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When selecting and implementing a technology or training to serve a specific function, a

systematic and iterative process should be followed to ensure the best selection and followthrough.

1. Identify
First, an organization should identify three critical components influencing technology
Component 1: the learning objective(s)
Component 2: the learners
Component 3: possibilities for technology or training to meet the learning objective
The order in which components are identified will vary based on the scenario. The identification
phase can be scaled up to be a full needs assessment if deemed to be appropriate. In identifying
learners, consider both demographic characteristics and characteristics that would impact UDL
consideration. It is also necessary to carefully consider if learner characteristics could change
while the technology is still in place. These questions will help understand the current and
potential learner population:


Are there learners with sensory disabilities?

Are there learners with learning disabilities?
Are there learners with language or cultural barriers?
Are there learners at different levels of familiarity with the material requiring
different entry points or instructional speeds?

2. Analyze and Act

The second step should always be a careful analysis of each possibility before acting on a
selection. The key to making the most appropriate choice is weighing the relative advantages and
disadvantages. While the tendency is to select least expensive or least time intensive options,
reduced input resources can limit the lasting learning outcomes. The analysis needs to go beyond
simply looking at input resources. The TPACK theory and UDL principles need to be considered.
An important resource during the analysis phase is the input of stakeholders. Attempt to
communicate with and receive input from as many stakeholders as possible, including the
To analyze the options based on TPACK, an organization needs to consider if each of the three
components (technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge) are equally weighted. These
questions will help to target that information:
1. Does the technology/option for training ease learners access to and understanding of
the content?
2. Does the technology/option for training align with pedagogical theory of instruction?
3. Is the content learning objective prioritized over the learning required to engage with
the technology or in the option for training?
To analyze the options based on UDL, an organization needs to consider if each of the three
principles (multiple means of representation, action and expression, and engagement) are met
based on the needs of the learner population. Reference your initial learner identification.
This table will help organize your analysis. Add a row for each considered technology.







UDL: Multiple Means of



Action and


Combining analysis of logistical, TPACK and UDL consideration will allow the organization to
act on a selection.

3. Support
The third step in the technology adoption or training process is support. The support process is
so critical that it should go through the same implementation steps as the technology itself!
While a minor flaw in technology selection can be remedied with support, a perfect selection
might fail without support, illuminating the crucial nature of this step. For training in particular,
pairing multiple options you analyze is often beneficial and worth the extra time investment.

4. Evaluate
Finally, the last step is evaluation. New technology implementation is bound to have cracks in
the system. No matter how much consideration you put in up front, there will likely be room for
improvement. It is important to recognize where initial analysis may have been flawed or might
have missed a consideration. The learners and technology users are the primary resource for
authentic, valuable feedback on the success of a technology implementation. Listen carefully to
the strengths and weaknesses they identify. Cycle back to act on a different option if possible or
improve the support for the chosen option.

Good luck!

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