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Yvonne Quidilla

NURS 320: Maternity

Clinical Week 3: Teaching Plan

Placenta Previa
During pregnancy, the placenta provides nourishment, oxygen, removes waste, and
produces hormones that are important for your pregnancy and baby. Your baby is attached
to your placenta by the umbilical cord. Normally the placenta is attached to your upper
uterine wall. Placenta previa occurs when the placenta implants on your lower uterine wall
and can either completely or partially cover your cervix. Bleeding can occur when your
cervix opens or when your lower uterine wall thins. The stretching and thinning of the lower
uterine wall is what causes the bleeding. Initially the amount is small and stops but it can
occur again at any time. Placenta previa At this time it is not known what causes placenta
Risk Factors:

Previous Cesarean birth

Advanced maternal age ( >35-40 years of age)

Pregnancy with more than 1 baby

History of any surgery of the uterus


History of placenta previa

If you smoke, stopping can decrease your risk of having placenta previa.

Your physician will be able to determine the type of placenta previa you have

Painless bright red vaginal bleeding during your 2nd-3rd semester

*Please call your physician immediately if this occurs.*


Treatment is depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy, the
amount of bleeding, and your babys condition
Labs that determine your blood count, blood type..etc will be taken
You and your baby will be monitored and placed on bed rest (either at home
or in the hospital)
There is a possibility of an emergency c-section
You will be placed on pelvic rest (nothing into the vagina)

Placenta previa is a pregnancy complication that can severely harm you

and your baby. Please notify your physician for any bleeding.

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