e. More individual practice. The letters F, T, S, M, A, I are written on the
board in a scattered order. (Discrimination format) As a class, say the
sound as I point to it.
a. What sound? F
b. What sound? A
c. What sound? F
d. What sound? T
e. What sound? M
f. What sound? F
g. What sound? S
h. What sound? M
i. What sound? I
j. What sound? F
k. Etc. until mastery
6. Lets practice reading some words with these letters in them. We are going to
sound out the word but saying the sounds of each letter. When my finger is
under the letter, we say that sound. Then we will say the word fast.
a. Watch me first. aaaammmm. am
b. Try it with me. Get ready. aaaaammmm ( I am signaling by touching
under each letter) am (I signal by sliding my finger under the word fast)
c. Your turn. Get ready aaaaammmm ( I am signaling by touching under
each letter) am
d. Popsicle sticks. I am going to call on individuals to read this word.
e. Error correction. Close, watch me. aaaaaammmm, am. Try it with me
aaaaaammmm, am. Your turn. aaaaaammmm, am.
f. Word List. We will continue this instruction with the following words.
a. Am
b. If
c. Sam
d. It
e. Miss
f. Fat
g. Mat
h. fit
i. sat
j. sit
7. Review: What is this letter class? As loud as you can, WHAT LETTER? What
sound does it make? What letter is this class? What sound does it make? (assess
for understanding here and go through all of the letters and sounds) Read the
words as a class, What word? (go through the whole list while assessing for
understanding and taking note of which words/sounds tricked the students) .
Reinforcement Procedures:

c. /fff/ Five kids

d. corrects error /fff/, /fff/
e. /fff/ /aaa/ /fff/ /t/ /mmm/
/fff/ /sss/ /mmm/ /iii/ /fff/ etc.
6. Eyes are on me as I give
a. Eyes are on me as I model
the word am
b. choral response
aaaammm, am
c. choral response
aaaammm, am
d. individual aaaammm,
e. Responses with me then
individual to correct errors.
7. f, F!, /fff/,

Follow-up Activities:

If children are struggling to
sound out the words, we will
model the sounding out
strategy for each word in the
word list, until mastery.

Praising the students as a large class

and individually when they get it right
and do their best work!
This class is amazing! AMAZ-ING!
Way to go Bobby, Way to go Bobby,
way to goclap, clap!

Pre: During review, I will assess that all

the students know the five previously
taught letters (s, i, m, t, a).
During: During choral responses, I will
be observing the students to see who
is hesitating, making errors, or lost.
Individual responses will show me if
the students know the
sounds/sounding out strategy.
Post: Before students leave class, I will
ask them a question at the door and
they will have to answer. What is the
sound for F? What is the sound for A?

Next letter will be D.

Throughout assessment,
identified which sounds/words
tricked the kids and revisit
that in the next lesson.

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