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Building an e-Business: Design,

Development and Management

Composed by:
Noormalita Irviana (10522116)

Faculty of industrial Technology

Islamic University of Indonesia

1. Find a site on the web that you feel could be designed better
This website contains about watch selling. They sell original watchs from many
2. Plan the layout of the home page

In this case, we can re-desain this home page be better than before. First, we can
change the background color, it seems that white color makes the web-site not
interesting. So, we can change to the other color, like light green or light red. Second,
we can increase the font, because in that website, the font is too small. And the third,
we can erase some unused icon or picture.
3. Plan the layout of the second page for example, a contact page, a products page, an
about us page or a services page.

Before we go to the other pages, we must scroll down the homepage until get
the information box. Its not effective and efficient, so we can move the information
box (link to the other page) to the top home page so we dont need to scroll down the

After we select one of the information box, we get some information, there
are: how to order, testimonial, contact, and about discount etc.
4. Plan the layout of the third page
If we want to buy a watch, we can click the categories in the homepage.

Based on the picture, we can minimization the categories, because with many
categories, we make the buyer confuse to select it. We can give the categories based
on the brand, so the buyer can select the watch just only based on the brand
5. Plan the layout of the fourth page
For example, we select link contact us.

Based on the picture, there are some numbers or ID the seller. We can redesain it by change the color and alignment, so it can be more interesting. In that
picture, seems that the seller gives 2 BB PIN, one of them is full contact and the
others is new. Its better if we delete the pin which full contact.
6. Plan the layout of the fifth page ( Reseller and Discount )

Based on the picture, the alignment is too random, and not interesting, so we
can make make the alignment be justified, and increase the font.
7. What links will you provide?
This information placed on the bottom of home page, that we must to scroll down

After :
we put this link at the top of homepage

8. Choose a more effective domain name for this site.

9. Why did you choose it?

I choose the domain because they sell branded watch. Jam means watch and
co means company.

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