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Thomas Anderson

E-ma il: thoma s.@thecompa

Website: http://cvma

Phone: (123) 456 78 9

(456) 78 9 123
956, 31st Street, NYC - 10 0 0 1, United Sta tes

Seeking a position a s a n a ccounta nt where extensive experience will be further developed a nd utilised. Extensive
experience to the credit.

MyOffice Inc, Boston

Oct 2005 Present

Administra tor
Performed genera l office duties a nd a dministra tive ta sks.
Prepa red weekly confidentia l sa les reports for presenta tion to ma na gement.
Ma na ged the interna l a nd externa l ma il functions.
Provided telephone support.
Scheduled client a ppointments a nd ma inta ined up-to-da te confidentia l client files.

DC Systems, DC

Mar 2003 Jun 2005

Accounting Assista nt
Administered online ba nking functions.
Reduced credit period from 90 da ys to 60 da ys.
Ma na ged pa yroll function for 140 employees.
Monitored a nd recorded compa ny expenses.

Nucleus Band Corp, Boston

Jan 2002 Jan 2003

Accounting Assista nt
Performed a ccounts pa ya ble functions for construction expenses.
Ma na ged vendor a ccounts, genera ting weekly on dema nd cheques.
Ma na ged fina ncia l depa rtments with responsibility for Budgets, Foreca sting, Pa yroll, Accounts Pa ya ble a nd Receiva ble.
Crea ted budgets a nd foreca sts for the ma na gement group.

Certified Public Accounta nt (CPA)
Certified Ma na gement Accounta nt (CMA)
Certified Fina ncia l Ma na ger (CFM)
Certified Fra ud Exa miner (CFE)
Certified Fina ncia l Pla nner (CFP)

Thom as Anderson

Certified Interna l Auditor (CIA)

Enrolled Agent (EA)
Certified Government Fina ncia l Ma na ger (CGFM)

MS in Accounting

Sep 1997 Sep 2001

University of Wa shington
Obta ined the MS degree summa cum la ude, with GPA 4.0

BS in Accounting

Sep 1993 Sep 1996

Columbia University

BS in Computer Science

Sep 1989 Sep 1992

Columbia University

Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook Express, Microsoft Windows XP a nd Microsoft Office XP Professiona l

References a va ila ble upon request.

Thom as Anderson

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