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‘Unified School District Ho. 36 Waits River Valley School 6 Waits River Valley Road East Corinth, Vermont 05040 (802) 439-5534 Fax (802) 439-6444 ‘To Whom It May Concern, The following is a letter of recommendation for Kimberly Brocar-Marchesseault. I have worked with Kim here at Waits River Valley School for the past four-plus years, during which time T have come to admire and respect her. The first thing you should know about Kim is what a caring and decent person she is. These qualities are evident in her daily interactions with her students, who adore her. Kim is soft-spoken, nurturing, and cheerful; her calmness, consistency, and attention to the individual child combined with her high expectations for behavior, foster an atmosphere that promotes trust and risk taking, and her classroom hums with the cheerful sound of busy learners. Kim is a very creative teacher, incorporating many hands on activities and projects to compliment the curriculum, She also makes good use of community resources; she jumped at the chance to have a therapy dog join her Reader's Workshop on a weekly basis, and has welcomed a retired teacher to read with students, as well. Kim's students are also leaning to use technology- walking into her classroom, one might see each student in deep concentration as they type stories of their own creation. In addition, Kim is a whiz with the SmartBoard, using it very adeptly to reinforce concepts and encourage interactive learning. When Kim first arrived at Waits River Valley School, there were several instructional programs that were new to her. She quickly familiarized herself with materials and practices and is always on the lookout for professionel growth opportunities. As a Title One Literacy teacher, I have watched her tackle the ever changing expectations for reading and writing with thoroughness and commitment. Kim also works closely with Title One in administering literacy assessments to her students, and uses these effectively to evaluate and inform her instruction. ‘The same qualities that make Kim a fine teacher make her a wonderful part of our primary team. She is always willing to take on responsibilities and works well alongside everyone, problem solving, sharing ideas, and frequently sending e-mails to her team to share educational information or links to websites she finds interesting or useful. Kim also works closely with several paraeducators for ‘whom she provides guidance and planning. Itis both an honor and a pleasure to work with Kim, and I recommend her without reservation for a position in your school. Please feel free to contact me should you have further questions. Sincerely, Mite Abas Anna Madan Title One literacy Teacher

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