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Thien Dai Vo - 21024801

EDUC5464 ICT curriculum

Instruction on logo graphic design

Step 1:
Firstly, you will need to open Adobe Illustrator and by clicking on the shortcut on your desktop

or from the start button.

, and an Illustrator window will

open before you (it may take a while to load!).

Step 2:
Then, you will open up a new document. Go to File > New (or use shortcut Ctrl + N).
A New Document setting window will pop up and name your document as logo design
exercise, use default setting and click OK.

Step 3:
Next, you will want to use the type tool by
clicking on the

sign located on the toolbar

on the left of your Illustrator window or press

T key on your keyboard to activate this tool.

Step 4:
Draw a large textbox in the middle for your paper by placing the mouse where you want the top left corner
of the textbox to be and holding down the left click while dragging the mouse to adjust the size of the
textbox. When you are happy with the size, release the left click.

Step 5:
Now that you have your textbox, you can type in the word in the logo Woohoo.

Thien Dai Vo - 21024801

EDUC5464 ICT curriculum

Step 6:
Once finish typing, you can format the text by firstly selecting the
text using direct select tool

on the toolbar. Then click on

Character option on the dock under the menu bar and a drop down
option will appear.
You will want to change the font to Comic Sans MS by either
typing in the name of font or choosing from the drop down. Then
you can change the size of the text from 12pt to 120pt in the option
and bold the text by selecting from the font style. And your
text should be like this!

Step 7:
Next, you will want to change the Stroke of your text. Start with bringing up the
Stroke Palette by going to Window > Stroke or Ctrl + F10.
Then you can select your text and change the stroke weight to 7pt. Next, deselect the
whole text and use the type tool, select single letter at a time and
change the colour of the stroke with white filling by selecting the
colour options on the dock.

Step 8:
Next, you can rotate the letters using the Touch Type Tool in Illustrator.
Press and hold the type tool on the toolbar and a drop down appear and
choose Touch Type Tool or alternatively use shortcut Shift + T.

Thien Dai Vo - 21024801

Now you can click on any letter and start moving or

EDUC5464 ICT curriculum

rotating them to organize them the way you want as below.

Step 9:
Next, you will use the pen tool to make the exclamation mark (mouth). Click on the pen tool

on the

toolbar. Then click where you want the mouth to be, move across the width and then hold the left click to
adjust the curve of the upper lip. Then move the mouse back to the first anchor point, left click and hold to
draw the lower lip similarly.

Step 10:
Change the colour of the mouth to yellow stroke with white
filling. Next you can create offset path for the mouth. While
selecting the mouth, go to Object > Path > Offset Path. Set offset
to be 3 mm and Round Joint. Change the filling of the offset to
yellow, select the mouth and adjust slightly using the arrow keys.

Step 11:
Then, you should name the layers for future convenience. Go to
Window > Layers or shortcut F7. Click on the mouth, name mouth,
then the offset will be named mouth offset.
Step 12:
Now you will use the eclipses tool on the toolbar to draw the eyes and the other
of the exclamation mark (dot). Draw a small black circle that will fit into the
letter o, use select tool and make 3 copies of it by pressing Alt and drag the shape with
your mouse. Move the circles in to their places, and remember to name the eyes layers.

Thien Dai Vo - 21024801

EDUC5464 ICT curriculum

Step 13:
Use the eclipse tool and draw another circle for the dot of the exclamation
mark with white filling and purple stroke, make an offset path and position it
next to the mouth. And name the layer dot and dot offset.

Step 14:
Now for the finishing touch, draw a textbox underneath the logo, type Woohoo! Toy Shop, choose Cooper
Std Black, size 48pt, and change the colour to navy blue. Name the layer as title.

Step 15:
Finally, dont forget to save your logo design. Go to File > Save. If you want to export you work as a JPG or
PNG file you can do so by going to File > Export and choose the type of file you want it to be at Save as
type drop down options. And here is what you should get!


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