Task 2-2

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2 - Roles and responsibilities of the teacher

Teacher roles and responsibilities.

Examples that your teacher may do:
Sign in and out

Attend the morning assembly

Deal with attendance issue

Do bus duty

Meet with parents/guardians

Deal with disruptive behavior

Lesson preparation

Playground/break duty

Deal with administration

Attend a meeting

Mark work

Plan with colleagues

Tidy up the classroom

Take learners to other classes

Class teaching
Other ideas:

Reading story

Doing some worksheets

Watch a movie

Your teachers real roles and

responsibilities throughout the day




Meet with guardians

Said the national anthem
Does attendance
Take a picture of the kids
Class teaching
Take learners to other classes
Mark work
Break duty
Watching movie with the learners
Reading story
Does some worksheets
Take learners to the music class
Watch a short movie with the kids
Meet with parents
Attend a meeting

Did the teacher do anything not on the checklists? Yes.

Please change duties depending on your school


Write a summary of your teachers roles and responsibilities during the

day and what you did to help her in the different activities.

In the early morning the learners came and Ms.Aparna said hello to them and their

guardians, then the kids sang the national anthem after that Ms.Aparna took the attendance.
After that she start teaching them for a 15 minutes, then I helped her to take the students to
another class because they had an activities in the auditorium. When the events finished
Ms.Aparna start to mark the work while she was doing that I played with the kids then they eat
their snacks. After, Ms.Aparna watch them a movie then she read for them a story and she
HCT Bachelor of Applied Science EDUCATION /jl

gives them some worksheets to do it, and it was how to match the letter with the picture so I
helped them with that I was responsible of one group. At 11:10 am, Ms.Belinda and me took
the learners to the music class then I stay with them until they finish. After that we came back
to the classroom and Ms.Aparna show them another movie before they went home she met
their parents then she attend a meeting.

Put the roles and responsibilities in order of what you feel is the most
important job your teacher has to the least important one. Explain your
reasoning for this.

I think the most important role for the teacher keeping the kids in a good manners
always because this will be inside the students always, but the least important is show
the kids learning movies because I think that playing and reading stories is more
important and well help the student to learn better.

Which role or responsibility do you think you will do well at? Why? Playing
with the kids because I think that learners can learn more in this way.

Which roles will be difficult for you? Why? Keep the kids in quite always, I think its
difficult because not all the kids are the same also some of them are stubborn.

Also think in terms of teachers roles and responsibilities

What surprised you?

- The teacher eats her snack at the class with the learners.

What shocked you?

- The kids go to the toilet by their own self without any helping with the teacher or the

What delighted you?

HCT Bachelor of Applied Science EDUCATION /jl

- The teacher plays with the kids sometimes she doesnt let them play alone all the time.

Any other things you thought about while you were completing this task.
(Maybe you thought things like, Wow! A teacher sure has to do a lot of things during
the day. Or, I wonder how s/he manages to do so much every day.)

- The teacher have to eyes and two hand but her role in the class shows that she have a
million hands and a million eyes.

Ask your MST about the roles s/he prefers the most. Find out why. Are there any s/he
does not like to do that much?

- A role she prefers? Setting with the kids because she can tell them the wrong and know what
they are following.

- A role she hates? Correct them when they do something wrong.

HCT Bachelor of Applied Science EDUCATION /jl

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