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Womens roles

**********The word feminism means being committed to defend womens rights,and securing
opportunities equal to those of men.In this text,I attempt to speak about and compare between
womens roles and conditions both in the past and the present.
**********Women have witnessed a lot of changes and progress athome.First, in the past,our
mothers and grandmothers were noteducated.That is to say,women in our country were illiterate
and they didnt have the chance to attend school.Contrary to this,most women didnt have the right
to give their opinions like participating in decision making at home especially in the domain
of marriage.Now,however,mostwomen can say what they think and what they want because the
development and progress.Also,women can share in taking decisions in the family about
their children.In sum,womens roles have changed a lot.
**********What about woment roles at work?In the past,women didnt have any work outside
home;they used to work only at home.They were hardworking housewives.It was alwys the
womans job to provide those necessities of life like cooking and washing.But,at least for many
women in our country there has been some progress.Most women get where they are by working
very hard in all domains,for example policewomen and pilots.Consequently,women can participate
in the development of ourcountry.In conclusion,womens life at work has changed a lot.
**********Another domain in which women have changed a lot ispolitics.Now,women can
participate in politics by taking part in associations,voting in elections and participating in
parties.Moreover,they have freedom of expressing their opinions especially in the things which
concern their lives,and which affect them.Yet,in the past women couldnt participate in any decision
making at society in general.In sum,womens role at work has changed a lot.
**********Womens roles and conditions have become better if we compare the present and
the past.They have achieved many of their rights like the freedom to get a job outside home and
the freedom of expression.

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