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Parochial Administrator:

Fr. Daniel Melaba

Deacon James Hubbard
Deacon David Hayden

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E a s t e r S u n d a y o f t h e R e s u r r e c t i on o f t he L o r d
April 5, 2015

Gabriel Germann
School Principal
Sr. Cheryl Ann Hillig, DC
Hispanic Coordinator
Sr. Grace Calvisi, DC
Be ye Middlebrooks
Pastoral AssistantHispanic Ministry
Leslie Miller
Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper
Marilyn Robinson


9:00 am4:30 pm


All daily masses in the Convent Chapell
Monday: 6:00 PM
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 7:00 AM
No Mass


All weekend Masses in Church
Saturday: 5:30 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am and 11:15 am
1:30 pm (Spanish)
Saturday: 4:30 pm5:00 pm
1st & 2nd Tuesdays: 10:00 am
Saturday: 5:00 pm5:30 pm
Sunday: 8:30 am9:00 am
131 Ward Street, Macon, GA 31204
Parish Oce: (478) 743-1454
Fax: (478) 743-9868


Easter Sunday is a day all about seeking. The early Chris an communi es gathered around the Apostles, seeking
more about the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus. Saint Paul told the bap zed Colossians to seek what is above.
Mary of Magdala went to the tomb, seeking to find the Lords body so that she could anoint it. We come to church
on Easter Sunday seeking many things. For some of us, this is a once a year journey, when we seek connec on with
the founda ons of the Chris an faith. For others, this day is the culmina on of a long journey of Lenten repentance.
For the newly bap zed, this is the first day of a new life filled with promise and expecta on. Whatever it is that we
seek, let us be inspired by the disciple whom Jesus loved who, when he saw the wrappings of cloth inside the
empty tomb, saw and believed.
Copyright J. S. Paluch Co.

2015 Bishops Annual Appeal - as of 03/20/2015

Due to early bulle n submission deadlines, the
oertory informa on for March 29th will be available
in the April 12th bulle n.



% of












St. Peter Claver thes 10% of our weekly oertory

to the poor in the name of Jesus! St. Peter Claver
donates $500.00 to FAM (Family Advancement
Ministry) and $250.00 to the St. Maximilian Kolbe
Center every month.

Second Collection today:

Capital Improvement Fund.

Thank you for your Generosity!

Please submit separate checks for Offertory and
any Special Collections.

Todays Readings

Readings for the Week

First Reading Peter is an eyewitness: The Lord is risen

(Acts 10:34a, 37-43).
Psalm This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice
and be glad (Psalm 118).
(1) Second Reading All who are bap zed, set your
hearts in heaven (Colossians 3:1-4) or
(2) Second Reading Christ our Passover is sacrificed;
therefore let us celebrate (1 Corinthians 5:6b-8).
Gospel Three witnesses, Mary, Peter, and John; each
responds to the empty tomb (John 20:1-9)

Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15
Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18
Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35
Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2ab, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48
Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27; Jn 21:1-14
Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-15, 16-21; Mk 16:9-15
Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24;
1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31

Prayer Line

(478) 743-1454

Florine Billue, Willie Byrd, Sr., Shirley James,

Aaron Wimberly, Kevin Dockrell, Annie Burnell,
Jennifer Weaver, Cheryl Weaver, Dolores Konke,
Julianne Kandalec, Emma Pa erson, Marie Chatman,
Alma Johnson, Joanne Dockrell, Rachael Kellam,
Marie Pacheco, Kariem Jones, John Reo , Kimberly Hamilton,
Naomi Hicks, Lea-Ann Fletcher, Kieth Holt, Chloe Holt,
Eden Lee Thompson, Cle a Wimberly, Andria Ballard Magallano,
Evelyn Nichols, Barbara McColumn, Charlene Stallings,
Alice Denise Williams, Peter Ruschell, Devin Dayton, Pat Reo ,
Patrick Nu all, Dennis Pennymon, Pearlie Watkins, Lindsay Banasz, Johnny
Roquemore, Cli on Hadley, Kris e Marshall, Monsignor John Cuddy, John
Earley, Heriberto Bocanegra, Mary Pioli, Ted Meisner, Jude Rabideau,
Doris McDonald, Chris Darley, Mary Cot, Anne James, Beatrice Jordan,
David Maysonet, Cucho Diaz, Xavier Taylor, Fred Grasso, and Tracy Coyle.
If you wish to have a name kept on the list or removed please
call the church oce at 743-1454.

Virous Caston,

Brittani Caston,

Chris Gomez,

Russell Hill II,

Tony Cervantes,
Jeff Cooper,

Angel Gomez,

Mishell Sonntog,

Gary Oate, JC White

Elizabeth Ministry
Mary Helen McCoy
Please call the Parish Oce if you are
expecting a child so that we may pray for you!

Saturday, April 4
Sunday, April 5
9 :00 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
1:30 p.m.
Monday, April 6
Tuesday, April 7
Wednesday, April 8
Thursday, April 9

If you have a loved one serving in the U.S. Armed Forces,

assigned overseas, please call Marilyn Robinson at the
Parish Oce to add his or her name to our prayer list and please
call us to let us know he/she has returned safely.

Friday, April 10
Saturday, April 11

- In Honor of the Divine Mercy (S. Phagan)


Buddy Cooper, +RIP (S. Phagan)

Ramona Dow, +RIP
Missa Pro Populo
Deceased Daughters of Charity
In Honor of the Divine Mercy (S. Phagan)
Eugene and Virginia McMahon, +RIP
(Estate of V. McMahon)
- In Honor of St. Anthony in Thanksgiving
(S. Phagan)
- None
- In Honor of the Divine Mercy (S. Phagan)


Family Advancement



(formerly Nazareth Life Ministries

and Mother and Child Ministries)

570 High Place, Macon GA 31202

or PO Box 204, Macon GA 31201.

Diocese of Savannah webpage:

Our hours of opera on are Mondays from

10-12, Tuesdays-Fridays 9-12.
Anyone interested in volunteering please
call 745-7165 and ask to talk to the oce
manager, Chris McKowen.

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

Traveling informa on:

Sunday School Registra on

Our Sunday School (CCD) classes began
in September 21st, 2014. Please call
Be ye Middlebrooks, at the Parish
Oce (478) 743-1454) if you have any
ques ons.

RCIA Classes
Classes are held in the Preschool Library,
on Wednesdays, at 7:00 p.m. star ng
September 24th, 2014.

The VIRTUS "Protecting God's Children
for Adults" is required for all who provide
either paid or volunteer ministry in our
Diocese who in the course of their ministry
come into contact with minors. This
includes parish ministries such as
Sacristans, Lectors, Ushers, and
Eucharistic Ministers. Space is limited
and registration is required by registering online at
If you do not have access to a computer, please call the Parish Office at (478)
743-1454 and our Parish Staff will
assist with your online registration.

Mission Statement
St. Peter Claver Church is a
mul cultural and well-integrated
Catholic Parish graced with the gi
of Gods presence. Together as
church we form a faith community
where no one just adds up to the
number but everybody is important
because we cherish the potency and
gi of everyone. It is our desire to
constantly nourish our faith in the
soil of Gods Word and at the table
of the Eucharist, to be a credible
witness of Gods presence in the
world and each others companion
on our journey of faith.

Parish Oce (478) 743-1454

Oce Hours (January-May, AugustDecember)
MondayFriday: 9:00 a.m.4:30 p.m.
Summer Hours (JuneJuly):
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Pastors Announcements

Registra on for Parish and School

REGISTER We are very glad you are here at
St. Peter Claver. If you would like to make St. Peter
Claver your home Parish, please complete a Parish
Census Form (available in the parish oce and
ves bule in back of the church) and either mail or
place in oertory basket at Mass. Persons wishing
to transfer membership from another Catholic
parish are also asked to complete a census form.


school accommodates children from K3 through
8th grade. If you would like to register your child in
our school, please call (478) 743-3985.



THE SICK Please contact the parish oce at 7431454.

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Diocesan regula ons

require that you meet with the priest at least
4 months prior to wedding date. Please contact the
parish oce at 743-1454.

SACRAMENT OF PENANCE 4:30 to 5:00 p.m.

Saturdays or by appointment.
HOLY ORDERS Any man who thinks God might be
calling him to be a priest should contact Father Dan
at 743-1454.

Bulle n Deadline:
At 12:00 noon on Monday, for the next
weekend. Submissions should be
emailed to
Marilyn Robinson at:

Please make sure all pagers and cell

phones are turned o for the duraon of the Mass.
Mass Inten on requests are to be
sent to the rectory oce in wri ng
and/or envelopes are available in the
back of the church.
Please do not block anyone in the
parking lot or obstruct trac flow.
If you have recently changed your
status, married, moved out of your
parents home or graduated from
college, you need to re-register. If
you move we would appreciate a call
to the church so that our records will
be in order .
Abuse Hotline Number: 1-888-3575330. Copies of the policy on sexual
abuse of minors is available online at:
childyouthprotec on.
should be the last one in and first one
out of the church.
someone in your family or our Parish
in the hospital? Please call 743-1454
and let us know.
VISITORS - We welcome you to
St. Peter Claver Church. Thank you
for worshipping with us and please
come again.

Oertory Envelopes - 2015

The Oertory envelopes for St. Peter
Claver Church - 2015, were mailed to
your homes in December. Envelopes
were only issued to Parish members
that u lized their envelopes during
2014. If you are a member, and would
like to start u lizing Oertory
envelopes, or if you are not a member
and would like to join our Parish, please
complete the form included in this
bulle n and drop it in the oertory, or
the mail, addressed to the Parish Oce.

St . Pet e r C l ave r C hu rc h

9th thru 12th Grade


Come join us every Sunday!

Upstairs-- Pre
Pre--K Building Time:
11:00 am

On Ward Street

Time: 7 p.m.
Admission $5.
Please support this affair to aid with our works of Peace.
Vernetha Bryant, President


Friday, April 24, 2015
6:00 PM-12:00 AM Midnight
Our parish is forming a team for the RELAY FOR
LIFE event. The event will be held at:
Christ Chapel at Sportstowne (Old Starcadia)
170 Starcadia Circle, Macon, GA
You can join the fight against cancer by
* Signing up to walk
* Dona ng for the team's contribu on
* Purchasing memorial Luminaries or
Glow Balloons.
For Info. contact: Sally King at or
calling 478-745-5026 (a er 6 pm).

The Council of
Catholic Women will
sponsor the "Talent
on Ward Street.
talent show on
April 24th in the
Mother Katharine
Drexel Center.

Divorce Recovery Workshop

This workshop is facilitated by Barbara Koehnemann and Dan
Riley. The resource used is , Growing Through Divorce. If you
are walking through a divorce or the grief of one that is gone,
it is important to know that you do not walk alone.
Where: First Bap st Church of Christ
511 High Place, Macon, GA 31201
Times: April 1 May 20
Wednesday Nights at 6:45 pm
Other: There is no cost to par cipate and child care is
provided. Please call the church oce to reserve
your spot at 478-742-6485.

St. Peter Claver Church-Easter Flower Offerings-2015

In Honor and/or Memory of.
Dona on by

In Honor and/or Memory of:

Dee Konke, Karen Konke,

Julie Kandalec
Ann Williams
Mac Villanueva
Barbara Herndon
Leslie Miller
Leslie Miller
Simon & Chinyere Anyakudo
Beaty Family
Leslie Miller
Simon Plaza
Patricia J. Robinson
Barbara White
Edsel & Cynthia Pi s

Edward Konke, Christopher Kandalec

Joyce Konke
Barbara Rotert
Faus no Villanueva
Shae Stevens, Herndon Family
Emma Fonseca
Enrique Fonseca

Patricia Murillo
James Ridgeway
Cynthia C. Manson,
Be ye Middlebrooks
Nicole Pi s Thomas

Oficina Hispana

Hermana Grace
478 741-9916
Misa en Espaol
domingos: 1:30pm
Grupo de Oracin
miercoles 7:00pm -9:00pm
en el salon social
Grupo Evangelization
viernes 7:00pm
Reuniones Juan XXIII
lunes de 7:00pm a 9:00pm
Grupo de jvenes
miercoles 7:00pm a 9:00pm
en el primer piso de la biblioteca
Clases Pre-bautismales
Llamar a la oficina para Registracin
Clases de Catecismo
para nios y jvenes de 13 a 15
Horario: 11:30am a 1:00pm
Llamar para mas informacin
y registracin 478 741-9916
RICA para adultos
Clases para adultos que necesitan
preparacin para recibir los sacramentos
Sacramento de Matrimonio
Llamar a la oficina para cita con
el Padre

. . . a nuestros Elegidos
que en la Vigilia Pascual
recibiern los tres
Sacramentos de Iniciacin,
Bausmo, Confirmacin
y la Eucarisa. Ellos son:

Brittany Whittington
Elvin de Jess Garca
Jos Adonay Delcid
Evelin Alaniz
Neliza Valle
...y a los Candidatos que
completaron sus
Sacramentos de Iniciacin
con la recepcin de la
Confirmacin y la
Eucarisa. Ellos son:

Beatriz Flores
Valerie Jean Bribiesca
Claudia Garca
Guadalupe Mendoza
Dardo Anibal Lazos

Ministerio Hispano


La fe en Cristo y el

compromiso con l llevan

consigo la garanta de una vida
para siempre y..., el estmulo de
la esperanza para luchar

constantemente contra todo

aquello que amenaza la
existencia humana.

Que Dios bendiga a

nuestros Elegidos y
Candidatos en este da
tan especial para cada
uno! - y que esta
Nueva Vida que comienza sea
unica de grandes
logros y bendiciones
en sus vidas!
(Edades de 2 a 8 aos)
Despus de la Misa
tenemos huevitos
escondidos en las
yardas de la Iglesia.
!Feliz Pascua!

Somos un pueblo pascual y
el aleluya es nuestra cancin!
San Agustn

Primera lectura Pedro es un testigo:
el Seor ha resucitado (Hechos
10:34a, 37-43).
Salmo Este es el da del triunfo del
Seor. Aleluya (Salmo 118).
(1) Segunda lectura Todos los bauti
zados, eleven su corazn al cielo
(Colosenses 3:1-4).
(2) Segunda lectura Cristo, nuestra
Pascua, fue sacrificado; por tanto
celebremos (1 Corintios 5:6b-8).
Evangelio Tres testigos, Mara, Pedro
y Juan; cada uno responde a la
tumba vaca (Juan 20:1-9)
El Domingo de Pascua es un da
para la bsqueda. Las primeras comunidades cristianas se reunan alrededor
de los apstoles para conocer ms
sobre la vida y el ministerio del Seor
Jess. San Pablo les dijo a los colosenses bautizados que buscaran las cosas
de arriba. Mara Magdalena fue a la
tumba para encontrar el cuerpo del
Seor y ungirlo. Nosotros vamos a la
iglesia el Domingo de Pascua buscando
muchas cosas. Para algunos de nosotros, este es un trayecto anual cuando
buscamos conectarnos con el fundamento de la fe cristiana. Para otros,
este da es la culminacin de una larga
trayectoria para el arrepentimiento de
la Cuaresma. Para los nuevos bautizados es el primer da de una nueva vida
llena de promesas y expectativas. No
importa lo que sea que busquemos,
inspirmonos con la accin del discpulo amado de Jess quien al ver el sudario dentro de la tumba vio y crey.
Copyright J. S. Paluch Co.

5 de abril. Domingo de Resurreccin

Pregunta para la refleccin

La dignidad de ser hijos de Dios

Qu piedra en mi corazn me est impidiendo una

vida nueva y ms llena de alegra?
Creo de verdad en la fuerza de la resurreccin de Cristo?

Ver una roca desplazarse y una tumba vaca donde haba

sido depositado un cuerpo muerto es, sin duda, una gran
sorpresa, algo milagroso y totalmente inesperado y espectacular. El milagro que contemplamos hoy, la Resurreccin
de Cristo, habla de manera fuerte al sendo de la maravilla
y el asombro; pero, para nosotros, no se debe
quedar en la admiracin ante un relato fantsco, al que
estamos ms o menos acostumbrados y que, ms o menos,
creemos. En efecto, las historias que nos contaban de nios
o los relatos extraordinarios que escuchamos de nuestros
mayores nos pueden parecer sorprendentes o milagrosas,
pero no cambian nuestra vida aqu y ahora; no alteran
nuestro ritmo de trabajo ni de sueo; ni llaman a nuestras
costumbres a la conversin.
Una piedra fuera de lugar, una tumba vaca los
romanos trataron de explicarlo diciendo que haban robado
el cuerpo y muchos seguramente quedaron tranquilos con
una explicacin normal y cienica. Cuando comienza la
transformacin menos explicable, si se quieren buscar razones cienicas, es cuando la piedra sica se convierte en
algo as como un sacramento: el sacramento es un signo
externo que realiza lo que signiica. Lo que signiica la piedra
rodada es la salvacin alcanzada por Cristo. Cuando empieza a obrar transformaciones internas es que
realiza lo que signiica. A Pedro se le cambia la mente y el
corazn; eso s es una gran sorpresa, sobre todo habiendo
conocido al Pedro terco y apasionado. Pedro empieza a
conocer un poco mejor la mente de Dios: Dios no hace disnciones entre personas. Para alguien de la cultura y de
la personalidad de Pedro, reconocer esto es una gran resurreccin, una enorme transformacin: y es efecto de la
Resurreccin real de Cristo.
Cada acto de salvacin, de cambio, de conversin
(que nos puede sorprender, porque no esperamos en nosotros mismos o en los dems algn cambio), es un efecto
del poder de la Resurreccin de Cristo: es una pequea
piedra rodada. Es una liberacin de las fuerzas del pecado
que esclavizan; y es, como dice Pablo en la carta a los
colosenses, un empezar esa vida nueva resucitada que se
nos entrega en el Bausmo: un mirar no ya a las cosas de
abajo, a las que estamos acostumbrados y en las que,
frecuentemente, como Pedro, nos empecinamos. Mirar las
cosas de arriba es permir que las piedras que obstaculizan
la entrada del Amor en nuestros corazones rueden y se
muevan. Mirar las cosas de arriba es ir temprano en la
maana, como Mara Magdalena y comprobar que Cristo,
nuestra vida y esperanza, vive y ene el poder de darnos
una nueva vida. Es pasar de esa tristeza que nos da el estar
atados a cosas de abajo, a posesiones, gustos materiales,
ambiciones, envidias y odios, a la alegra de poder volar.

El prximo domingo 12 de abril regresamos a
nuestras clases de catequesis a las 11:30am.
INVITACIN...a los que todava no se han anotado
Para el compromiso de apoyar a la
Campaa del Obispo. Pueden hacerlo despus de la
Misa. La contribucin es: $100. al ao o $10.00 por mes.
CONFIRMACIN: Pracca: lunes, 27 de abril en la Iglesia
Holy Spirit. Misa de la Confirmacin con el Obispo: Martes
28 de abril en la misma Iglesia.
PRIMERA COMUNIN: Prcca: sbado, 2 de mayo a las
11:30am en el salon social. Misa de domingo: 3 de mayo.

Las prximas prccas del CORO DE NIOS:

Son los siguientes sbados: 11 de abril, 25 de abril
y 2 de mayo, a las 10:00am. Favor ser puntuales! Gracias


Muchas gracias a nuestros hermanos de la Iglesia

Centenario Metodista por la organizacin de la
Peregrinacin de Oremos con los Pies en
solidaridad por los Indocumentados.

Copia del certificado de nacimiento

Los padrinos deben ser catlicos practicantes
Los que viven fuera de la ciudad deben traer una carta de su
Iglesia local.
Padres y padrinos deben asistir a las clases de preparacin
Deben registrarse en la Iglesia y asistir con regularidad
a las Misas dominicales.

Las prximas charlas para el Sacramento del bausmo

est programada para los das sbados:
abril 25 y mayo 2 de 5 pm a 7 pm.

Upcoming Ministry Schedules for April 11-12, 2015




5:30 p.m.


9:00 a.m.


11:15 a.m.



Altar Servers
B. HaynesC
R. Haynes AS
T. Vickers AS
S. Craddock AS
A. Craddock C
M. McCulloughC
C. AnyakudoAS


Eucharis c Ministers


Moran, Robinson


Howard, Pi s

K. Andrews

Hill, Sheppard

St. Vincent de Paul Pantry

Family Advancement Ministries

Please join with St. Vincent De Paul Society during this

Lenten season to look beyond ourselves and give to those in
When you fill your pantry, please dont forget ours.
St. Peter Claver Food Pantry is in need of the following
dona ons: pasta, pasta sauce, canned meats, macaroni
and cheese, juices, cereals, canned fruit, soups, and rice.
Toiletries such as (food stamps do not cover these items):
toothpaste, toothbrushes, bar soap, and toilet paper.

The FAM Book Club will be reading in April, 2015:

Upcoming VIRTUS Class

A VIRTUS classes has been scheduled at Sacred Heart School
in Warner Robins on May 6th. This training is required for
Safe Environment Compliance for any adult who will come
into contact with youth as part of their ministry (a lis ng of
those ministries can be found at h p://, and
must be completed before they begin ministry. Sea ng is
limited to 25 a endees and you must pre-registra on online
to save your seat. To register, go to, and
find the training listed on the Upcoming Events Calendar.

Congratulations to our
Catechumens and Candidates
The following Catechumens and Candidates were
received into Full Communion with the Catholic
Church during our Easter Vigil Mass, on Saturday,
April 4th, at 8:30 p.m.:
Catechumens: Bri any Whi ngton,
Elvin de Jesus Garcia, Jose Adonay Delcid,
Evelin Alaniz, Neliza Valle
Candidates: Beatriz Flores Cardoza,
Valerie Jean Bribiesca, Claudia Garcia Ramirez,
Guadalupe Mendoza, Dardo Anibal Lazos,
David Thompson, Jennifer Barfield.

Tuesday, April 7th, 2015 Sll Allice by Lisa Genova

We meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 1:00 at
FAM's Orange Street site, (538 Orange Street...across from the
Washington Library parking lot). All are welcome!
Contact persons: Rena Waller or Sr. Roberta at 746-9803


A.C.T.S. Retreat
An ACTS retreat is a Catholic lay retreat
presented by fellow parishioners.
Talks and ac vi es during the retreat
focus on Adora on, Community,
Theology, and Service.
April 16-19, 2015: Mens Retreat
Jason Bond at 478-319-5931
or email any questions to
Visit ACTS online at:

April Wedding Anniversaries

Joe and Mary Cot (57)
John and Dianne Newsom (47)
Glenn and Kathleen Tomey (50)
Stanley and Mary Siror (19)
Hani and Diane Khoury (25)
Terrell and Kimberly Sandefur (18)
Alfredo and Sandra Suarez (25)

`t Zw V|x Ux|z l 4
Name _____________________________________________
Street ____________________________________________
City ___________________________ZIP_______________
Phone ____________________________
Please check:
_____Wish to register
_____ Moving out of Parish
_____Change of Address
_____ Want Tithing Envelopes
_____ Temporarily Away ( I will call Parish Oce upon return)
Drop this completed form in the Sunday Collecon Basket.

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