Case Study Template-13

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Case Study

NAEYC Standard 4:
Using Developmentally Effective Approaches
Candidates understand that teaching and learning with young children
is a complex enterprise, and its details vary depending on childrens ages,
characteristics, and the settings within which teach and learning occur.
Candidates understand and use positive relationships and supportive
interactions as the foundation for their work with young children and
Candidates know, understand, and use a wide array of developmentally
appropriate approaches, instructional strategies, and tools to connect with
children and families and positively influence each childs development and
Key Elements:
4a. Understanding positive relationships and supportive interactions as the
foundation of their work with children
4b. Knowing and understanding effective strategies and tools for early
4c. Using a broad repertoire of developmentally appropriate
teaching/learning approaches
4d. Reflecting on their own practice to promote positive outcomes for each
The objective of this assignment:
-Demonstrate objective AND subjective writing related to the ECE profession
in conjunction with demonstrating the ability to evaluate a childs
development and make curriculum suggestions/recommendations for
promoting positive learning outcomes
Use the developmental checklist you completed for this case study
or the additional websites listed below.
A case study identifies the subject (in this case use initials only);
information source (developmental checklist); background information (as
much as possible); characteristics or examples which are evidence of
typical OR atypical performances; and recommendations
Review these websites for possible developmental checklists and milestone

Remember to use objective writing in the information presentation

headings and subjective writing in the conclusion and recommendation
Follow the format and include the headings in bold; add the sub-categories
under each heading and save the document as a PDF file named: (your last
name).Case Studyexample: Poggi.CaseStudy
Submit in the appropriate Discussion forum by the due date.
Case Study:

a. Name (Use initials only)
b. Age
c. Race, ancestry
d. Gender


Information Source
Describe the method or tool you used to gather information about
the subject and any additional sources you used (interviews,
observations, informal conversations with parents, checklists, state
or national milestone resources)


Background Information
a. Describe significant characteristics of child; family;
socioeconomic level; parents education; occupation; etc think
of any information that might influence the childs development
during your time of observation
b. Describe childs physical characteristics (size in relationship to
others the same age, health, and abilities)
c. Describe the childs attendance and participation patterns
d. Describe behavioral characteristics and performances from the
checklist completed that you feel identify the child as typically
developing; atypical delayed or gifted


Developmental Performance
a. Describe the childs key areas of interest; support these
statements with observations or examples
b. Describe the childs areas of limitation; support these statements
with observations or examples
c. Describe the childs overall personality/temperament; support
these with observations or examples


Conclusion and Recommendations

a. In one paragraph, write your own appraisal of the child based on
the information you have gathered and presented
b. Make recommendations for meeting the childs current
developmental needs in the classroom
c. Make suggestions for family activities that promotes growth in
the future

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