Comparative and Superlatives

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1) tall

2) fast
3) 12) intelligent

4) strong

6) bad
7) lazy

5) good

8) busy

9) fat

10) young
11) dangerous

Look at the pictures and make sentences using the adjectives in

the correct comparative or superlative form:
1. The giraffe is . the dog.
2. The cheetah .. in the world.
3. The boy ... the little girl.
4. The .. boy.
5. This is ... singer I have ever heard.
6. Tom player in the team.
7. The white dog the brown dog.
8. The man .... the boy.
9. The clown in blue . the clown in green.
10. The alligators the gorilla.
11. Climbing . fishing.
12. Peter is in my class.

Fill in the chart:

Irregular adjectives

Long adjectives

Short Adjectives

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