Amanda Dlugi Letter For Portfolio 2015-Cathy Padgett

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March 26, 2015

To Whom It May Concern:

This is a letter of recommendation for Amanda Dlugi for employment in a middle/high school
setting. I have known Amanda for three years; she is currently a lab assistant working in the Biology
Department, a student worker in the Science Resource (SOREF) Center and has been a peer
tutor/study group monitor for many courses. She has done many volunteer projects on campus for
both for the education student group and the pre-professional student group.
Amanda is a very goal orientated, detailed and responsible person. She has experience working with
both middle school and high school classrooms in her placements. She excels working with both
student populations; she prepares her lessons with extreme care and plenty of forethought. Amanda
is one education student who is very comfortable with the science content and can give instruction in
a relatable manner. Amanda double majored with Biology, and has mastered many courses with
effortless ease. Some of her scientific background includes, experiences with molecular modeling
software of proteins and understanding the role of specific proteins in human health through a
program in coordination with MSOE. She has an Internship working in research at the University of
Wisconsin Madison during the summer of 2015. She has been working with the Girls Academy; a
program for high school students to come to campus and learn different STEM concepts with
activities, Amanda has been with this program for over a year and a half through cooperation with
the Alverno College Natural Science Faculty.
Amanda emulates the Alverno College abilities well through: communication, problem solving,
analysis and social interaction. She is one of the most focused students I have had the pleasure of
getting to know over the years, she has had many setbacks outside of school, and she has come
through those situations well and have kept up her scholastic and professional goals too. She will be
an outstanding addition to any school district lucky enough to have her.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions,

Catherine Padgett B.S, M.A

Catherine Padgett B.S, M.A.
Alverno College
Biology Department
Lab Manager/Instructor

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