For Immediate Release January 28, 2010 2010-022

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Julie Hasquet, Press Secretary

January 28, 2010 (907) 258-9304 office

2010-022 (907) 350-4846 cell

Sen. Begich Co-Chairs First Meeting of General Aviation Caucus

Promoting an industry vital to Alaska, today U.S. Senator Mark Begich co-chaired the first
meeting of the Senate General Aviation Caucus. Working to better coordinate and highlight the
priorities of the General Aviation community today’s meeting addressed role that GA currently
serves in the U.S., how to elevate the concerns of the GA community in the Senate, and ways the
General Aviation Caucus can work with government agencies.

Founded in September of last year, the General Aviation Caucus works with pilots, aircraft
owners, the aviation industry, and relevant government agencies to promote a safe and vibrant
environment for GA. Co-Chaired by Sens. Begich and Johanns (R – Neb.) the caucus is
composed of 23 members.

“The Senate General Aviation Caucus was founded to ensure that pilots, industry, local
governments, and the federal government all have a voice in issues of importance,” Sen. Begich
said. “Today’s meeting is a positive step and creates a platform for bipartisan action on issues
important to the GA community.”

Alaska has an estimated six times as many pilots and 16 times as many aircraft per capita as the
rest of the country. There are over 220,000 GA aircraft and 650,000 certified pilots in the U.S.
General aviation contributes significantly to local economies in many states, generating over
$150 billion annually with 1.3 million American jobs directly tied to the industry.


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