Gallery: Sky & Telescope April 1997 116

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This months Gallery highlights the

work of astrophotographer George
Greaney of Las Vegas, Nevada. An
anesthesiologist by profession, Greaney is shown above at Oak Springs
Summit near Caliente, Nevada, with
his 6-inch f/7 Astro-Physics EDF refractor and 3-inch guidescope. The
entire setup is mounted on a Byers
Series II equatorial head and a custom-made heavy-duty tripod.
Upper right: IC 1848 (left) and IC
1805 in Cassiopeia taken with a 300millimeter f/2.8 lens and Lumicon
hydrogen-alpha filter. This nearly 5wide field is a two-hour exposure on
gas-hypered Kodak Technical Pan
2415 film. North is up in all images.
Right: The emission nebula Sharpless 2-302 in Puppis has a prominent
dark lane. To its upper left is a small,
round patch of nebulosity called van
den Bergh 97, with a 10th-magnitude star embedded in it. Greaney
boosted the images contrast and
color saturation using a three-step
darkroom process that began with
a pair of one-hour exposures taken
with a Celestron C14 telescope at f/7
and hypered Fujicolor Super HG 400
film. The field is about 0.4 wide.

116 Sky & Telescope April 1997

1997 Sky Publishing Corp. All rights reserved.

Left: Situated 7
northeast of Sirius
is IC 2177, a vast
(H II) complex that
stretches 2 across
the Canis Major
Monoceros border.
The bright nebula
at the southern
(bottom) end is
Cederblad 90, while
the one above center and crossed by
a prominent dark
lane is van den
Bergh 93. This composite, made from
two 60-minute exposures using the 6inch Astro-Physics
refractor and hypered 120-format
Fujicolor Super HG
400, was enhanced
in the darkroom.
The field is 2 wide.

Right: Antares (Alpha Scorpii) and its environs. This

3-wide field shows the stars brilliant orange light reflected off IC 4606. The globular cluster toward lower
right is M4, while the smaller one just to the upper
right of Antares is NGC 6144. The bright star at the
frames upper right is Sigma Scorpii, enveloped by the
Sharpless 2-9 nebula. At upper left is 22 Scorpii, surrounded by IC 4605. Greaney used the same setup, exposure, and techniques as for IC 2177.
1997 Sky Publishing Corp. All rights reserved.

April 1997 Sky & Telescope 117

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