English Mwa 1 Original Document

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To: Ms.

From: Lexi Conklin
Date: February 7th, 2015
Subject: Your Future Depends on Today: A Rhetorical Analysis of UNM Anderson Ad Cover

Rhetorical Situation
Developing a rhetorical analysis based off my previous paper proposal was much simpler than I
imagined. Most of my ideas and concepts in my LSA were greatly influenced and expanded to
form the framework of my MWA. Having a reference to pull ideas and sentences from, helped
me understand the importance of creating a well-organized document designed to fit the
requirements of a rhetorical analysis. When creating this advertisement analysis, I had to dig
deep to find rhetorical tactics that werent as obvious as others, so I could expand my findings in
an effective essay. It was difficult at times as I begin to find myself with little information to
build off of, especially for the analysis of pathos because my advertisement greatly lacked that
tactic. At some points in my writing I felt as if I was forcing the idea upon the audience instead
of easing into as I found in the ethos analysis, which didnt allow the essay to flow as well as I
would have liked it to. Through this writing process, I have recognized my weaknesses that
would include occasional choppy or fragmented sentences, so I plan to improve my writing style
by the end of the semester. I believe the purpose and the audience of the writing prompt defines
the main components of the rhetorical situation, especially the idea of expanding the topic and
not going off on a tangent. This became a part of the makings of my MWA as I constantly
refrained from going off topic particularly with an analysis because at times you just want to
write about every small detail that you find in the resource which is not always necessary.
Hopefully I understood and utilized the task and rhetorical situation correctly according to what
you prefer.
Areas of Interest
Some areas in the assignment I was unsure about was the paragraph that explained briefly what
the rhetorical concepts were before going into detail about them. Did you want the paragraph to
be a summary of how the tactics could be used in general terms or did you want it in terms of the

Commented [SD1]: it

specific advertisement I was analyzing? Another area of interest I would like more feedback on
is in the logos analysis paragraph. Do you think I should have added more examples of how
logos is being used in the advertisement to have more evidence to prove my point? Or should I
have expanded and gone into more depth about how logical it would be for students to utilize
this career service? I wasnt sure how much more complex you wanted the analysis to be for
each rhetorical tactic. Everything else in the paper I understood completely, those were mostly
the minor concerns I had for this MWA. If you have any more additional feedback for me on
how I could improve my writing skills that would be very helpful too.

Commented [SD2]: All of my feedback for these items

will be below in the document itself.

SLO Progression
I believe I have made successful progress towards SLO C and SLO G through this assignment
and the previous low stakes assignment. In SLO C, I approached every stage of the writing
process including planning through preparations, composing a rhetorical situation, revising
among the feedback, and reflecting on the finalized product. Each procedure, I realized, feeds
into the next to ensure that the final composition is accurate and strong in this rhetorical analysis.
SLO G utilizes the reflective stage of the writing process as I examined my resource in a means
of my own discovery within my career interest. Exploring future opportunities while analyzing
multiple perspectives within a paper proposal and a rhetorical analysis helped me focus on minor
details that can impact the decisions of a future career. As I use these student learning outcomes
more and more to compose every piece of writing that Im asked to do, I believe my progress
will greatly increase each time.

Commented [SD3]: Very nice reflectionyoull definitely

be able to use this info later in the portfolio. :]

Lexi Conklin
Ms. Diaz
English 120
February 7th, 2015
Your Future Depends on Today: A Rhetorical Analysis of UNM Anderson Ad

Commented [SD4]: No points deducted, but title of an

essay doesnt have to be bolded.

Career programs are intended to advise, recruit, and give personal guidance to students
interested in a particular field of study. How do programs successfully advertise their
effectiveness in order to persuade students to apply or join? Rhetorical strategies are used in

Commented [SD5]: Rhetorical question is super effective.

advertisements to help appeal to students interests regarding a specific career/training program.

The Anderson School of Management Career Service program accurately advertises the
individual success of each student, while providing direct advisement on various business
concentrations in order to structure an ideal guide for future plans. This advertisement utilizes all
the main rhetorical appeals ethos, logos, and pathos to allocate this career opportunity by
effectively drawing in the viewers.
The Anderson Career Service advertisement briefly summaries the high points of the
program through the perspective of a previous student explaining how her experience jump
started her business career. The video is centered mainly on the speaker talking while the film
occasionally fades into various collages of images representing her time at the Anderson School.
Among the context of the advertisement, the subject bounced back and forth between the
speakers personal accomplishments and how well the career service program could benefit the
individual success of every student seeking advisement. These two aspects played an effective
role in the rhetorical features of the advertisement as it appealed to multiple student positions.
The ad is directly targeted towards students currently attending The University of New Mexico
that may be interested in a business or management profession who want to utilize the career

Commented [SD6]: Very strong intro!

services. This is not a broad commercialized advertisement, so it portrays a more local or

personalized feel structured to fit the needs of each student.

Commented [SD7]: Great summary!

The rhetorical concepts in this advertisement are used to persuade the audience to engage
their interests in a particular topic. The ethos tactic is utilized frequently in the ad to value the
credibility of the programs prestigious representation broadcasted through the perspective of a
previous student. Another persuasion approach used commonly was the logos appeal that was
structured as a reasoning mechanism to prove how well this program could benefit students
business careers. Pathos was used the least in the advertisement as there was only a very slight
emotional connection between the viewer and the speaker in the video. The ethos and logos
tactics positively influence the audience in order to convince them to take part in this program or
to further look into it.
The main rhetorical concept that was applied the most in the advertisement was ethos as
it highlighted the credibility of The Anderson School of Management in various references stated
and implied through the speakers personal experience. Although the Anderson School Career

Commented [SD8]: This paragraph is helpful, but I was

looking for short explanations as to what
ethos/pathos/logos literally mean. This information could
be worked into the rest of the paragraphs addressing
ethos/pathos/logos within the ad itself.
For the revision, briefly mention what these terms mean.
You can pair them with the discussions themselves or give
them a paragraph of their own like you did here.

Services is the subject of the advertisement it doesnt fail to value the success of one student in
particular to help support the publicity of the company. Advertising the achievement of a student
boosts the programs credibility from the success of one students future to the next. This
advertisement is not produced through a direct authority figure within the program, but is
structured through the viewpoint of a former student giving a clear explanation of her personal
experience and her defining credentials. This could be used to sway the opinion of the targeted
audience in numerous ways by appealing to the speakers good moral character which
inadvertently persuades the audience to trust or believe what the speaker is describing to be true
or accurate. In some occasions, ethical appeals can be applied in the visual aspect of an

Commented [SD9]: How does the ad refer to her moral

character? How do we know she is moral?

advertisement when the audience is forming their judgment on the credibility of an expert or a
student. This means there are less obvious rhetorical tactics that can be used in an advertisement
that an analysis can depict. As this specific video is designed to advertise the success of a college
career program, reputation and credibility will be utilized the strongest to appeal to the viewers
best interests.
The logical standpoint of logos was used very effectively in this video providing many

Commented [SD10]: Overall, very good analysis!

Commented [SD11]: by

reasons why the Anderson Career Services would be a beneficial addition for advisement as
students proceed through the business school. For instance, as the speaker claims that the
Anderson School of Management is prestigious in their business representation and provides a
variety of career concentrations that could apply to many interests. She is describing her

Commented [SD12]: good framing of this quote

argument through an ethos standpoint at first, but as she continues she uses logos to support this

Commented [SD13]: Worded a little awkwardlyshe is

appealing to ethos? Also, this tidbit might go better in the
ethos section so you can focus on the logos section here.

advertisement by giving the audience a precise idea of what opportunities could arise for them in
the business school. Appealing to a common reason especially in the terms of a college student
usually persuades their opinion as seen in this advertisement. It is logical to recognize the
importance of seeking advisement when it is concerning a persons career, so wouldnt it be
reasonable to take advantage of a provided career service designed to help students succeed?
Usually logic is implied within the context as the argument or advertisement is easily reasoned
with to make their point seem like it is the best alternative. Logos are utilized frequently in this
advertisement to appeal to the viewers common sense and can be seen as the determining factor
of whether or not the viewer will proceed with what this program has to offer.
There was a minor use of the emotional appeal of pathos in the advertisement, but overall
it was trying to signify a professional and proficient argument strictly appealing to logical and
ethical reasoning. There were slight promises of personal accomplishments and times of

Commented [SD14]: Not a complete definition, but its

getting there.

enjoyment shown through the occasional image of the speakers experience in the business
school. These were the only signs of emotional references concerning the advertisements claim.

Commented [SD15]: You could dig into this a bit more.

Persuasion strategies appeal to the audiences judgment in an advertisement as they either

consider the future benefits of joining or utilizing a program or considering to ignore it all
together. With the internet being such an accessible resource, advertisements are easily shared
and pondered daily meaning every small fraction of information can be evaluated. This applies to

Commented [SD16]: End of the sentence was a bit


this advertisement as well, as it has the potential to recruit dedicated students willing to build
onto their future business careers among its great accessibility. This program opportunity
encourages and influences students to take part in it through the advertisements effective
Commented [SD17]: Good conclusion!

rhetorical tactics.



Needs Work


Cover Letter (10)


Introduction (10)


Explanation of concepts (5)

Summary of text (5)

Ethos (20)

20 19 18

17 16 15 14

13 12 11 10 9 8


Pathos (20)

20 19 18

17 16 15 14

13 12 11 10 9 8


Logos (20)

20 19 18

17 16 15 14

13 12 11 10 9 8


Conclusion (10)


Bonus awesome point (+1)

Total: 94/100

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