CFIA Statement

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CFIA Statement on the Complaint of Inhumane Treatment of Animals at a

Facility in Brampton, Ontario

Inhumane treatment of animals is unacceptable, and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency
(CFIA) does not tolerate it under any circumstances.
The CFIA has received a complaint from Mercy for Animals Canada with respect to Maple
Lodge Farms Ltd., an establishment in Brampton, Ontario. Maple Lodge Farms Ltd. is the
subject of a Probation Order that is being overseen by Justice Kastner of the Ontario Court
of Justice who presided over the 2014 case against the company ( R. v. Maple Lodge Farms,
2014 ONCJ212).
The CFIA is conducting a thorough and careful review of the complaint and will take any
necessary measures that it may deem appropriate.
The CFIA is responsible for enforcing regulations governing animal welfare during transport
as specified in the Health of Animals Regulations and at slaughter at federally registered
establishments according to the Meat Inspection Regulations.
In circumstances where these regulations are not followed, notices of violation may be
issued and enforcement actions may be taken in accordance with the Agriculture and AgriFood Administrative Monetary Penalties (AAAMP) Act . Pursuant to recent amendments to
the AAAMP Act, the amounts for administrative monetary penalties have increased with the
maximum penalty being $25,000, depending on the severity of the violation.
Verifying that industry treats animals humanely during transport and slaughter is a
responsibility the CFIA takes very seriously. The CFIA regularly issues guidance to industry
regarding the humane treatment of animals.
In the event of repeat and serious non-compliance with federal regulations, the CFIA may
refer non-compliance for criminal prosecution.

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Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Agence canadienne d'inspection des aliments
Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada
Telephone / tlphone: (613) 773-6600
Facsmile / tlcopieur : (613) 773-5558
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