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Michigans oldest college newspaper

Vol. 138 Issue 20 - 26 March 2015

Residents skeptical of May

road funding proposal
Macaela Bennett
City News Editor
The complexity of the Michigan road funding ballot proposal
deters many from wanting to vote
said at a town hall Monday.
Michigan state Sen. Mike
Shirkey and Rep. Eric Leutheuser
held the town hall at the Perennial
Park Senior Center to inform local residents about the ballot proposal that will be voted on in May.
At this time, they are two of only
a few members of the state legislature holding meetings to explain
the bill.
Its a simple reason were
here, Leutheuser told approximately 100 attendees. Our roads
are bad.
If the proposal passes in May,
about $1.2 billion more will go
toward Michigan transportation
annually, according to predictions
Transportation. By 2018, about
$7 million of that will go toward
The proposal includes getting rid of Michigans sales tax
on fuel and replacing the current
ing 14.9 percent of fuels wholesale price. For example, when gas
costs $2.40 per gallon, motorists
will pay about 10 cents more per
gallon under the proposed tax
system, according to a report published this month by the Citizens
Research Council of Michigan.
Because the proposed tax is a
wholesale cost, its added cost to
consumers will depend on that
price. Leutheuser emphasized
that the tax includes a ceiling and
tuate within that band and wont
change dramatically if the price of
fuel spikes or dips.
Also under the ballot proposal,
the state sales tax, which excludes
food and drugs, will rise from 6 to
7 percent, and car registration fees
will increase.
All of the money raised from
the fuel tax will go toward transportation, and the sales tax will
go into the states General Fund,
School Aid Fund, and revenue
sharing to local governments.
Under the proposed tax syssdale County receives from the
state for road work every year
would increase by almost 70
County Road Commission Manager Stan Clingerman.

receives about $1.4 million per

year, but this number would increase to approximately $7 milproposal passes.
Most said they agreed with the
need to raise money for transportation costs, but didnt like the extras, like $300 million for schools
and $100 million for state revenue
We had to add the Christmas
ornaments of general funding
and school funding, because otherwise we couldnt get enough
votes for the proposal, Shirkey
told concerned residents.
Although both Shirkey and
Leutheuser admitted the proposal
ing Michigans roads, they said
there is no simpler alternative that
could garner enough votes for
Michigans legislature to pass it.
Unfortunately, the ugliness of
politics cant be separated, Shirkey said.
Professor of Political Economy Gary Wolfram, who attended
the town hall, said the ballot proposal does not have strong support right now, largely because
its a complex bill.
If you just had a simple increase for funding the roads, it
would pass, Wolfram said. But
peoples instinct if its too complicated is to say no.
skeptical when its complicated,
Leutheuser said. But this would
be adding millions to the county
on an ongoing basis.
Clingerman added this proposal is likely the last best chance to
do something for our roads.
said he is in favor of raising revenue for road improvements, but
is not convinced this proposal is
worth voting for.
Shirkey told attendees Monday that because he voted to put
the proposal on the May ballot, he
will vote for it. Leutheuser, who
was elected to the legislature after
the proposal was added, declined
to comment about his voting
Sessions said the town hall explained the intricacies of the ballot proposal well, and he plans to
vote for it in May.
We need to do something,
and this is a start, Sessions said.

See Infographic A6

Tower Dancers have a dress rehearsal for their concert this weekend. See B1 for full story.

(Anders Kiledal/Collegian)

Tocco seeks to inspire, fund campus groups

Evan Carter
Web Editor
Tocco will speak in Markel Auditorium on important prose poetry he has come across in his life
in a presentation called Prose,
Poetry, and Psalms to Live By.
Like Toccos speech last year,
Greek houses, sports teams, and
campus groups will have the opportunity to earn money based
on the percentage of group attendance at the event.
Tocco said he hopes that
students can take the poems he
recites, which he described as
modern classics, and live by the
ideas within the poems.
eryone who comes to this event
like that, Tocco said. These
are tools and ideas that will help
you deal with the vicissitudes of
portance of exploring different
sources of wisdom can be seen in
the habits of successful people.
The farther up the ladder you
ple in high leadership capacity
are those that have investigated
and understand the dynamics
of the many, many avenues for
achievement, he said.
Tocco said he has been memorizing poems that impact him
since he was an early teenager.

I just memorize. These are

what I live by, Tocco said.
Anytime in life I come by
something that is moving to me,
that I think has worth and enduring value, I memorize it.
Tocco emphasizes the importance of giving back, and said
people should give back as soon
in a number of youth leadership
organizations, and has been in13 years.
In addition to his involvement
in philanthropy or motivational
speaking, Tocco is the owner
of a private national marketing
company that helps big industrial companies build factories in
the United States, Canada, and
art and writing poetry in his free
Although he has many obligations, Tocco always makes time
My busy schedule is so I can
make money so I can donate it to
this place, Tocco said.
sdale in 2002 when he read Imhe called the college and asked
to speak with the president, who
at the time he didnt know was
Larry Arnn.
I knew Id never get a call
back if I didnt offer to donate
money, Tocco said.
Tocco soon got a call from
Arnn. Tocco knew he wanted to

chose to give back was different

For 10 years, Tocco challenged the members of Greek
houses and student athletes to
athletic competitions in basketball, football, baseball, and tennis. Tocco had a winning record
in the Tocco Challenge, winning
seven out of 10 competitions.
After the 10th Tocco Challenge, Tocco and the school administration decided to retire the
event and last year, Tocco delivered a speech instead.
I did 10 challenges, and you
might have noticed Im not getting younger, Tocco said.
Last semester, Tocco approached the college to speak
again. Tocco is passionate about
spreading his knowledge with
students, so in order to get more
students at events, he has again
offered cash incentives.
groups to earn money in this
Tocco prefers to give money
in a way that will give the organizations useful information instead of just giving them a check.
Everybody wins. Nobody is
left out of this deal, Tocco said.
Its not going to fund every organization, but it will help.
When Tocco gave his speech
last winter, all of the seats in

and students had to sit in the

aisles. This year, since Phillips
is under construction, the event
will be held in the larger Markel
Toccos speech last year, and
plans to attend this year, is Chi
Omega Sorority.
Chi Omega is really thankful for his gift. It was really awesome, President of Chi Omega
Sorority Sophia Coyne-Kosnak
erous person.
members said they also appreciated last years speech and benthe fraternity.
I thought it was great. I
thought he gave an inspiring
ard Caster said. We are incredibly grateful because we use the
money for leadership training
In addition to using their
money to pay for leadership
from Tocco to set up the Tocco

the fraternitys yearly retreat.

dale and supporting its students

as well as its message is crucial.
important college in the nation.
This is how we will survive,
by being excellent, Tocco said.

Alumna publishes second book

Elizabeth Genovise, author of Where

There Are Two or More. (Courtesy of
Elizabeth Genovise)

Breana Noble
Collegian Reporter
Even in college, Elizabeth Genovise 06
loved literature, Associate Professor of English Justin Jackson said.
Today, Genovise writes her own short stories. She celebrated the publishing of her second book, Where There Are Two or More,

We were walking with several students,

and they were asking, What literature do you
like? Jackson said. I said British literature.
She said American literature. I said, Oh, you
mean American writing. I dont really think
theres American literature. She said, American literature is just as good as British literature. I laughed, Lets play a game. Ill name
really good British authors, and you respond
with really good American authors, and lets
see who wins. Im thinking its a rigged
game, so I thought Id be funny. I started off,
Shakespeare, thinking were just going to
end the debate with Shakespeare.
I dont think I got the eare of Shakespeare out of my mouth when she said Mark
Twain. She was deadly serious. She had her
eye toward American literature. It was really
wonderful to see that she was willing to put
forth an argument that Twain was every bit as
good as Shakespeare.
Now, Genovise is writing her own American literature.
which was published last year, Where There
Are Two or More is a compilation of short
tion, Associate Professor of English John
Somerville said. Its especially nice to see
how shes progressed as a writer over the
years. Im eager now to see her newer stories.

While the characters in her latest book

range from children to elders and live far different lives than one another, their stories all
take place in East Tennessee where Genovise herself has resided for the past six years.
Where I live is near the Smoky Mountains, the national park, Genovise said. I
strongly relate to place, so setting is really
important to me. A lot of my characters have
really powerful connections with setting, with
Where There Are Two or More is a
when a young child, Genovise said, botches
Matthew 28:20: And surely I am with you
always, to the very end of the age.
Its really representative of what happens in these stories because people connect
to each other and rescue each other to grow
or be more dynamic, Genovise said. I hope
they recognize some universal truth. All of
my endings have ambiguous endings so that
these characters may be redeemed in some
Genovise used what she learned from pubone.
It was a little bit easier, Genovise said.
I was able to get more material out there. My

See Genovise A2

Junior Toms Valle and senior Devin Creed present

their papers at the first LIT conference. See story on
A3. (Andrew Egger/Collegian)


perform with both faculty and

student choreography B1

Coldwater drive-in opens this


Baseball wins home opener

Connor Bartlett and Chris Mc-

No more computer science

With the retirement of Rein
Zeller, associate professor of
computation and computer science, computer science ends at
Tower Dancers

down Albion 8-2. A8

Laughing for therapy

Students do stand-up comedy
(Anders Kiledal/Collegian)

ater. B4

No-go for the chapel

the campus should not have a
chapel. A5

Night at the Museum 3. A6

(Anders Kiledal/Collegian)

City News................................A6

Check out articles online at


A2 26 March 2015

Grosso speaks on interaction of Polanyi, Christianity

Kelsey Drapkin
Senior Reporter

Andrew Grosso, a professor

from the Nashotah House Theological Seminary in Wisconsin,
delivered a lecture on the connection between Michael Polanyis philosophies and Christianity in Dow A&B on Tuesday.
Grosso is research professor
of philosophical and systematic theology and associate dean
for academic affairs at Nashotah House. His lecture, entitled
Help My Unbelief: Michael Polanyi and the Challenge of Faith
in the Modern World, drew a
crowd of approximately 60 students and faculty.
The small group of students,
who took Professor of Education
Jon Fennells seminar on Polanyi
last semester, became interested
in furthering their study and an-

Leader of
the Month

swering questions they developed throughout the course.

We all really became fascinated by the relationship between Polanyis philosophy and
his own thought, his own life,
and the things he had to say
about Christianity, said senior
Matt OSullivan, who took Fennells seminar last fall. That
question came up both inside
and outside the classroom a lot.
OSullivan and senior Mike
Pope worked with Fennell to
bring an expert to campus, and
chose Grosso for his enthusiasm.
It was born out of student
interest, and then with Dr. Fensomeone who has already done
some scholarly research on the
topic, OSullivan said. Grossos excitement was a big selling
Grosso said he was impressed
with how many people on campus are serious about the study

ies as there are here, Grosso

said. Theres a dedicated group
here that I think has a very good
handle on what Polanyi was doing and a very good understanding of how his thought relates
to streams of contemporary
thought. It was wonderful to be
able to engage with people who
are familiar with him in more
than just a passing way.
Grosso wrote an entirely orig-

Andrew Grosso, Assistant Professor of Philosophy Lee

Cole, and Professor of Religion Don Westblade discuss
Michael Polanyi. (Kelsey Drapkin/Collegian)
of Polanyi. During a lunch with
students, he was able to discuss
aspects of Polanyi that are typically studied by serious scholars
rather than merely curious stu-

I dont think Ive ever encountered another institution
where there are this many people as invested in Polanyi stud-

Ugandan missionaries to speak today in Lane

Morgan Delp

Hillsdales history department will

host Uganda missionaries Prince Sabena
and his wife, Heidi Walberg Sabena, today at 11 a.m. in Lane 235B. The couple
a native Ugandan and the daughter
of Congressman Tim Walberg will
speak to Visiting Professor of History
David Rawsons History of Africa class,
and anyone else who is interested in attending.
I felt that it was important to think
about African history in terms of whats
happening there right now, and the best
doing things, Rawson said.

Sabena and his wife are home on a

year-long leave in the United States,
where they got married and traveled the
country to connect with supporters of
their ministry. They will return to Uganda
next month.
Prince Sabena said he aims to enlighten students on a holistic picture of modern Africa.
We try to give a picture of what Africa looks like in a more holistic sense,
what is it from what you might see in the
media, from a religious perspective, economic perspective, he said. Our goal is
to give people interested in Africa a better view of Africa, and the process of the
main issues of Africa.
Prince met his wife while she was
doing missionary work at the college at
which he was a student Bible study lead-

er. Today, Heidi continues ministry work

as she teaches classes in the Sabena home
to college-aged students and young professionals about a faith-based life. Prince
Sabena works as the managing director at
Trinity Tours and Travel.
a way to mentor and train young Ugandans in skills, and its a way to employ
them and show them how to live responsible, fruitful lives in their community,
Prince Sabena explained.
Prince Sabena also partners with
Spring Arbor University, at which Rawson is a professor, to allow students to
study in Africa for two weeks every year.
Theyre able to get a better awareness of Africa, Sabena said. Its also
good for our people in Uganda to learn
the culture in the eyes of the students. It

Rocking out for the

Renaissance School

(Courtesy of Antoni Germano)

Jordan Finney
Collegian Freelancer

Senior Antoni Germano was

selected as the Omicron Delta
Kappa leadership honorarys
Leader of the Month for March.
When I read the email I was
just kind of shocked. It felt good
and Im very happy because everyone that has been picked and
everyone I know that is in ODK
are great leaders on campus,
Germano said. Those people
are all people that I look up to
since I was a freshman they
have made waves on campus.
Its really an honor to be recognized by them.
A politics major with a double minor in religion and economics, Germano is the member
development chair and former
new member educator for Delta
Tau Delta Fraternity. He is also
the head residence assistant at
Galloway Residence, and an active member of the Catholic Society and Students for Life.
Antoni really stood out to
us as someone who genuinely
cared about other people around
him. He goes above and beyond
his basic commitments as a
leader, ODK secretary Savannah Tibbetts said. For example,
not every RA has to have late
night conversations with friends
in the hall but hes the type of
person who will do that anyway.
Thats what a leader is: someone
who goes above and beyond to
encourage people and better
people around him.

for this lecture, drawing upon

previous research and inquiries
from a book and other papers he
has written.
The best thing about his paper was how much it opened,
Professor of Philosophy and Culture Peter Blum said. It didnt
so much solve a lot of problems
as open and set a framework for
a whole bunch of questions that I
think are really important to discuss.
The lecture was done in the

style of an academic conference,

which allows a scholar to present his paper followed by responses from a panel. There was
also ample time for the crowd to
ask questions of Grosso, though
there were many questions left
Polanyi is such a potentially
rich source for thinking about so
many different issues aesthetics, economics, philosophy, religion. You name it, he did something in the area, Grosso said.
You could spend all day talking
about him, and it would be profitable.
OSullivan said he was happy
with how the event went, but still
has many more questions about
I think, if anything, most
of us are going to have trouble
sleeping tonight, OSullivan
said. Thats the sign of a good

gives them the opportunity to know about

American culture, and its always helpful
to get exposed to a different worldview
and a different way of life.
Students in Rawsons class are excited
to enhance their learning experience with
the visit. Senior history and politics major Corey Voorman said Rawson makes
the effort to immerse students in African
culture, and this presentation will be no
I have found the class incredibly engaging, he said. In panels we present on
certain topics, and we try to understand
the cultural aspects. Rawson brings in
African instruments every week. Youre
never too old for that kind of cultural immersion.

Authorities remove
man from library
Jessie Fox
Collegian Reporter

Scarlet White, consisting of Spencer Minor, Dan Hall, and husband and wife Jacob
and Erica Hendricks, will be performing in Hillsdale for the Renaissance School benefit. (Courtesy of Scarlet White)
Morgan Delp
Christian bands Scarlet White
and Sweet Ascent will perform
Sunday night at 7 p.m. in McNamara Hall in Howard Music
Building in a charity concert to
Admission to the concert is free,
but donations are welcomed.
The Renaissance School is
an alternative middle school
funded by the Hillsdale County
Intermediate School District.
The programs purpose is to
help students struggling academically or socially get back
on track before high school.
College students volunteer there
weekly, and have raised money
for the school in the past.
They did a haunted house
event, and they bought the kids
Christmas presents, but they

From A1

thirteen. I got a lot of feedback, and that was

really helpful. I think I did a better job of
knowing how to revise my stories.
Tennessee is not the only place that has
experience as a Hillsdale student has seeped
into her writing.
Ive had more than one character in a
situation of a small private college, Genovise said. I actually have one character in
that situation in this book. Theres one story
thats a coming-of-age story where hes going to a private college and kind of realizing he doesnt know himself as well as he
thought he did.
While Genovise didnt start focusing on
her own writing until graduate school, Hills-

were things they needed, like

shoes and sweatshirts, and that
was awesome, teacher Jennifer Murphy said. Our students
always need the basic necessities.
Freshman Nathan Steinmeyer organized the event in conjunction with sophomore Sam
Clausen, who volunteers at the
Renaissance School. Steinmeyer used to book bands in high
portunity to do so here at Hillsdale.
I was a booking agent back
in high school. I would host
venues and book bands. When I
came here, that was something I
wanted to keep doing, but there
was no opportunity for it. I started looking around campus for
how I could do it, and I came up
with the idea that if I did it for
charity, I could do it, he said.
Sweet Ascent is described as

Between Dr. Somerville and Dr. Sundahl, they taught me to love and understand
said. I was learning to write. Thats the way
to learn to read excellent writers and understand how they do what they do. When I
eventually decided to write, I already had the
she showed her strength in English by writing an honors thesis on Fyodor Dostoevsky,
graduating as the Most Outstanding Senior
in English in three years, and publishing her
When not teaching English at Roane
State Community College or writing, Genovise, who loves the outdoors, works on a
goat farm.
I spend all my time hiking and getting
very dirty, Genovise said. Last year, I
was thinking Id love to volunteer or get additional work outside, maybe on a farm. It
was kind of a joke because I said I had zero

an up-and-coming rock/pop/
hardcore band, and opener
Scarlet White is a heavy postgrunge rock band. Steinmeyer
has heard Sweet Ascent live before.
Theyre very energetic. Everything they do is crazy, running all over, jumping off things.
Its a blast,. They love what they
do. They love audience interaction, he said.
College students that volunteer at Renaissance School
have been advertising the event
to the schools students. Steinmeyer will propose the $300 fee
to bring in the bands to Student
Federation, but said he will pay
for the bands fees - mainly gas
money, as the bands are from
Three Rivers, Michigan (Scarlet
White) and Lawrence, Kansas
(Sweet Ascent) - out of his own
pocket if the funds are denied.

real-life skills and an English graduate degree, but just wanted to work outside. These
people who had a small goat farm called
me back, saying they needed some help. I
stuck with it, and we take care of goats and
pick vegetables. Its kind of a part of my life
Readers can look forward to goat stories
in the third book she is looking to publish.
Theres several goat stories in there,
Genovise laughed.
Where There Are Two or More is currently available on Amazon and the Barnes
& Noble website.
I want people to experience these stories, Genovise said. My characters are
family, so its doing justice by them, getting
them out into the world.

and campus security escorted

a local man out of Mossey Library Tuesday night.
Late last week he was on
campus and approached a student improperly and made her
feel uncomfortable, Director
of Campus Security Bill Whorley said. He was issued a notrespassing notice and told not
to return to campus.
Between 10:45 and 11:15
p.m. on March 24, a student
worker at the library saw the
man using a reference computer
and called both Hillsdale police
and security, junior library employee Lydia Ivkovich said.
Police were called and there
were security members present on the scene immediately,
Whorley said.
Library Circulation Manager
Colleen Ladd agreed.
We are very proud of our
student workers who handled

the situation appropriately and

quickly, she said.
On March 20, Library Director Dan Knoch emailed his
staff informing them that the
man was exhibiting aberrant
behavior in the library around
12:30 a.m the night before. He
viewing soft-porn on a reference
computer, and was staring at female students.
The email also instructed student workers to contact security
if a library guest made them feel
I do not view him as a confrontational or violent threat,
Whorley said in an email on
Wednesday morning. He is
however, unwelcome.
The library serves the college, but is open to the public.
Its not discouraged at all,
until its misused. We dont
want people to feel unwelcome
here, said Ladd. Its about the
students, its their place and we
dont want them to feel uncomfortable or threatened, and the

United Nations
comes to Hillsdale
Jo Kroeker
Collegian Freelancer

Hillsdales new Model United Nations gathered in the formal lounge on Monday for an
introductory meeting.
Freshman Nathan Putrich,
president and founder of the
group, presented the needed
qualities for a MUN member.
The group, which is looking for
will meet in the Formal Lounge
every two weeks, starting at 8:00
p.m. next Monday.
MUN embodies what Hillsdale is all about political debates, communication of ideas,
leadership, Vice President
freshman Serhiy Bosyk said.
Putrich said member students
need to be familiar with speech,
debate, or MUN, and have interest in international relations.
MUN is a dynamic experience that educates, informs, and
inspires, he said. Because of
that, club members are all work-

ing together to build future leaders and their skills.

riences with MUN in Warsaw,
Poland, Bosyk predicted that the
Hillsdale branch could add to the
colleges renown.
It will develop a name for
Hillsdale College and build a
better reputation for the college.
It will also contribute to the international name of Hillsdale,
he said. Ultimately, it will add
to the diversity of the college.
Putrich shared a bit of his vision for the club for this semester.
We are looking to develop
the spirit of the group and the
skills that the members will be
using for the conferences next
semester, he said.
The club leaders said they
have their sights set on attending
prestigious conferences such as
the ones offered by University
of Chicago, Harvard, Columbia,
and the University of Pennsylvania.


Evan Brune
Senior Reporter

A3 26 March 2015

Veterans association hosts discussion panel

Last night, faculty members

clashed over the topic of the
United States as world arbiter.
The panel, sponsored by the
Hillsdale College Student Veterans Association, consisted of
Associate Professor of Politics
John Grant, Associate Professor
of Economics Charles Steele,
and College Chaplain Peter
Its a fundamentally problematic issue, president of the
association senior Nathan Seither said. What philosophy
should animate us as a hegemonic power? When we look
into recent events, we see some
of the problems with that philosophy, namely ISIS. Yet, how
have countries like Germany
and Japan been successful?
In a broader sense, the panel
members considered the discussion an important way to gather
I always look forward to
hearing how my colleagues in

other departments approach

things, Steele said. Its a great
way to learn.
Grant said these kinds of discussions not only help the professors, but also the audience as
I think panel discussions
can be valuable because they
give the audience the chance to
hear a variety of informed perspectives on the same topic in
one setting, he said. Ideally,
this helps facilitate the pursuit
of truth, which is the goal of any
genuine liberal education.
The central question of the
panel came from discussions
by the veterans at their monthly
meeting, according to Mike Aavang, vice president of the association.
We put it out there to the
vets and we got a lot of good
ideas, he said. Nate and I sat
down and went through them
all. We thought this particular
topic had a lot of relevance to
contemporary events. It felt like
a fertile ground for discussion.
Aavang also said this particular topic held importance for

Student LITerary
papers presented
Andrew Egger
Assistant Editor

Lambda Iota Tau literature

honorary kicked off its Inaugural
Student Paper Conference last
night at 6 p.m. in the Grewcock
Student Unions Raese Conference Room. The conference,
which will continue tonight and
tomorrow, is taking place to
publicly showcase the academic
writing of Hillsdale students.
Assistant Professor of English and LIT President Lorraine
Eadie said this conference is the
its kind at Hillsdale.
The English department is
in full support, she said in an
email. In fact, my colleagues
hope that this will become an
annual event, and we even hope
to attract presenters and attendees from nearby colleges as the
conference grows.
Last night, senior Devin
Creed presented a version of his
senior thesis, a study of the Irish
poet W. B. Yeats. Junior Toms
Valle followed with a presentation on John Keats classic poem
Ode on a Grecian Urn. Creed
and Valle spoke for 20 minutes
apiece to a small but attentive
from the audience for an additional 20 minutes.
Both Devin and Toms pre-

Sauk holds
Andrew Egger
Assistant Editor

Jonesvilles Sauk Theatre will

hold auditions tomorrow and Saturday for their upcoming production of the musical Titanic,
which will take place June 11-21.
Awards, including Best Musical,
when it opened in 1997, will be the
Sauks third production of the 2015
season. The epic musical tells the
stories of a number of passengers
aboard the RMS Titanic, which famously sank on April 15, 1912.
To capture the epic scale of the
musical, the Sauk will cast between
50 and 60 people ages eight and up.
Sauk Executive Director Trinity Bird will direct the production,
with musical direction by Kristi
Gautsche. Bird and Gautsche have
collaborated on over 25 musicals,
including Les Miserables last
Titanic is an epic and beautiful story, Bird said in a Facebook
message. It is a great follow-up
to Les Miserables and it offers a
large variety of roles for men and
women of various ages.
The large cast of Titanic is a
change of pace for the Sauk, whose
last major production, I Love You,
Youre Perfect, Now Change, cast
only four actors. Les Miserables,
the Sauks biggest production to
date, featured a cast of 49.
Bird said that a larger production makes scheduling more difbest to accommodate everyone.
For more information, visit

sented thoughtful lectures on

their subjects, senior Maran
McLeod said. Devin made an
interesting argument that Yeats
use of folklore was his way of
providing himself a CatholicIrish identity through the means
of the more pagan, peasantish
religion of folklore, magic, and
the occult.
Tonight, senior Katie Sorenson and sophomore Rachelle
Ferguson will give close readings of the works of Wordsworth
and Virgil. Tomorrow, seniors
Josh Benjamins and LaRae Ferguson will close the conference
with talks on the reception of
Virgil by Ovid and Dante, respectively. A reception will follow tomorrows lectures.
LaRae Ferguson, one of

veterans of recent wars.

We have this whole generation of young veterans who
are feeling disillusioned after
the Iraq and Afghanistan wars
because they saw all of the
loss during the war and now it
looks like its all for nothing,
he said. Now, theyre wondering, What the heck is going on
The discussion itself produced no major differences
of opinion between the panel
members, with all agreeing that
America should not be a global
arbiter. Each brought different
perspectives on the issue, however.
Maybe its not a good idea
to let in people on a tourist visa
Grant said, focusing on the particular problems that come with
a porous border rather than intervening in foreign affairs.
Take Japan and Germany.
We obliterated those countries,
and have sustained military operations within them for 70 plus
years, Beckwith said. Thats
not doable in every situation.

Also, the use of combat for political purposes is a total failure.

It failed in Vietnam, and it failed
in Iraq and Afghanistan. When
you go to war, let the warriors
run it.
Steele focused on the differences in societies and the institutions that arise from them.
Do you really think that establishing the same formal institution in different societies will
produce the same outcome? If
you say no, then you agree with
me. If you say yes, then Ive got
some nice tropical beachfront
property in North Dakota to sell
Aavang said the association
plans to continue the panel discussions every semester. Aavang said he would like to see
a greater connection between
veterans and the college community.
Theres a reason the college recruits veterans, he said.
Were extremely approachable,
and we are more than happy to
answer questions about the military or anything else. We want
to be a resource for the college.

Associate Professor of Economics Charles Steele

speaks on the idea of the United States as the worlds
mediator. (Elena Creed/Collegian)

With the retirement of Rein Zeller,

no more computer science
Micah Meadowcroft
Arts Editor

Its very tough to be a one-man program,

and thats what Dr. Zeller has been, said
Samuel Webster, associate professor of mathematics and head of the math department.
With the retirement of Rein Zeller, associate professor of computation and computer
science, at the end of this year, Hillsdale will
no longer have a computer science program.
Zeller is to be replaced by an additional math
professor rather than a computer scientist.
The department will drop computer science
from its name. The situations of students pursuing the minor or interested in the subject
will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
Whether the program will be resurrected in
the future is undecided.
According to the minutes of the March 5
faculty meeting during which the decision
was discussed, the current computational
mathematics program will be renamed ap-

the conference was surprisingly course offerings and requirements. No computer science minor will henceforth be ofbut she is pleased with how it fered.
Dr. Arnn, in consultation with the dean
has come together.
Its actually going to hap- of the science division, the provost, and the
pen, and Im very delighted math department, approved the recommendation (from all three) that the vacant posiabout it, she said.
Eadie said the lectures will be
short, scholarly, and stimulating,
and there will be refreshments
provided from Broad Street
So students can nourish their
minds and bodies by attending,
she said.

mathematics, Provost David Whalen said in

an email. This was made in part to allow the
department to serve the new core curriculum
more effectively.
Webster said the number of students minoring in computer science was historically
low, fewer than 10 in the last decade, and that
to create a robust computer science program
would take far more than replacing Zeller.
We took a look at what it would take to
improve the computer science department,
what it would take to create a thriving computer science program, and I think to do it
correctly you would need several computer
scientists, he said. The resources arent
there for several computer scientists, so we
felt because of the limited numbers and resources, that line, that position, would be
best served being a math line, to continue to
strengthen the math department. So that was
really the main reason for not replacing Dr.
Zeller with a computer scientist.
The future of computer science at Hillsdale remains uncertain.
There are no plans at present to seek
a new computer science program, but one
should never rule it out, Whalen said.
Webster said he and the registrar will help
students already working in computational
their program.

plete the minor or computational math major or minor as its laid out in the handbook;
were going ot have to create or design for
each of those students an alternate way of satisfying those requirements. So they may be
taking computer science courses elsewhere,
they may replace some of those computer science courses with math courses, so Im working with the students individually and the
registrar to really design a program for each
of those students, and theres only a handful
of them.
Freshman Joe Pappalardo is majoring in
marketing management but was minoring in
computer science. He said he was told at the
end of last semester that the program was being dropped and so is taking three computer
science classes with Zeller this semester. Despite that, he will have to take at least two
classes outside of Hillsdale to complete his
pointing to University of Cincinnati as a possibility. I just think that its something that
we need at this college in this day and age.
Webster said that periodic computer classes may still be offered.
Its possible one of us in the department
could offer a programming course down the
road, Webster said. Nothing has been discussed concretely, but that is an option.

said. Theyre not going to be able to com-

From 6 to 7 p.m. on Monday, Hillsdale Free Methodist Church will hold a

was diagnosed with cancer last year. All donations will go to help cover treat-

Hillsdale Copy Center

gets renovations
Phil DeVoe
Collegian Reporter

The Hillsdale College copy

cated in the basement of Moss
Hall. Renovations include a
third color printer, increased
storage and workspace, and a
storefront-style product ordering system, replacing the current online system.
Our current ordering systems dependency on the Internet causes some problems, so

we hope the in-person and improved online ordering will help

productivity in getting orders
out quickly, said Cindy Wyatt,
duplicating specialist for the
copy center.
Wyatt explained the copy
center is in great need of the
renovations, since the volume of

center in Moss Hall was previously only used for storage,

making the transition easy. So
far in the renovations, workers
have cleared out the new space
and opened the shared wall,

Sigma Chi springs to

philanthropy work
Jessie Fox
Collegian Reporter

The new space will give us

a greater capability to print larger orders, and a third printer is
critical to this capability, Wyatt
The copy center hopes to
have the renovations complete
by next week, with storefront
services opening later. When the
project is completed, students
will be able to order right from
the copy center, hopefully cutting out many issues the online
ordering process caused.

The men of Sigma Chi fraternity are staying busy this spring
as they host two philanthropic
events on campus.
On Sunday, Sigma Chi hosted a three-on-three basketball
tournament that raised $240
for Child Abuse Prevention and
Awareness, and on April 9 they
We really wanted something local for the three-on-three
tournament, Sigma Chi Philanthropy Chairman senior David
Congdon said.
Senior Sigma Chi Corey
Voorman has been involved with
CAPA since he was a freshman.
group was a great cause for this
event because of its locality and
its mission.
According to its website,
CAPA is dedicated to serving Hillsdale County. Through
educational programs, events,
fundraisers, and other activities
we are working hard to try to
make a difference for children
and families.
Teams paid a $20 entry fee
to participate. Twelve teams
played in 18 games of pool play,
fought for the championship title. Team Awesome, made up
of freshmen Drew Zwiers, Trey
VanAken, and Dave Poljan,
was awarded tournament tank

The copy center during renovations, which will increase the production abilities of
the center. (Anders Kiledal/Collegian)

Teams from Chi Omega and Pi

Beta Phi sororities enjoyed three

games each of pool play, and

place due to point differentials.
Derby Days is obviously
our biggest fundraiser, but that
only involves Greek women,
freshman Sigma Chi Dugan
Delp said. This event was great
because it involved a lot of independents and appealed to a lot of
different people.
After the success of Sundays
fundraiser, Sigma Chi said they
will now focus on planning the
upcoming Fight Night where
students will wrestle for a cause.
Chis national philanthropy,
the Huntsman Cancer Institute,
through the purchase of $3 to $5
tickets for spectators.
Were really excited for
Fight Night, its a new idea and
we havent done anything like
this before, Congdon said.
Weve seen chapters like Michigan State do events like this and
how to do it our own way.
Sigma Chi has already started recruiting participants from
each living residence on campus
and have seen positive reactions. They plan to have eight
weight classes and two mats:
one experienced mat and one
amateur mat.
We want to make it a fun
event for everybody to come
down and watch, Congdon
said. Were going to have a
bunch of promotional stuff going on, we think weigh-ins in
Saga would be really fun.

26 March 2015 A4

A seculAr school with strong fAith

Newsroom: (517) 607-2897

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Editor in Chief: Morgan Delp
News Editors: Amanda Tindall | Natalie DeMacedo
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Photo Editor: Anders Kiledal
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Ad Managers: Rachel Fernelius | Alex Eaton | Drew Jenkins | Matt
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Photographers: Joel Calvert | Elena Creed | Anders Kiledal | Gianna Marchese | Hailey Morgan | Ben Strickland | Laura Williamson
| Joseph Adams
Faculty Advisers: John J. Miller | Maria Servold

the opinion of the collegiAn editoriAl stAff

Its a great thing that HillsNo, the Collegian staff isnt
comprised of a horde of godless journalists. We represent a
sampling of campus a diverse
mix of students from Catholic,
Lutheran, non-denominational,
Jewish, and agnostic backgrounds a wonderful blend of
religious ideals.
Just ask Princeton Review. It
said our students are the fourth
most religious in the country.
Amidst all the Jesuit, Jewish, and Baptist universities in

Netanyahu is an
ally, not an
President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu have always been at one anothers throats. In
a recent interview, Obama stated that Netanyahus rhetoric during Israels national elections was such that it had
started to erode democracy. All of this raises the question: Who is really the aggressor in this international feud?
Last week, the democratic nation of Israel held its national elections. Despite substantial foreign pressure, Netanyahus Likud party claimed victory. However, in the
wake of this victory for democracy in the Middle East,
news has surfaced of a rather dark nature. According to
Fox News, Congress has just established a panel to look
into the Obama State Departments giving $350,000 to
OneVoice and the Victory 15 organization. The Americanbased OneVoice group openly states it mission to be the
Palestinians, empowering them to propel their elected
representatives toward the two-state solution, trying to
force Israel to go back to the pre-1967 borders. This is
precisely what Netanyahus party has worked against in
recent years, citing the terroristic ways of the Palestinian
National Authority.
However this money was then passed along to OneVoices Israeli subsidiary, Victory 15. Much like their parin the recent election, V15 worked tirelessly to oust Netanyahu and the Likud party, but they did not do it alone.
Jeremy Bird, Obamas 2012 national campaign director,
achieve its goal of knocking on the doors of one million
Israeli citizens to get them to vote against the Likud party.
V15 advocated for the middle left of the Israeli political
spectrum, whose goals align much closer with the surrounding Arab countries than with the democratic nation
of Israel. According to the Jerusalem Post, Netanyahus
Likud party petitioned last month to block the activities
of OneVoice and V15, but was unsuccessful. Thankfully,
the Likud still won, proving that the Israeli people stand
behind the very man that the Obama administration dislikes so much, the leader of the only democratic nation in
the Middle East.
Even without considering Obamas refusal to help
against a nuclear Iran threat or the radical Islamic DAESH
(ISIS), it sure seems that Obama is working hard to weaken Israel. Meanwhile Netanyahu, like a rabbinical king,
protects his people. As he said to Congress, even if Israel
has to stand alone, Israel will stand.
Although the disdain that these two world leaders have
for each other is well known, there is still no conclusive
evidence that Obama purposely gave the money to OneVoice and V15 to oust Netanyahu. Undoubtedly, however,
Obama would have known about OneVoices political
goals, and that they would use the money out of political
motivation in a foreign country. So not only did Obama
know that he was to some extent trying to control a foreign country politically, but he also used taxpayer money
to do it. This could be forgivable if done against an ennot against one of our closest allies, and for a purpose that
in no way would help us. In fact, the ousting of Netanyahu
would harm America. If Netanyahu were replaced with a
leader more sympathetic to the Palestinian and Arab cause,
a two-state solution would certainly be reached. With the
recent merger of the Palestinian National Authority with
the terrorist group Hamas, it is obvious that the Palestinians would not stop with the pre-1967 borders, but would
instead seek, as they have many times stated, the destruction of the entire state of Israel.
As a Messianic Jew with a brother living in Israel, I
you. Not only is Israel one of our closest allies, but it is
also one of the few friendly nations in the area. The annihilation of Israel would destabilize the entire region and
plunge its nations into violent war, not against each other,
but against the Western world. As a country, we must stand
behind our allies, especially Israel. Even if the congressional panel doesnt charge Obama with anything, it is obvious that he had some idea of what he was doing. How does
that look? Can Israel, or any country for that matter, really
trust us when we pull stunts like this? At the very least,
Obama must admit what he did and apologize for it, even
if he really did not know how the money would be spent.
Nathan Steinmeyer is a freshman studying

suffocate the natural pursuit of

truth and knowledge that comes
with getting a college degree.
When those students sign a contract saying they will be Methodist only, how can they ever

explore Catholic dogma with

any real seriousness? Where
does the honest, civil debate
on sacraments and holy living
come in?
Thats what makes Hillsdale such a unique place for
religious exploration. Often
students, whether by their own
accord or coerced by their parents, go to colleges where their
faith wont get challenged intentionally. They dont want orthodox professors trashing their
contemporary worship style.
That scares some people, but it
Also, because of the vol-

untary nature of religion at

Hillsdale, we see much less
forced religiosity. People go
to church, attend Bible studies,
and pray because they want to,
not because the administration
forces them to with threats of
a missing diploma. If you dont
want to be religious at all, you
dont have to be. An R.A. cant
drag you out of bed to go to
morning worship.
This sincerity of faith is rare
and its wonderful, and someprotect.

PC(USA)s marriage decision ignores its members

The editors welcome Letters to the Editor but reserve the right to
edit submissions for clarity, length, and style. Letters should be 450
words or less and include your name and number. Send submissions
to before Sunday at 6 p.m.

Nathan Steinmeyer
Special to the Collegian

for religious students. And with

good reason.
We have clubs and organizations fostering a myriad of
Judeo-Christian sects. Over
lunch, students converse about
theology, doctrine, and even the
proper order of a church service.
Many of these other colleges, which commit themselves to

Sarah Onken
Student Columnist
The Presbyterian Church
(USA) taught me something
this week: Apparently, changing ones denominational cona peachy keen idea even if it will
alienate about a quarter of ones
presbyteries (i.e., congregational
First, a disclaimer: As a professing member of the Lutheran
Church-Missouri Synod, I dont
know all of the details. But the
PC(USA) has graciously provided several materials explaining
their decision and detailing the
As of Tuesday, March 17, a
majority of the PC(USA)s 171
presbyteries has tallied votes

as a unique commitment between two people, traditionally a

man and a woman. Their General Assembly, or overarching
governing body, proposed the
amendment in June 2014, giving
the presbyteries the opportunity
to discuss the change and vote to
accept or reject it. A simple majority would solidify the amendment. Now, even with roughly
40 presbyteries still to cast their
votes, the change will go into effect in June 2015.
It is a bit disturbing that some
prominent PC(USA) members
seem quite nonchalant about the
intra- and inter-denominational
Though their churchs decision
may only apply to their members
and ministers legally, the consequences of this change affect all
Approximately one-third of
the presbyteries who have already voted, which is about onequarter of all PC(USA) presbyteries, cast their vote against
be fair, PC(USA) did try to accommodate the possible dissenters: Ministers are not required
to marry same-sex couples and
congregational leaders may establish whether their church
property can be used for samesex marriage ceremonies.
Regardless of these compromising measures, the decision
ignores this minority of pres-

byteries. As quoted in the New

York Times, Paul Detterman,
national director of The Fellowship Community a PC(USA)
group that opposes the decision
and has decided to remain in the
ly will see another wave, a sizable wave, of conservative folks
Yes, and Im sure they will.
Thats the beauty of private association. If someone doesnt like
what the church declares as its
doctrine, she is allowed to leave.
However, let us also take
note of a statement by Ruling
Elder Heath K. Rada and Rev.
Larissa Kwong Abazia, Moderator and Vice Moderator respectively of the 2014 General
Assembly: [W]e encourage the
and synods of the Presbyterian
Church (U.S.A.) to continue to
be in conversation about marriage and the family. We hope
[to continue]a dedication to
partnership in the midst of our
diversity of opinion.
To continue the discussion
about a fundamental moral question with consequences in both
personal and public life seems
like a prudent measure. But
what about the fact that a sizable wave of the opposition will
probably leave? How much of a
discussion is really going to occur?
If intra-denominational politics are sticky with this attempt

even with the scriptural disputes

of several of its members, then
what about inter-denominational
Alan Wisdom, interim editor
of the Protestant journal Theology Matters, observes, I dont
see any further large mainline
denominations making the same
move. Which makes sense
PC(USA) is one of the latter
churches to jump on board with
this movement. The Episcopalians, United Church of Christ,
Evangelical Lutheran Church of
America, and others beat them
to it.
PC(USA)s decision is not the
beginning of some new crusade
for social justice; rather, it continues to widen the chasm between conservative and liberal members of the catholic
church. And by catholic, I mean
the true sense of the word the
whole, universal, body of Christ.
Many members and leaders
of PC(USA) believe this decision will allow them to reach
out to homosexuals in a way that
is more loving and honest than
ever before. But acquiescing to
the worlds call for gay marriage
is not necessary in witnessing to
individuals of any sexual orientation.
Sarah Onken is a George
Washington Fellow studying
politics and mathematics.


Graham Deese
Special to the Collegian
It should be painfully obvious that Republicans have not demonstrated the leadership necessary to reclaim the White House
in 2016. Republican control of Congress has
ing and partisan politics that have dominated Washington politics in recent years. The
American people elected Republicans to
Congress not merely because they were fed
up with Democrats but because they were
fed up with those partisan trends. If Repubvictories in the next year-and-a-half, their
However, President Obamas veto power
virtually guarantees that conservatives will
not be able to force legislation through Congress. This leaves Republicans only one
option: Work with Democrats. This means
that Republicans will not be able to repeal
Obamacare, make major reforms to entitlethe next two years. Instead, Republicans
should focus on the legislative actions that
can be accomplished while Obama is in ofThis does not mean the Republicans
should completely ignore other issues; they
should be very present within the campaigns
and public platforms of the GOP. If Repubin the next 18 months and go on to win

The Uses of a
Liberal Arts

by Forester

the White House, then all of these policies

should be back on the table because they
would actually have a reasonable chance of
In the meantime, what can Republicans
do? A good place to start would be granting Trade Promotion Authority to President
Obama. Trade Promotion Authority gives
the president the power to submit negotiated
trade deals to Congress for an up-or-down
vote, bypassing the traditional amendment

Republicans should focus

on the legislative actions
that can be accomplished

It is generally considered critical to passage of major free-trade deals like the Transing the end of the negotiation phase. Obama
has expressly asked for the TPA and Republicans support free-trade legislation, so
as long as Republicans are willing to swallow their pride and work with Obama, this
should be a great starting place for bipartisan cooperation.
Another potential area for cooperation is
legislation targeted at helping low-income
workers. Potential proposals in this area
could include an expansion of the Earned
Income Tax Credit, which supplements the

incomes of low-income workers. Until recently, the program has received widespread
bipartisan support (even President Reagan
expanded the program) and has proved to
be the most successful government program
aimed at reducing poverty. An expansion
of the EITC would be incredibly popular
with voters and also would be an excellent alternative to a minimum wage hike as
it would introduce far less distortions into
the economy. In addition, the EITC is only
available to people who hold jobs so it represents a welfare policy the Republicans can
support: One that rewards hard workers. The
programs expansion could also be coupled
with a reform of the application process for
the EITC to reduce the number of fraudulent
Republicans could also work with Demobusinesses as both parties constantly appeal
to the importance of this group of producers.
All of these options represent areas where
the potential for bipartisan cooperation exists despite the partisan political climate.
Although these proposals do not represent
optimal conservative legislation, they represent a realistic agenda until 2016. Republicans primary objective should be ensuring
they regain the presidency because only
with White House support will the have the
power necessary to enact their agenda. For
now, compromise is the only option.
Graham Deese is a George Washington
Fellow studying economics.

A5 26 March 2015

Stop leaving your backpacks in A.J.s

Sarah Chavey
Special to the Collegian
If a tornado were to tear its way through A.J.s Caf 1844 leaving dirty plates, open books, and old jackets all over, it would hardly look any different from how it does on a typical evening. Why?
Because Hillsdale students have grown so comfortable with the
belongings and A.J.s trash all over booths, reserving them for
If there were an individual booth for each student at Hillsdale,
the tendency to abandon personal items in the booths would cause
no issues, because every students booth needs would be met. But
unless the school or a generous donor chooses to embark on that
development, students must constantly combat each other for the
precious booths A.J.s offers.
Meanwhile, renowned CCA speakers and visitors must wait for
their A.J.s meal without a seat, undoubtedly questioning why the
chairs and tables are so full of items, but empty of students.
A.J.s should inspire new friendships and promote bonding over
food, but books are not able to make friends with each other. They
sit in silence, waiting patiently for their delinquent owner to return.
Often, the owners of these items do not return to A.J.s prepared
for a night of studying and hard work, but rather slyly slide their
backpacks over their arms and scurry out, ignoring the herd of stu-

Students may believe that the honor code allows for such behavior. While it may be true that a student who signs a piece of paper
agreeing to be honorable in conduct, honest and word and deed,
and dutiful in study and service will most likely not steal a wallet
left alone for 15 minutes, they may overlook the rest of the phrase
about being respectful of the rights of others.

Hillsdale students have grown so comfortable with the crime-free environment

sonal belongings and A.J.s trash all over
booths, reserving them for later.
Those of us who have studied American Heritage know that dein writing this, but I hope that most Hillsdale students acknowledge
the rights of a human to enjoy a booth to be above the rights of an
item to enjoy that same booth.
Even if students do deny my right to enjoy an A.J.s booth, they
harm themselves by forsaking their belongings for hours upon end.
Particularly in the coldest months, students do not enjoy trekking
up the hill towards the union, and may choose to ignore their books
for an even longer time than they anticipate, rendering it impossible
to read that Constitution reader.

Galloway needs
Josh Paladino
Special to the Collegian
Life at Galloway Residence is
great: Its a stones throw from the dining hall, shirtless men grill hamburgand the guys there are family. However, Galloway reeks, feels dirty, and
looks run-down. Hillsdale College allocates millions of dollars toward the
new Searle Center and chapel while
neglecting the dilapidated Galloway
The Searle Center will provide increased dining and auditorium space
for guests during special events. The
proposed chapel will be a beautiful place for worship and prayer.
Although these additions greatly increase the outward desirability of
Hillsdale College, they do not substantively improve student quality of
life. The best way to develop student
happiness is to create an attractive and
clean environment in the dorms because such a large portion of time is
spent here.
loway is seemingly endless. The entire building smells like onions rotting
inside gym socks. Although this may
be partially due to the proximity to the
cafeteria (which, from the stench inside Galloway, one may assume only
carpet and furniture does not help.
Though my nose can forget the
odor through olfactory fatigue, unfortunately, some problems cannot
be addressed by simply adapting to
conditions. For example, the showers
in Galloway almost cause skin damage due to the sheer force of the water.
loway is even accompanied by a sign
while someone is showering because
it may cause extremely hot water.
Every shower should be accompanied with a sign that says, Danger:
may cause dry, itchy skin, or death.
Nevertheless, this does not end my
grievances with the bathroom. Third-

the time. The sinks have two settings:

Too hot and too powerful, or too cold
and too weak. Every morning when
I wash my hands, I have to make a
choice between frost bitten hands or
third-degree burns. The other day in
the restroom I overheard freshman
Galloway resident Jackson Ventrella
say, this sink gets hot so fast that the
water comes out in the form of steam.

Dear Editor,
Jack Butlers article on the Hillsdale
UFO (UFO: In 1966, Hillsdale had
its own close encounter, March 19),
was good, but I do have something to
add. I took a course in graduate school
with Hynek, a course on theology and
science team-taught by him and a
theology professor at Northwestern University/Garrett Theological Seminary,
Dr. Egon Gerdes. In class, Hynek told
us about his experience. He said the Air
Force kept bugging him for an answer
so he gave out the most ridiculous
answer he could think of, hoping just
to get them off his back so he could
continue to work on it. So he blurted out
swamp gas as a sort of joke. Immediately they ran with it and closed the
investigation down, but he told us one
thing he knew, it was not swamp gas.
I took that class sometime in 1970
or 71, best as I can remember. Unfortunately, Hynek is no longer with us,

There are huge problems with the

central heating and cooling. In regards
to the cooling, Galloway doesnt have
air conditioning. As for the heating,
the rooms are equipped with heaters
that sound like a car crash when they
turn on. Freshman Galloway resident
Mark Englert commented on the noise
the heaters make: It sounds like a
combination between a cowbell and
a hammer. He added that the heater
wakes him up in the middle of the
night, which causes tiredness during
the day; consequently, his grades may
suffer. Clearly, these problems cannot
be disregarded.
I am not asking for a complete renovation of Galloway, as Simpson has
received, but a few changes would be
nice. Galloway could use some new
furniture without suspicious stains,
shower heads with an adjustable nozzle, and new faucets. The residents of
Galloway would appreciate ceilings
that dont randomly crumble and get
paint chips in unsuspecting eyeballs.
Also, the carpet deserves replacement.
In response to the smell of the dorm
Englert said, This carpet contributes
to the terrible stench. I think the carpet
is older than I am. Eventually Galloway needs to be fully updated, but
for now these small changes can help.
This is not to say that Galloway
residents are treated unfairly. After
all, we dont have to deal with pesky
fully-equipped kitchens like Simpson.
Life in Galloway is simple; there is
a microwave, toaster, and a vending
machine for all of our dietary needs.
Freshman Galloway resident James
Young said, I have to walk down two
We dont get the luxuries of Simpson,
so my plea for a few simple upgrades
seems little to ask. But there are many
things much like Simpson. For example, Galloway has a piano in the
its basement. However, some people
may rather be in the student union listening to air hockey all day than hear
one note on that monstrosity of an
instrument in Galloway, while, naturally, Simpsons is beautiful.
A comparison of the differences
between Galloway and Simpson is
and a Hyatt. Yet I dont ask for a complete overhaul of Galloway, just a few
enjoyable. The college could best be
improved by focusing to the extent
strings attached allow fundraising
and spending on campus housing, instead of extravagant new buildings.
Josh Paladino is a freshman studying politics and journalism,

but I do clearly remember him telling us

about that.
Hynek also showed us a graph
where he plotted clarity and strength of
evidence for being a genuine UFO on
one axis and reliability of the witnesses
on the other. (He had investigated a
great many cases.) Most of the cases
fell into a low evidential area of the
graph either because the evidence was
not strong (poor viewing conditions or
capable of natural explanation) or because the witnesses were not very reliable, or both. There were a few cases,
however, where the witnesses and the
viewing conditions were very good and
the sightings inexplicable enough that
he felt they provided good evidence for
being a genuine UFO.
Tom Burke
Professor of Religion and

Additionally, the winter sidewalks are frequently caked with ice,

resulting in dire conditions preventing students from returning to
their belongings. Security even warns about walking in these conditions, claiming, The snow often hides small spots of ice, which
can be treacherous.
Many students also lose or misplace their items after deserting
them at A.J.s. A recent SAB email noted that one students laptop
has been in the lost and found for two weeks.
Perhaps at Hillsdale, that laptop will be just as safe in the union
as in a locked dorm room, but graduates must quickly negate this
habit after college, where even leaving a wallet on a chair for a few
moments may be dangerous.
Some students have thought ahead: Rather than discarding
laptops and keys in the booths, they leave the much less valuable
leaves of paper, gum wrappers, and old shirts on the booth instead.
Unfortunately, students who continue in this way after college may
There is simply no room for such disrespectful conduct at Hillsdale, a school whose motto is to develop the minds and improve
the hearts of its students.
The solution is easy: Dont leave garbage and book bags lying
all over the tables, and youll never have to hide your guilty blush
while reading this article again.
Sarah Chavey is a sophomore studying music.

Dont build the chapel

Hillsdale Colleges religious life is thriving without it
Kelsey Drapkin
Collegian Reporter
No student reading this article was required to
sign a statement of faith to attend Hillsdale College.
That being said, faith activities are among the most
prevalent activities in student life. One of the most
beautiful things Ive experienced in my four years at
Hillsdale is the organic nature of religion on campus
through student interest.
Faith and devout religious practices are ubiquitous at Hillsdale, but they are not practiced because
we are told to do so. It is rather the voluntary drive
of students at this institution to wake up early on
Sunday mornings to attend church, spend spring
break on a service trip rather than at the beach, or
host Bible studies in dorms, within departments, or
with their athletic teams that motivates faith life.
Building the proposed chapel may ruin much of
what is beautiful, unique, and inspiring about religion at Hillsdale. It would take an organic entity and
institutionalize it, creating some potentially devastating consequences.
When the House of Commons was being rebuilt
in London after it was destroyed from a bombing
in WWII, Winston Churchill stated, We shape our
buildings, and afterwards our buildings shape us.
A chapel of the proposed size and prominence
would impose a quality on campus that changes the
way religion operates here, implying some sort of
religious consensus where one does not necessarily

exist. Even if it were merely built and left vacant, its

erection sends a message to onlookers that Hillsdale
is a certain kind of school.
The chapels presence will not only change the
appearance and feel of campus, but it will also
change the student population. This campus transformation will attract a different kind of student.
Whether this is a good or bad change is another
discussion entirely, but the fact that the change will
occur is indisputable.
Students who are not Christian may either dismiss the school or be extremely cautious when considering whether or not to attend. The chapel may
ing here.
The practical questions involved in the functioning of the chapel are also concerning. Who will get
to worship in the chapel on Sundays? What kind of
services will there be? What will be the effect on
churches in the area that students currently attend?
Other such troubling questions would certainly
Ultimately, those who hold their faith close in
their hearts have no need of a special building on
campus. But those who do not may be deterred from
attending Hillsdale if such a building exists.
Kelsey Drapkin, vice president of
Hillsdale Chavarah, is a
senior studying political economy.


He counters the establishment and appeals to new constituencies
Tyler Groenendal
Special to the Collegian
Bob Dole. John McCain. Mitt
Romney. These three men have something in common. Not only were all
three failed Republican presidential
candidates, but they also won their
respective primaries on the back of
an oft-repeated phrase: They were the
only candidates who were electable.
This phrase, touted by moderate
and establishment Republicans as a
to big government, has plagued the
Republican Party. After all, it was the
only way to get in power. However,
these electable candidates failed
miserably. Voters clearly didnt want
what the Republicans were selling:
A wishy-washy, moderate stance
that failed to emphasize the limited
government and liberty Republicans
claimed to stand for.
Zoe Harness article (GOP wont
win with Rand Paul, March 19)
is simply a reiteration of these old
arguments. Harness, to be precise,
gives Rand Pauls chances of victory
at zero. She argues that some of
his statements can be, and have been,
misconstrued by the media to paint
him out to be a bigot or a fool. Paul,
merely because the mass media have
the capacity to misrepresent his
statements and positions. Though this
may be the case, the media can, and
will, misconstrue statements from any
politician for the sake of their own
In reality, Rand Pauls positions
are merely outside of what the establishment members of both parties
perceive to be the accepted opinion.

For example, she cites his opposition

to the Federal Reserve as radical
monetary policy.
This itself is a radical take, as
Pauls recent bill (The Federal Reserve Transparency Act) currently has
32 cosponsors in the Senate, and its
sister bill in the House by Kentucky
Republican Rep. Thomas Massie has
148 cosponsors. Even if there were
no broad popular appeal which
there is his position in favor of
greater transparency and accountability in monetary policy is only radical
insofar as it isnt what the establishment wants.

Paul is one of only a

without abandoning his

devotion to liberty and
small government in
These and other allegedly radical
positions have widespread appeal, not
just within the conservative wing of
the Republican Party, but across party
lines. Paul is one of only a handful
of Republicans attempting genuinely
to expand the GOP without abandoning his devotion to liberty and
small government in the process. His
support for the removal of mandatory minimum sentencing laws, a
restrained and sensible foreign policy,
and privacy rights has wide crossparty appeal.
Paul is one of a very few Republicans making inroads with tradi-

tionally Democratic groups, such as

minorities and the youth. Paul has
embarked on speaking tours of traditionally African-American colleges,
reaching out with such issues as systemic criminal justice reform. He is
also using unconventional techniques
to reach younger voters, such as
Snapchat. While some may claim his
new approach to social media is no
more than a gimmick, Paul is the only
candidate who displays the capacity
across. This is a skillset essential for
any presidential candidate.
Rand Paul is dynamic, engaging,
fresh, and appealing to a wide range
of voters. His base of libertarian
Republicans, Tea Party conservatives
who applaud his stance on budget
issues, and moderates who appreciate his willingness to work across the
aisle while still maintaining his principles all bode well for his primary
An American electorate yearning
for someone refreshing, genuine, and
daring to challenge the status quo
could easily elect Rand Paul. Harness
claims that the electorate does not
want a dynamic, principled candidate
who reaches across the aisle and
dares to speak his mind. Instead, they
want bread and circuses, mindless
spectacle that appeals to their basest instinct. If this were the criteria,
the best candidate would be an old,
trained circus elephant who draws
a smaller and smaller crowd. If the
Republican nominee is as bland and
electable as Jeb Bush, thats exactly
what well get.
Tyler Groenendal, president of
Praxis, is a sophomore studying


A6 26 March 2015

Drive-in movie
theater opens this
Jordan Finney
Collegian Reporter

With more than 14,000

Facebook likes, The Capri
Drive-In movie theater in
Coldwater will open tomorrow
for its 51st opening weekend.
Were back! Were looking
forward to seeing you again!
book page posted on March 18.
7:30 p.m. and the shows begin
at dusk every Friday, Saturday,
and Sunday during the season.
This weekend, two shows will
air: Home a PG animation
featuring Jim Parsons, Jennifer
Lopez, and Rihanna and
Night at the Museum 3: Secret of the Tomb, starring Ben
Stiller, Robin Williams, and
Owen Wilson.
Admission costs $8 for
adults, $5 for children ages 5
to 11, and is free for children
ages four and younger. Tickets can be purchased only with
cash and cover the cost of both
movies that will be playing.
The sound for the movie is
broadcasted over a FM radio
frequency. Visitors who want
to sit outside can rent a portable radio for $2. The frequency
for this weekends shows will
be 89.7 FM.
The Capri Drive-In was

built in 1964 by John Magocs,

and it was based on the design
of a Holiday Drive-In in Trenton, Michigan. The Magocs
family held a competition to
decide the best name for the
new business. Johns wife,
Mary Magocs, submitted the
winning name, The Capri.
She won a new sewing machine.
Since then, The Capri has
added a large snack bar space
with beverages, snacks, sandwiches, and Capri Swag
T-shirts, sweatshirts, Frisbees,
and popcorn buckets. In 1986,
a second screen was added.
Around 2000, the addition of
FM stereo technology made
the sound quality at the drivein comparable to an indoor
movie theater.
In 2001, The Capri DriveIn was named One of Ten
Drive-Ins Worth A Detour by
USA Today and The New York
Times according to
Visitors can call the box of5628 on Fridays, Saturdays,
and Sundays from 7:30 p.m. to
12 a.m. The drive-in is located
at 119 West Chicago Road.

road funding proposal

Airport to begin taxiway construction,

plans more renovations

Kate Patrick
Assistant Editor

FAA to help pay for the taxiway

and future airport renovations,

The Hillsdale Municipal Airport will begin rebuilding its

hangars and terminal in the next

before the other renovations begin. The airport will tear down
the old hangars and terminal
and rebuild them behind the
new taxiway, Scheibner said.

new taxiway construction remains on schedule. Even though

the airport is focusing on preparing for taxiway construction,
Airport Advisory Committee
members are looking for ways
to improve hangar upkeep.
Theres no reason we cant
make things better, airport
manager James Scheibner said
at the AAC meeting Saturday.
Everythings getting so old
the hangars and doors will be
taken care of this spring. We
have to prioritize whats most
The airport, built in 1963,
has succeeded its timeframe,
Scheibner said. Were getting
more frosting off the cake than
we should, he said, referring to
the the buildings wear and tear.
AAC chairman Jeff King said
he will have a report in June on
hangar maintenance.
Committee members are now
looking at pricing options for
24-hour, self-serve pumps, King
Taxiway construction will
begin in May, as long as the
FAA is on schedule, Scheibner
said. The city of Hillsdale received grant money from the

phase, Scheibner said. After

that gets done well have to relocate these buildings. Then, our

fuel system will get replaced

self-service, bigger tanks and
the hangers will get replaced,
the leaky roofs, and the terminal
The FAA grant provides 95
percent of the money used to
improve the airport, and the city
of Hillsdale matches 5 percent.
For us to do this on our

In other business, the committee discussed creating a Master Plan for the airport, drawing
up a contract for Scheibner, and
talking to Dial-A-Ride about
making stops at the airport, even
though the airport is not within
the city limits.

Scheibner said.

Airport manager James Scheibner stands in front of the City of Hillsdale Airport at 3998 State Rd.
(Kate Patrick/Collegian) ine Jepsen/Collegian)



From A1








(Meg Prom/Collegian)

Polymer clay artist sells childrens book at Broad Street

Thomas Novelly
Collegian Reporter
In addition to purchasing
gourmet food and craft Michigan beers, Broad Street Downtown Market & Tavern customers can now pick up a piece of
local literature. A childrens
book called, What Does The
Monkey Know? by local artist
and author Rhonda Peters is on
We are about all things local at Broad Street, marketing
manager Cindy McCoy said.
We support all things Michigan, and we are a family- run
business that wants to support
the hidden talents and treasures
in the community. We had been
selling local author Dan Bishers book in the store for some
time, and when Rhonda came
in, we began talking about her
book, and we decided to offer it
The book is inspired by Peters polymer clay artwork that
she entered in the 2012 Grand
Rapids ArtPrize competition.
I began working on a piece
for the ArtPrize competition in
Grand Rapids that was an entire jungle scene out of clay,
displayed on an old door, Peters said. With each scene of
the jungle I sculpted, I wrote a
corresponding line of a poem.
Then, each part of the scene
was photographed as a various
page in the book. After about
250 hours of work, the piece
was completed and so was the
The piece gained recognition at the competition, and it is
now on display at Gallery 49 in
Reading, Michigan. The book
takes children on a journey

through Peters colorful, clay

rain forest and shows the importance of preserving it.
The book provides an openended question and lets the children ponder on the importance
of the rainforest, Peters said.
Ten percent of the proceeds of
each book sold go to preserving
the rain forests.
The display in the store
showcases the colorful copies
of Peters book, and each one is
personalized and signed by the
Its a really special product
we offer, McCoy said. Its so
sweet that she personalizes each
book. I even bought one for my
granddaughter and Rhonda took
the time to write a birthday message for her. It really shows that
she cares.
Peters, who was born in
Hillsdale, is an artist, teacher,
and contributor to the community art co-op at Gallery 49. At
a young age, she specialized in
oil painting but discovered a
unique quality in polymer clay.
I tend to see things in 3-D,
Peters said. Once I saw that I
could give more depth to my
work with the clay, I began using it all the time. I love the way
it feels in my hands and I like
in the pieces I make. Its like
etching an itsy bit of my soul
into each work of art I create.
Ive been working with clay for
over 30 years now.
Peters has travelled to elementary schools across Michigan to discuss her book, and
teach students art. She encourages children to be spontaneous
and creative in all their work.
My personal philosophy is
that art knows no age, Peters

said. In art, you can have a

commonality with everyone no
matter how old or young, its a
great experience for all.
In addition to visiting
schools, Peters teaches classes
at Gallery 49 and offers corporate team building exercises,
retreats, and birthday parties for
the community.
Although I enjoy creating
ing my knowledge not just
within my art medium, but what
I have learned through my career in the corporate and service
industries, Peters said. As a
long-term manager in a medical
try, I learned a great deal about

team building and out-of-thebox thinking. Now, I share my

knowledge through the Creative
Experience program I have developed.
Now, Peters is working on
another childrens book, entitled
Into The Depths which will
have another corresponding art
piece showcasing the mysteries
of the ocean, to be released in
the next few months. For more
information on classes, artwork
for sale, or books, visit Peters

County expects to
balance $40k budget deficit
Ramona Tausz
Assistant Editor
Nine departments have already put Hillsdale County almost $40,000 over budget, but
this overspending will be offset
later in the year by other departments spending under budget,
man said at the Hillsdale County
Commissioners meeting Tuesday.
According to Ringman, the
county has spent only 14 percent
of its annual budget so far; it is
only a few departments that have
overspent their target budgets at
this point in the year.
Im comfortable that well
at least meet our expenditure expectations this year as a county
as a whole, he said.
that in the Information Technology Department, exist because of
large service payments that are
only paid once a year.
He and the commissioners
agreed, however, that Ringman
will sit down with department
heads to determine where they
can make changes. Several commissioners expressed concerns
that the IT department frequently
overspends its budget.
In the areas were having
problems, we need to address
those areas as soon as possible,
Commissioner Bruce Caswell
In other business, Commissioner Ruth Brown shared developments in the city of Hillsdale.
As far as the city is concerned, in summer 2016 the State
Street Reconstruction Project

Local artist and author Rhonda Peters paints polymer clay work.
(Courtesy of Rhonda Peters)

Brown said.
This means the street will be
under construction from Wolcott

Street to the citys east limits.

She also said the city will soon
select a new city manager to replace acting City Manager Doug
Terry, and Hillsdale Township
will host a meeting on April 1 at
7 p.m. at the Hillsdale City Hall.
Stanley Clingerman, engineer
manager of the Hillsdale County
Road Commission, will give a
presentation on the May ballot
proposal to raise funding for road
Stan will be talking more
about how that is going to affect
Hillsdale County and our roads,
Brown said.
The township is also in the
Hillsdale Fire Department.
At the meeting, the commissioners received LifeWays CEO
Maribeth Leonards quarterly report on the health of the mental
health facility.
Were working on a capital
improvement project, Leonard
said. Were looking at a bond
that would enable us to do repairs
for the building.
The two LifeWays facilities in
Jackson and Hillsdale are working together on a bond that would
help them make repairs without
having to obtain local dollars,
which has been a challenge for
LifeWays in the past.
Resolutions approved at the
meeting included an updated inclement weather policy that betcording to Board of Commissioners chairman Mark Wiley, there
has been need for an updated policy, as 30 percent of people did
the last time there was a closure
in the county due to inclement

A7 26 March 2015

Outdoor track season ready to run


Hillsdale at Malone
L, 7-4
W, 4-2
L, 3-1
L, 5-1

Hillsdale: 5
Davenport: 8

Albion: 2
Hillsdale: 8

Season Leaders
Batting Average
Bekah Kastning (.431)
Ainsley Ellison (.390)
Sarah Grunert (.311)
Runs Batted In
Grunert (12)
Ellison (6)
Melissa Felkey (5)
Earned Run Average
Danielle Stiene (2.33)
Kate Ardrey (3.50)
Sarah Klopfer (3.78)

Hillsdale: 11
Cornerstone: 3

Season Leaders
Batting Average
Connor Bartlett (.338)
Ethan Wiskur (.304)
Runs Batted In
Bartlett (10)
Sean Bennett (8)
Earned Run Average
Lucas Hamelink (2.70)
P.j. Cooley (2.84)

Sam Scorzo:
Freshman Ashlee Moran sprints the 200 meter at the Hillsdale Tune-Up meet on February 12. Moran and her teammates look forward to the start of the outdoor track season this weekend. (Photo Courtesy of David Mexicotte)
Josh Paladino
Collegian Freelancer
With the addition of a promising freshman class, the track
team is ready to sprint into the
outdoor season and improve
upon their success from last year.
The mens team placed fourth
overall in the GLIAC last year
Last year was our best to
date in my time here, sending the
most men to nationals in recent
history. In the conference we
have been steadily improving
as well, placing higher individually and as a team every year for
the past four years, said senior
third in the 400m hurdles at outdoor nationals last year.
Junior Kristina Galat, who
placed second in the 5K at this
years indoor track national
championships, expressed the
same thoughts about the womens efforts.

The team did well in outdoors last year, sending more

people to nationals than we have
in years past, Galat said.
team believes they are poised to
accomplish great things this season.
I think we will be better
than last year, said junior Emily Oren, the 5K indoor track
champion. Everybody, I think,
in the team after what we were
able to accomplish at the indoor
national meet which will help us
all perform well outdoors.
second overall at the indoor national meet on March 13, the
According to Galat this sucattributed to many factors.
The depth of talent on our
team has increased exponentially: Partly because of a new
coaching staff, partly because of
an amazing group of freshman

in almost every event group, and

partly because everyone has gotten a lot more serious this year.
The mens team feels a simiing outdoor season.
The men will be, without
question, better than the year
before, Jones said. We have a
freshman class that is reminiscent of our own. I would say it
even surpasses us in raw talent
and bringing a similar tenacity
and work ethic.
These widespread good feelings and belief in the freshmen
class has inspired lofty goals for
the team. Although admittedly
not one to set broad goals, Jones
gave a few words about what the
team hopes to accomplish.
For us it is more about improving on ourselves because
if we do then the team will improve as a result, thus placing
us higher in the conference and
eventually, we hope, at nationals. If I were to put it into words
I would say we would look to

improve our standing in the conference, which is easier said than

done, and take as many people to
nationals as we can, Jones said.
Jones said he personally
hopes to earn a national title this
We would like to place better at the conference meet and
for the national meet it would
be great to keep up what we just
did at indoors and be a podium
team, Oren said of the womens
summed up the sentiments of
everyone is really excited for the
outdoor season and we are going
to continue to surprise the other
schools, she said.
in Raleigh, North Carolina.


Rachael Hille
Collegian Freelancer

The Hillsdale College volleyball team will host their spring

alumnae round robin tournament
in the Dawn Tibbetts Potter Arena on Saturday.
Hillsdale has been hosting the
alumnae tournament on and off
for the past twenty years. This
year, however, saw an increase in
the amount of alumnae interested
in playing. Enough former players committed to playing in the
tourney that two alumnae teams
were formed rather than the traditional single team.
There is an old team and
then an older team, Coach
Gravel said.
The two teams deemed themselves Mall Walkers and Older, Slower, Lower.
In addition to the alumnae
teams and the current Hillsdale
team, the University of Findlay will bring two squads to the
tournament and Western Ontario
Universitys team will also participate.
Hillsdale volleyball alumna and All-American Melissa
Bartlett 08 is the head coach at
Western Ontario.
It is nice to see former players still have the technique and
good habits that they created
here when they were players,
Gravel said. They like to complain and tell stories of how hard
it was back then, but the skills
The overwhelming interest
that former players have shown

to return and play on Saturday

speaks to the strength of the
Charger volleyball program that
Coach Gravel and his assistants have built, senior Meagan
McPhetridge said.
Coach and Steph have built
an amazing program where alums are super eager to stay involved and come back anytime,
McPhetridge said.

The transition between being

a current player and alumna can
be very strange, McPhetridge
As graduating seniors, the
actual realization that our career as volleyball players is over
doesnt really start to sink in
until winter and spring season.
Being able to get back and play
competitively with and against

Junior Marissa Owen sets up junior Haylee Booms for a

spike in a match last fall. (Anders Kiledal/Collegian)

teammates is amazing, McPhetridge said. All the alums of

the program are super excited to
have another opportunity to get
together and play at a high level.
Itll be great to catch up with
teammates from past seasons and
exciting to play against the current team.
The Hillsdale alumnae team
won the tournament last year, so
the stakes are higher for the current Chargers.
Its just fun. There is more
pressure this year since the alums won last year, junior Haylee Booms said. But it is very
cool to see the players that we
see pictures on the wall in the ofto life.
In addition to this years tournament, there will be a reception
introducing the alumnae to the
new Hall of Fame room in the
sports complex. The reception
will host alumnae and current
players and their families, plus a
few recruits.
Coach Gravel described the
reception as a really unique way
for the Hillsdale volleyball families, past and present, to get to
know each other.
But while the reception is
meant for fraternizing, Gravel is
serious about the current Chargers winning the tournament.
We are going to win, Gravel determined.
The tournament starts at
10:30 a.m. and admission is free.

Make the kick

Its no secret that people go
to games to watch Tom Brady
and Russell Wilson not Stephen Gostkowski and Steven
NFL kickers jobs are boring: When 99.5 percent of the
extra point kicks are successful
in NFL games, the extra point
is basically a foregone conclusion. Fans dont even need to
watch they expect the seventh
point. From 2011 to 2013 kickers only missed 18 of 3,709 attempts for the extra point.
And the NFL sees this as a
problem too. With the competition committee meeting this
week in Phoenix, ESPN deemed
extra points the second-hottest
discussion between the owners
and coaches, only behind expanding instant replays.
To freshen the game and
boost interest after touchdowns,
the NFL needs to narrow goal
posts from 18 feet to 14 feet and
move the two-point conversion
attempt up to the 1-yard line.
Narrowing the goal post
will change the nature of fourth
downs by adding variety to their
current predictableness. Under
the current rules, if their team
is still 25 to 30 yards out from
the end zone, offensive coordinators will almost always elect
rowing the goal posts would
change this. The assurance of
three points will not be as secure
because it will be substantially
goal from the 30-yard line when
the goal posts are only 14 feet
apart rather than 18. This is tried
and true: At the 2015 Pro Bowl
the NFL narrowed the goal posts
to 14 feet and Indianapolis Colts
kicker Adam Vinatieri missed
Instead of automatically going to punt or kick, running an
offensive play on fourth down
will become a viable option.
But with narrower goal posts,
any decision the coaches make
will add excitement the kicker having riskier odds would
goal was converted it would be
more impressive. Running another play is also more exciting
than falling back on the safety
net of an easy three points.
Additionally, if a team decides to go for it on fourth
down and fails to convert the

which could lead to an increase

in touchdowns per gamewhat
the fans want to see.
Running plays is naturally
more exciting than kicking for
obvious reasons. More action
players are involved, and theres
generally more room for improvising and trick plays. Moving
the two-point conversion line
up to the 1-yard line from where
it traditionally sits at the 2-yard
line will add incentive for teams
to go for two.
Fans rarely get to watch
two-point conversions. They
are only used when teams are
in a bind and need the points.
Coaches usually dont want to
risk losing the virtually automatic extra point.
Moving the two-point conversion has started to gain
momentum among coaches, according to ESPNs Sal
Paolantonio, who estimated
that the frequency of two-point
attempts during games would
increase from 47.5 percent (reported for 2014) up to 60-65
Former NFL head coach
Herm Edwards speculated that
95 percent of head coaches will
go for the two-point conversion
if this change was made. Edwards noted that kicks would
become reserved for when
teams only need a single point
at the end of games.
Also, attempts at the 1-yard
line will allow for more play options. At the 2-yard line, coaches almost always opt to pass the
ball. At the 1-yard line, coordinators will open their playbook
for a wider variety of plays rather than just looking to pass.
These suggestions were both
made at the committee, but
implementing them together
would surely make the difference the game needs. Narrowing
kicking more exciting if teams
still choose to do so, and moving the two-point conversion up
to the 1-yard line will incentivise teams to go for two points.
Kicking would no longer seem
like a technicality teams need to
run through after touchdowns.
These changes will ultimately create more opportunities for
teams to make exciting plays on
fourth downs and on two-point
conversion attempts, and by doing so, will improve an already
thrilling game.


Amanda Tindall
News Editor

When the baseball diamond

was behind central hall, the
Roche Sports Complex did not
yet exist, and Jack McAvoy and
Frank Muddy Waters were
working in athletics on campus, Joan and Bill Van Arsdalen
moved to Hillsdale, and Bill soon
began working with scorekeeping for the football team, then for
the basketball team.
That was approximately 40
years ago this basketball season was his last, as he plans on
retiring from scorekeeping at the
Theres a fair amount of
pressure doing that job, said

Professor of history Tom Conner, who worked at the scorers

table with Van Arsdalen. You
dont want to mess up. I always
say, You know youre doing a
good job when youre working
at the scorers table and nobody
notices you. You only get noticed when you miss something
or get something wrong. But we
work together it really is like
a team. Thats one of the things
Ive always enjoyed most about
it. Bill is kind of the captain of
the team.
Van Arsdalen arrived on camfootball team. He then quickly
took to working on the scoring
for football. Back then the sports

and Jack McAvoy was athletic

Jack was a wonderful man,
Van Arsdalen said. He made
the athletic department. He was
just a great athletic director. As a
matter of fact, he was the driving
force behind the Roche Center.
Weve seen a lot of changes up
there over the years. From that
old dungeon to that place now
its beautiful.
Joan Van Arsdalen taught social dance at the college for 23
years. While Joan now bakes
cookies for the people at the
scorers table, she used to bake
cookies for the whole football
team when they traveled to away
We had football players that

would eat dinner with us and

football game, she said. We

had college kids out here. It was
almost like a Just let me know
youre coming. It was just a
place for them to get away from
school for a time.
Van Arsdalen even had a good
relationship with the referees,
Conner said.
He liked to banter with the
referees as well, he said. You
know we dont get the same refs
every game, but its the same
pool. You could always tell,
theyd come over to greet us at
the table, hed have a quip for
Along with some of Van Arsdalens other co-wokers, the ref-

erees are sad to see him retire.

Its funny because particularly in the last few years, the
refs have come up to me, and say
to me, oh, I wondered if youd
be back this year, Van Arsdalen
said. This year I was telling
them, Next year youre going to
be getting someone new because
Im going to hang it up after 40
years. They said, Oh, you cant
do that.
Van Arsdalen said Hillsdales
basketball scorers table is one of
the better tables that the referees
encounter, and they often comment on how well it is handled.
Next year, Pat Hornak will
be the score clock operator and
Anthony Manno will be the shot
clock operator. Van Arsdalen

said because their schedule has

always been based on sports
games, now they will be able to
travel more freely if they wish,
he said.
I wrote him this, and Im
sure hes heard it from a lot of
others, I think retirement is a
great thing, Conner said. Especially when you can look back
like he can on 40 years of a job
very well done on his part. I hope
hell take great satisfaction in
that. And like I said, well miss
him. It wont be the same.

(Anders Kiledal/Collegian)

26 March 2015

Charger Sports
Stevan Bennett
Collegian Freelancer

Hillsdale College baseball team

Malone University Pioneers with
an 8-2 victory over the Albion
College Britons last night. After
dropping three of four to the Pio6-14 overall.
The win over Albion came on
allow only seven hits and two
The Hillsdale offensive effort
was led by a pair of third inning
Bartlett and Chris McDonald.
The win came at a crucial
avenge themselves after a tough
Of course going 1-3 was
frustrating. You play every game

a lot about the team to be in all of

Malone opened up on Saturday

afternoon as the Chargers fell to
the Pioneers 7-4.
Despite scoring the games
to play catchup the rest of the
day as the Pioneers put up four
top of the second for a run despite recording zero hits in the
inning. Malone topped the Chargers once again by scoring two in
the bottom of the second.

double by Bartlett. The comefailed to score in the seventh.

Senior Shane Armstrong
threw a complete game for HillsThe night cap proved more
successful for the Chargers as
they topped Malone 4-2. Hillsdales four runs came as a result
of hits by seven separate Chargers.
Hillsdale was able to overlar performance on the mound

Softball opens GLIAC

play Saturday at home
Morgan Delp


coach Gordon Theisen said. His

performance really helped us to
The Chargers returned to
Thurman Munson Stadium on

GLIAC play opens Saturday

for the Charger softball team.
Hillsdale will host Findlay in a
doubleheader at 1 and 3 p.m. at
Johnny Williams Field.
Last years games against the
Oilers (10-9) proved to be the

half of the double header 3-1.

Both young pitchers went on the season in conference play.
Findlay came out on top in the
Hillsdale freshman Will Kruse
edging the Chargers out of a spot
in the conference tournament.
four. This performance was
topped only by Malone freshman revenge.
Josh Hurford who gave up one
We seem to always be about
earned run on three hits while even with them. Our doubleheaders with them in the last four
I had good location on my years have played a huge role
fastball and was able to get some
tail in on some guys and get head coach Joe Abraham said.
They swept us last year and we
solid defensively. Its always
good when the guys behind you
against NAIA foes Davenport
The Chargers lone run came University and Cornerstone Unident heading into the conference
Sean Bennett to score.
We have had some pretty
went to the Pioneers 5-1 as the close games that have prepared
Malone freshman Cody Ballay sophomore Kelli Eddie said.
who gave up only one earned run
on two hits over seven innings.
Hillsdale was able to stain an 11-3 victory over Cornerstone
Ballays performance in the sec- in the second game Saturday
ond when senior Nolan Breymaconditions.
Chris McDonald.
We played better defense in
Despite their slow start to
ham said. We were tied at three
high in the Chargers dugout.
dont feel that were at a point and made an over-the-shoulder
where there is any cause for ma- diving catch that saved at least
two runs. We really needed
of teams in the same boat as we
That Charger bats got going
host the Wayne State Warriors sdale went on to pound Cornerfor doubleheaders on Saturday
and Sunday.
(Sophomore) Cassie (AsItll be nice for myself and selta) went three for three with a

Junior Connor Bartlett runs to first in a game last

season. Barlett hit a home run in yesterdays win. (Photo
Courtesy of Jenny Bals)

Top: Junior right fielder Ainsley Ellison positions herself

under a fly ball. Bottom: Junior Julia Kosco at bat last season. The Chargers will play at home on Saturday. (Photos
Courtesy of Sheridan Markatos)

plained. Junior Sarah Klopfer

pitched for the win.

quite close the gap before falling

when were down. It didnt surprise any of us when we came

Porter said. She almost hit for a


the worst game of the season and

we were still in position to come

lead to a loss. When we clean

out strong against Findlay.
Its nice to play at home
and start off the year with home
not start in conference play with
for what we had done in the be-

Charger Chatter: bekah Kastning

we were tied. The winning run
in the dugout before going up to

Sophomore Bekah Kastning,

body please tell me that I can do

this? Because Im completely
doubting myself right now. So I

I swung at it. It happened to be a


the game and get myself focused.

can still come out on top. Its

also a good reminder that even if
youre playing poorly individuplayed doesnt matter.
How did the rest of your team

So you had a stand-out game

over spring break?
ple to win the game. To be hon-

Do you have any pre-game rituals both personally, and as

a team?

started playing softball off of a

actually played Tee ball. All the

What made you want to start

My mom played softball in high

self in the right mentality for the

play softball. All of us played

softball at one point in our lives.

the only ones that continued

with it; everybody else went off
to play their different sports. But

I have a certain routine that I do

every time I get in the batters

Fairly wellwe went 6-6. We

lost some games that we should

but my brothers ended up being

more into running.

those. The beginning of the sea-

Do you have any goals for the


better than 6-6. Its a good time

to be on the dirty end and see a
and we learned a lot.

circle around.
When did you start softball?

ment and do really well in the

tournament. I have my personal
goals: I want to hit a certain bat-

ally dont care about my stats. I

care about helping the team in

here used to coach at Whitworth

from my house. He was initially
recruiting me there my freshman

RBIs in a way thats helping the

cused on.

What is your favorite aspect of

being on the softball team?

I never heard of somewhere in

Being on a team is a great way to

with and be around different pering on a team because its such a

guys would be interested

and we always have somebody

to go to when we need some-

listens to Rush Limbaugh. So he


ways have people. When I got to

and fell in love with it. It was ev-

How were you recruited to

play at Hillsdale?

was no question in my mind. It is

my absolute dream school.

I actually committed to play here

before I even visited the school.
It was one of those things where

B1 26 March 2015

(Hannah Leitner/Collegian)

A riot of color in dance

Tower Dancers perform this weekend with both faculty and student choreography
senior Sarah Schweizer and junior Heather Linder.
Dance is a wonderful expression of grace and strength and
power, Hobbs said. Its always
This weekend Hillsdale can enjoyable to see. We have an outsee meditations on life in motion standing group of dancers. This
at the Tower Dancers annual is our main performance for the
concert, featuring live music and year, so its the big opportunity
productions worked on for the to experience what were doing
past year.
in our studio.
The performances will be 8
New to this years perforp.m. Friday and Saturday and mance is live music for a ballet
2 p.m. Sunday in Markel Audi- to Antonio Vivaldis The Four
torium. Admission is free, and Seasons from a student quartet
no ticket is required. Students directed by Professor of Music
- Melissa Knecht.
graphed by Visiting Professor of
It gives the opportunity to
Dance Holly Hobbs and Lecturer work with a live musician on
in Theatre Jessica Post as well as stage, which means every performance will
be slightly
H o b b s
there is not
a central
theme to
concert, most
of the performances
are modern.
S c h weizer also
that in this
the dancers costumes explode with
year, its
r e a l l y
Tower Dancers senior Jillien Baldwin,
freshman Brenna Tremp, sophomore PrisSchweizer
cilla Larson, and junior Gabriella Mahan.
Breana Noble
Collegian Reporter

(Anders Killedal/Collegian)

said. Last year, everyones costumes were black and white. This
year, everyone is just going for
the rainbow, so itll be fun.
The color, for Schweizer, also
emphasizes the variety of ideas
being portrayed in this years
This year, were all going
for uniqueness, Schweizer said.
Its interesting we all started
separately, but all the dances are
about sharing or kindness or going on a journey. We all chose a
humanitarian approach.
Starting in the fall, Schweizer
and Linder began choreographteaching them to students this
semester. They also worked with
costume designer Bryan Sim-

mons and lighting designer Michael Beyer.

Schweizer choreographed a
modern dance entitled A Mosaic of That Which We All Walk
Through, where she hopes to
portray what makes up the common human experience.
Theres lots of answers that
are there in the piece, and hopefully theres a resolution, Schweizer said. Im intentionally
vague because I want people to
react honestly to my piece.
Never having choreographed
her own dance for a concert like
this, Schweizer has learned from
the experience.
Its been really intense,
Schweizer said. Im responsible
for the dancers and their move-

ment, but I also need to keep this

artistic vision in mind and what
they can do.
Nonetheless, Schweizer has
enjoyed creating and teaching
the dance to her fellow performers.
I was really worried my
dancers wouldnt like dancing
my dance, but its been great,
Schweizer said. Its been really
fun because my dance came out
a lot better than I thought and
better than I imagined just because the dancers are so willing
and easy to work with. Movement is way more powerful than
I thought it was.
Her choreography also marks
her achievements.
Im not
the same
was freshman year,
shows a lot
of growth.
I get to try
in movement.
who joined
T o w e r
two years
ago, also
dance. Her
lenge was
a subject
that would
stretch her

sor Hobbs has been encouraging

me to get into the metaphysiI choreographed was tea, and
then I came to her with the idea
of rocks. Shes like, Keeping
stretching that. I came back with
For Linder, while the concept
of rebounding a ball is physical,
theres also an emotional experience with it.
Theres the idea of yourself
rebounding, Linder said. This
day really sucks, but whatever,
Im going to bounce back. I
spent a lot of time bouncing

See Tower Dancers B2

(Anders Kiledal/Collegian)

(Anders Killedal/Collegian)

Before graduation, a recital

As the end of the year draws closer, seniors prepare final recitals

Laura Williamson
Collegian Reporter
Instead of a senior thesis, music majors at Hillsdale College
perform a senior recital for their
capstone project. The recital is
the culmination of four years of
music training under the guidance of Hillsdales music faculty.
Its a culmination of four
years of private study on an instrument. Learning different repertoire, learning different techniques and advancing yourself,
Professor of Music James Holleman said.
While the senior recital is
required of music majors, other
non-major music students also
have the option to put together a
The process of the senior recital starts at the end of junior
year, when students start compiling their programs with the aid of
their studio teacher.
This is based on their four
year growth, their skill level and
teacher, Holleman said. So
theyll have pieces they want to
do but those get tempered a little

by their teacher. They make sure

theyre doing the pieces we feel
are the right level of challenge
and the right level of variety over
the program.
A recital program is usually
10-12 pieces long with at least
half of the music classical.
When youre a major at Hillsdale, youre taught classically
and then you can branch out. So
half of the recital has to be classical, Voice Teacher Melissa Osmond said.
Between the choice of music
and practice, the process of putting together a senior recital is a
long one.
We work on it both semesters, Osmond said. It does take
that long to work it in the voice
and work it in the brain. Its a
huge undertaking to put together
a senior recitalPicking out music, making sure that its some-

voice [or instrument], something

that they like In order for them
to do a good job, they have to
really connect with the music.
cial in that piece that speaks to
their soul.
Holleman noted the importance of getting an early start on

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the program compilation process.

By the beginning of fall semester and even the end of spring
semester junior year, most of the
program has been chosen, Holleman said. There can be additions but you want the music to
digest, solidify, and be at their
highest level and thats part of
the process too. If you just have
it ready to perform, its not the
same experience as really having
something thats a part of your
soul, if you will.
Senior music major Claire
Ziegler is preparing to perform
her senior recital in April. She
has been working on the program
since her junior year.
I remember the very evening
cital, Missy, my voice teacher,
was saying to me Oh you did
such a good job. Ive got lots of
pieces already for you to look at
for next year, Ziegler said.
Ziegler said that Osmond gave
her the opportunity to choose
much of the music for her recital
and to create a program with a lot
of variety.
I chose a lot of music that
was important to me or that I
particularly loved, Ziegler said.
Theres a lovely mix of different languages and a mix of different topics. There are some love
songs. Actually most of them are
love songs of one kind or another
but some of them are happy or
sad. Theres one with a really fun
kind of Spanish rhythm and then
there are other slow legato ones.
I really enjoyed putting together
a varied program.
ter of her senior year, Ziegler
was able to begin practicing her
pieces for the recital.
By about the end of last se-

down and I really started working on the polishing and perfecting of the pieces themselves,
Ziegler said.
Taking on the task of curating and performing a senior recital can be daunting. Ziegler had
some advice for those who will


be facing that challenge: take advantage of the people around you

and listen to their recommendations for music.
I wish I had known the importance of word of mouth, because whats actually happened
is one of the great things about
the Hillsdale music department is

this wonderful community of students and professors that exists

here, Ziegler said. If I had to do
it over again, I would relax and
not worry so much about having
to come up with everything on
my own and allow the music department and that community to
support me in that way.

To do and see This


March 21 April 3
Design Beyond Boundaries:
David Lippert
Daughtrey Gallery
David Lippert 80, president of
AutoExec, Inc., exhibits an array of
personal and commercial work ranging
from photography and illustration to
product design and beyond.
March 27
Something Old, Something New:
Sigma Alpha Iota Spring Concert
McNamara Rehearsal Hall
8 p.m.
The women of SAI present their spring
concert Friday evening in Howard
Music Building.

March 27-29
Tower Dancers Concert
Markel Auditorium
Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m.,
Sunday at 2 p.m.
New works from Dance Director Holly
Hobbs, student and guest
March 29
Sweet Ascent and Scarlet White
McNamara Rehearsal Hall
7 p.m.
Sweet Ascent is an up-and-coming rock/
pop/hardcore band based out of
Lawrence, Kansas. Scarlet White is
a heavy post-grunge melodic
Christian rock band from Three Rivers,

(Compiled by Andrew Egger)

26 March 2015 B2


Cinderella a near-perfect movie

(Photo courtesy of Tom


My life as
a would-be
According to writer Joseph
Epstein, 81 percent of Americans
have a book they want to write.
ambitions while also not giving
my ideas away:
a) The story of a high school
student struggling with that stage
of lifes typical problems...while
also losing control of his place in
b) An exploration of modern
college life, with a focus on the
pros and cons of Greek life
c) A paranoid conspiracy
thriller featuring aliens and UFOs
Though my desire to write
a novel may surprise some, my
choice of subject matter for at
least two of them would not surprise anyone who has known me
over the years: In 8th grade, I was
voted both best conspiracy theorist and likeliest to build a time
Ideas are for me, at least
the most fun part of trying to write a novel. My friend
Michael Shaw 13 likes to say
theres nothing better than the
the would-be novelists struggle
begins as soon as that 15 minutes
the ever-looming question What
do I do next? It is a struggle
haunted by the way that the stark
fact of a works incompleteness
(or even nonexistence) eats at
your soul. And it is a struggle that
has changed my life.
My creative faculty is such
that I cannot control when ideas
me. Light bulbs have appeared
over my head while I am running, when Im eating, while I
am in the bathroom, and, probably most often, when Im trying to go to bed. The last of these
tendencies often makes sleepwas comfortably in bed until an
entire scene burst into my halfconscious head; it wouldnt let
me sleep until I wrote the whole
thing down.
This uncontrollable idea generation has combined with my
own paranoia about forgetfulness
to compel me always to carry
around notebooks and some kind
of writing utensil, lest I fail to
capture an idea before oblivion
claims it. I also collect these fragments of ideas, along with random Internet articles, facts, ideas

tower Dancers
From B1
of taking the simple idea of down
and up and suspending and falling and trying to put that into
more than just the simple idea of
what they think it.
While Linder has some choreography experience, the dance
she created for the stage was a bit
different from her usual performances.
piece, Linder said. Ive choreographed for show choir, and
thats everyone doing the same
thing basically. In modern, I have
to think how my natural movement will look on other peoples
bodies. Im working with amazingly talented girls, but each of

James) the importance of kinding her to have courage and be

This command becomes the

Kate Patrick
Assistant Editor

Many of us grew up enjoying

Disneys animated classic, Cinderella. As a kid, I was spellbound by singing mice, Cinderellas sweetness, and, of course,
the magic of the Fairy Godmothers Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo. But
when Kenneth Branagh started
production of a live-action remake of the fairy tale favorite, I
was a bit skeptical.
To be honest, Cinderella
was never my favorite Disney
fairy-tale movie I have always
been much more interested in
Sleeping Beauty, Aladdin,
and Beauty and the Beast
besides the fact that remakes of
beloved classics dont always
turn out so well. (I could mention
Footloose as a prime example.)
But Branaghs Cinderella

from other sources, plot fragments, etc. into Google Docs under overarching folders for each
novel, each of which probably
contains hundreds of thousands
of words.
I have also read multiple
books on how to write novels, and
talked to several authors to mine
them for ideas and techniques.
I have even enlisted freshman
Chandler Ryd, who founded the
Creative Writing Club and actually knows what hes doing, to
bother me about writing every
time he sees me.
But all these steps Ive taken of the 1950 animation, sparkles
havent gotten my novels much with gorgeous CGI, delicately
promotes virtue and innocence,
though these small half-measures and causes viewers to fall in love
have largely kept me from forget- with Disneys favorite princess
ting things, Ive reached the point all over again.
now where I am mostly using
them to mollify the internal pres- Bonham-Carter (who doubles as
sures I feel from all the laughters Cinderellas quirky Fairy Godand the follies that are locked mother), opens by describing
inside my head, and to make me little Ellas happy family and the
feel like I am doing [something]. premature death of her mother
What keeps me a [would-be] (Hayley Atwell). On her deathnovelist is not inspiration Ive bed, Ellas mother teaches Ella
got plenty of that but time and (portrayed by the darling Lily
dedication. Between the Colleout my future (not to mention
sleeping and eating), I simply
dont have time to write a novel
right now. Now, Im of course
aware thats what all would-be
novelists say. There always is
and always will be an excuse not
to work. The only way actually to
write a novel is to make writing
a daily habit, not just the erratic
hobby Ive made of it. But even if
I dont have time now, and even
if these novels non-existence
deprives no one but me, I refuse
to give up. These ideas will linger in my mind whether I want
them to or not; putting them on
paper is the only way to get rid
of them. Sentence by sentence,
paragraph by paragraph, page by
page, chapter by chapter, novel
by novel, Ill put it all together.
And then I can get started on
my romantic comedy screenplay.

Amanda Tindall
News Editor

Last March, the movie adaptation of Divergent freed a good

plot from a poorly written novel
and made it worth watching.
Since then, fans of Kate Winslet and Theo James have waited
expectantly for the release of
Insurgent, the sequel of Divergent, which was released this
past weekend.
As a fan of Divergent, I decided to go see Insurgent with
hopeful skepticism. When the
movie began, however, my hope
quickly faded into despair, and
my skepticism turned into cynicism.
Sequels rarely have a unique
Jack Butler is a senior studying political economy. He is also plot with different themes than
studying journalism through
the Dow Journalism Program, novels are a trilogy, however, so
there is no excuse for the plot to
Group. Please buy his novels be so poorly written and hastily
churned out.
Insurgent is strikingly similar to Taken 2 or the Mission:
Impossible series in its pathetic
dialogue and dull plot. (If you
havent read the books, this review is full of spoilers. Fair
them have different body types. warning.)
The artistic elements seem to
What Im thinking may not necessarily work, so lets play with present the idea of perception as
one of the movies major themes.
The dancers expressed their The protagonist Tris (Shailene
hopes that those on campus will Woodly) struggles with seeing
herself as a killer. And this concome to watch their hard work.
Theres a lot of things you
dont expect, freshman Sarah of the plot. At one point, she
Casebeer said. Theres a lot of stands in a glass cell, having just
lifts and interesting choreogra- smashed someones face against
phy. Itll open your mind to what the glass. This question of perour dance program is all about, ception is especially clear here,
innovation and creative choreog- as she looks through the bloodraphy.

(Elena Creed/Collegian)

lack of oversexualized relationships between characters is particularly refreshing, especially

between Ella and the prince (they
share one chaste kiss at the very
nitely making a point: you dont
need make-out sessions and sex
to portray a beautiful romance
between two people. In fact, the
purity of the relationship between Ella and the prince (Richard Madden) makes even the idea
of steamy sex scenes seem trashy
and out of place.
Vibrant colors, sweeping
scenery, and decadent ballroom
scenes that are nothing short of
magical are the icing on the cake.
The Fairy Godmothers transformation of Ella and her pumpkin
ing the lizards squirm and writhe
into green, scaly footmen was
particularly entertaining). The
real treat, however, is watching
Lily James spin slowly amid a
cloud of sparkling fairy dust and
gown and glass slippers, then descend innocently and unassumingly upon the ball.
troubled heroes are praised and
virtue is undermined, Branaghs
Cinderella stands apart from
the rest like a beacon, and gives
me hope. Virtuous heroes will
always be more powerful than
heroes that justify dishonesty and
knavery, and fairy tales can still
be as fresh and cherished as ever.

Insurgent just another bad sequel

stained glass the way she beThe effects were strikingly
lieves everyone else will eventu- similar to Inception houses
ally see her.
moving at angles that defy gravAt the beginning, Tris is seen ity.
looking through a window in a
Both at the beginning of the
dream. During the last scene, movie and throughout, the pixJeanine (Kate Winslet), president elation of characters in the Simuof the Erudites, watches people lations also evoked perspective,
of all factions walk to freedom as did the windows.
as she stands in a cell that she
At one point, Four fades into
has created. There are windows
ferent ways to demonstrate per- seen in a pixelated form.There
was nothing subtle about it.
As all
of the presome good
views sugartistic degested,
cisions, the
The artistic elements general plot
the special
effects of seem to present the idea of per- was deeply
Insurgent ception as one of the movies disappointwere more
ing comp e r v a s i v e major themes. The protagonist pared to the
and of bet- Tris (Shailene Woodly) struggles
ter caliber with seeing herself as a killer. Tris need
to forgive
- herself and
Divergent ef- able, real element of the plot. At to be honest
one point, she stands in a glass is presented
The speas the probcial effects cell, having just smashed some- lem at the
used in the ones face against the glass. This beginning,
Simulation question of perception is espe- and
plot plays
in Diver- cially clear here, as she looks right into
gent in- through the bloodstained glass her solvcluded Tris the way she believes every- ing these
stuck in a
box of wa- one else will eventually see her. without any
ter she
breaks out
by simply
Im unsymtapping on the glass calmly. In pathetic to the forgive yourself
Insurgent, however, she climbs view, but it was played out in a
a burning building that is some- cliched manner.
In the last Sim, Tris has to face
while its carrying her mother. her greatest enemy surprise
For whatever reason, her mother herself. The videography durdoes not have a single burn when ing this scene was distractingly
the two meet inside the house.
80s-esque. Woodlys short hair,

also intended to make her look

tougher and stronger, simply reveals her baby face. Her attempt
at anger seems so unnatural and
forced, that its hard to take her
little face seriously.
In similarly terrible acting,
Four meets his mother surprise, shes not dead who, at
because of the awkward tension
between the two. Four and Tris
have a also-cliche lovers quarrel.
The special effects could not
mask the generally bad plot and
cringe-worthy dialogue.
As Jeanine searches for the
right divergent to master the tests
necessary to unlock a box, the
contents of which both audience
and characters are unaware, Tris
is forced to encounter her past
and forgive those around her, as
well as herself.
The dialogue is laughable,
with every attempt at intimidation sounding like a punchline.
The dialogue quickly drops every
serious or suspenseful moment.
one, Jeanine says after killing
yet another one of her test subjects.
As a friend who saw the movie with me said, The words very
and special should only be used
together on a childs birthday
It comes as no surprise that
the two redeeming no, decent
qualities of the movie are special effects and Theo James, as
BuzzFeed predicted.
Instead of watching the movcient use of time to go read the
BuzzFeed article 15 Times The
Thirst For Theo James Was Too
Real, and save about two hours.

Flowers of Beauty: Hillsdale Arts Chorale

Stacey Egger
Collegian Reporter

Tower Dancers rehearsing.

tempted to think of the Cinderella

in the 1950 animation), the viewer respects Ellas self-control and
remarkable kindness to animals,
strangers, and her cruel step-family. Instead of lashing back at her
itself, as the viewer sees that familys mean-spiritedness, Ella
sometimes life requires an ex- continues to bless them with her
traordinary amount of courage, hard work, determined to remain
and sometimes the simplest act in the house in which she was
of kindness
is extremely
respect her
parents dyBranagh
ing wishes.
Rather than seeing the miswastes no
E v e n
in treated orphan as a pathetic crea- when Ella
s h o w i n g ture who doesnt stand up for is rewardviewers how
ed for her
herself (which one was often g o o d n e s s
to be cou- tempted to think of Cinderella in and given
rageous the 1950 animation), the viewer the opportuespecially
nity to exact
if you are respects Ellas self-control and revenge on
Cinderella. remarkable kindness to animals, those who
To risk a strangers, and her cruel step-fam- hurt her (a
spoiler, for
e x a m p l e , ily. Instead of lashing back at her Barrymore
when Ellas familys mean-spiritedness, Ella in the Cinlast chance continues to bless them with her d e r e l l a
at happiness
story Ever
is threatened hard work, determined to remain A f t e r ) ,
near the end in the house she was raised to re- she
spect her parents dying wishes. to her stepshe chooses
mother (a
those whom
wicked Cate
instead of
indulging her own desires.
simply and honestly,
Rather than seeing the misI forgive you.
treated orphan as a pathetic
This moment is just one excreature who doesnt stand up ample of Branaghs mission to
for herself (which one was often

Last Sunday at 3 p.m., the

Hillsdale Arts Chorale performed
the third concert of their 42nd
season in the sanctuary of Saint
Pauls Lutheran Church.
The performance, entitled
Flowers of Beauty, featured a
range of pieces with one unifying
Todays program was about
love, and the different ways we
as humans can love, said Andrea VanDeusen, the Chorales
conductor. All the pieces have
to do with friendship love, family
love, love for God, nature, etc.
Since 1972, the choir has
drawn members from Hillsdale
and the surrounding community
to rehearse once a week and perform four times a year.
I think were fortunate to
have a group with such talent in

a small community, said Greg

Bailey, a former member of the
Chorale and its executive director. The types of pieces they
have performed over the years
something that you wouldnt
hear otherwise.
The choir has only 23 singers,
number the men. Nevertheless,
the group was able to achieve a
well-balanced tone and gorgeous
harmonies, and to master the dynamic range of soft, prayerful
pieces such as Stephen Paulus
Pilgrims Hymn and powerful, forceful sections of Brahms
Liebeslieder Waltzes. Their selected music was complex, and
their execution was professional
and exact.
Debbie Wyse, Hillsdale College piano instructor and choir
accompanist, played both piano
and harp during certain pieces.
Wyse sang in the chorale for 30
years before retiring from the

commitment several years ago.

One thing thats wonderful
is that it does make a connection
between college and community, Wyse said.
Several members of the choir
are Hillsdale College alumni, and
Wyse said that there has been
consistent involvement between
choir and campus over the years.
nected with Hillsdale College
through her involvement with the
Arts Chorale. After accompanying an Arts Chorale performance
in 1981, she was approached
about applying for an accompanist position at the college.
year conducting the Arts Chorale, grew up in Hillsdale before
leaving for college and a series of
music teaching jobs, one in Switzerland. Having been involved
with Hillsdales Youth Chorale as
a child, conducting the Arts ChoTheres a different level of

your heart involved, VanDeusen said, This is an organization that has a lot of history, and a
very strong community within it.
There are very many members in
it who sing now who sang when
I was a kid. There are a handful
of people who I sang with when
we were children who are now
adults singing in the group.
She says that this community
is not only a good result of the
chorale, but it also adds to its
Hillsdale is a small place
but I think that that actually adds
to the success of the ensemble in
a sense, because there is so much
history, and so much connection
between the members.
The Hillsdale Arts Chorale
will be performing their last
concert of the season, A Grand
Night for Singing- an evening of
Broadway and Pops Music, at
Saint Pauls on May 9th.


B3 26 March 2015

Jedis to protect Legos this summer

Carly Howell
Collegian Freelancer

A toast to Butters
Jordan Finney
Collegian Reporter

(Photo Courtesy of Joe Forrester)

stand up
From B4

Senior Warren Viegas jokes at the Dawn Theater.

(Anders Kiledal/Collegian)

(Kelsey Drapkin/Collegian)

From B4

Houses Available for Rent

85 East Fayette Street :
Five-bedroom, one and one-half bath, fully
furnished, and recently renovated Victorian
One and a half blocks from campus.
Large eat in Kitchen, a separate dining room,
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Rent is $390 per student per month plus

The above rate is based on one student per bedroom. If students wish to add an
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is equipped with a washer and dryer.

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B4 26 March 2015


Evan Carter
Web Editor

alking up the stage steps

in downtown Hillsdales
Dawn Theater, senior
Michael Bunting was prepared to
deliver his comedy routine. His
involvement in theater made up
for his inexperience in stand-up
Initially, Bunting felt out of his
element and was surprised that the
crowd was so quiet. He delivered
his prepared eight-minute routine
on stereotypes about his Toyota
Prius. Some jokes stuck and people laughed.
I just kind of threw myself into
it. I had a lot of theatre and acting experience, just because thats
what I grew up on, Bunting said.
I was comfortable in front of
people, I was comfortable sort of
putting on a character, memorizing lines.
The theater hosts its weekly
open mic night from 8-11 p.m. on
Fridays. That night senior Warren Viegas brought along fellow
senior Kenneth Manyari-Magro,
sophomores Joe Spica, and Michael Farrell as well as Bunting to


Its a good place to

talk about your
problems. Its like
free therapy.
perform comedy routines.
Those performing invited
friends and along with people already at the Dawn Theater formed
a crowd of more than 40. Mantive action, Spica played his guitar to various jokes about human
anatomy, while Farrell covered
relationships. Like Bunting, none
of the other three people had performed live stand-up before.
everyone did pretty well, Viegas
Last semester, Viegas began
assembling a group of people to
practice stand-up comedy, writing
routines, and try out new material. Viegas loved comedy and believed that the college was missing
a group that focused on humor. He
hopes to continue having members of the comedy group perform
at open mic nights throughout the
rest of the semester.
Its a good place to talk about
your problems, Viegas joked.
Its like free therapy.

Senior Mike Bunting makes light of his Toyota Prius.

(Kelsey Drapkin/Collegian)

In the spirit of humor, students

bring stand-up routines to Dawn
Theater open mic nights on Fridays.
stand-up routines, members of the
group read books on comedy and
studied the craft of successful comedians.
the feedback the group gives after group members perform their
comedy routines.
Its a place to share what
works, what didnt work. We tell
ourselves, hey, were going to be
brutally honest with each other afterwards. This worked, this didnt

work, Manyari-Magro said.

Manyari-Magro had no previous experience with stand-up
comedy before getting on stage at
Dawn Theater, but he had always
liked comedy and had practice in
public speaking from his time on
the speech team.
I grew up watching Saturday
Night Live, Manyari-Magro said.
He said that his background in
speech helps him write his comedy routines with a point.

You might disagree with me,

but if youre laughing along...I
think its a different medium of
persuasion, Manyari-Magro said.
George Carlin said dont just
make your audience laugh, make
them think.
stage proved to be one of the most
important aspects of his comedic
Some things you think are
funny, other people dont, and I

guess I dont know if theres anything that can be called objectively funny. Its really whether or not
it makes people laugh, Bunting
Viegas experience for leading
the group not only comes from
his passion for comedy, but from

famous comedian George Carlin

once performed early in his career.
Last Friday, Viegas went to
open mic night again, this time
with only three stand-up acts.
Manyari-Magro performed a
speech about hating peace, delivering a string of jokes surrounding
topics from child soldiers to the
up comedy. He has performed at importance of justice. Viegas then
comedy clubs throughout Cali- got up and practiced some matefornia and even performed at the
Los Angeles Improv! club where

See Stand Up, B3

Squirrel hair makes Macks brushes a best seller

Morgan Brownfield
Freelance Reporter

ate works of art without patterns,

or even the ability to simultaneously see both sides of the car bePinstriping, one of the few au- ing pinstriped.
tomotive trends that has carried
In order to create such intricate
over from the 1800s, is an Andrew
Mack Brush Company specialty.
Andrew Mack
The brush company, located in
Jonesville, Michigan, crafts custom brushes for pinstriping cars,
motorcycles, and signwork.
that he was happy
Developed in the 19th century,
pinstriping began as artistry on with, so he made his
buggies and evolved into more
complex designs on cars and moown.
torcycles during the hot-rod scene
of the 50s and 60s.
detailings, pinstriping artists use
Although it began as a trade, the striping brushes, such as those
craft has evolved into a hobby.
crafted at the Andrew Mack Brush
With precise strokes and quality Company.
equipment, pinstriping artists creAndrew Mack, who founded

a brush that he was happy with

so he made his own, said Chris
Fast, the a co-owner of the Andrew Mack Brush Company.
Mack developed his own
Mack Striping Pencil, what is
known as the original pinstriping brush.
Macks Striping Pencil
quickly became the market
standard and Mack left the Deal
Company in 1891 to start his
own full-time business selling
(Anders Kiledal/Collegian)
In the 1930s, Mack employed
over 30 women who specially
handmade each brush.
the company, originally worked
Although Mack held a prestiAndrew Macks son Glenwood,
for the Deal Buggy Factory, a gious position as the head striper
business reputed for building and at the factory, he was not fully sat- who was involved in the business
since 1911, took full ownership
of it in 1946 when Andrew Mack
and wagons in all the Midwest.


Describe your fashion sense.

What is your most embarrassing item of clothing?

What is your biggest fashion pet peeve?

What is your favorite item of clothing?

Who inspires your wardrobe?

Photos by Hailey Morgan

passed away.
He expanded the business to
include manufacturing other types
of brushes, such as those used
in cleaning camera lenses and
contracted artists and sign writer
brushes from a New York based
In 1960, upon Glenwoods retirement, the business sold to family friends, the Fasts.
Today, the current owners of
the business and friends of the
Macks continue Macks legacy
in providing the best pinstriping
brush on the market in addition to,
yet again, expanding the variety of
brushes manufactured.
Currently, the Andrew Mack

See Pinstripe, B3

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