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The purpose of assessment is to assess the learning of the individual

child and the teaching practices of the teacher. Different forms of

assessment include ongoing, formative and summative which gives us
important and relevant data to which we use to play and cater for
individual learning and (differentiated teaching). Assessment is used for
the individual, team and school focus. At our school, we are a PLC school,
which involves us collaborating and sharing data to further teaching
practices and deliver a guaranteed curriculum.
Planning for assessment- Yes as a team we collaborate and come up
with a CFAT- (common formative assessment task) that checks a particular
concept below, at level and beyond level according to the national
Provide feedback- Students are shown their results of their CFAT (pretest) through a traffic light document (excel) Red- need more help, yellow
only a few wrong answers, green- at level of concept, blue- beyond level.
The students are shown the document and when they complete a post test
which will hopefully show improvement from red to green etc There we
celebrate as a class on everyones effort.
Recording students assessment- ongoing at a glance, whole school
assessment document at the end of term to show whole school results.
Individual student check list with I can statements or learning intentions
that are from the national curriculum.
Moderation- is clarifying, checking and agreeing upon student
outcomes- e.g. Writing- students my show achieves of certain concepts
through a writing check list and then we meet up as a team and show
each others writing pieces to check that we all agree on the progression
point (for example- F.5 mid-grade 1 progression point must include full
stops, capital letters correctly, spelling of high frequency words, attempt
at spelling hard words using spelling awareness strategies, exploring other
punctuation to enhance writing, can be read by adult and re-read at time
of writing, and so forth.
Opinion of assessment- vital, shows direction of teaching, helps form
appropriate learning intentions, helps with planning and differentiating
learning opportunities, is a self-reflection of the teaching practices. Helps
with collaboration and helps create team and individual goals.
External and National assessment testing- NAPLAN Important data
for governments to collect to show where improvements need to be made
and funding to be explored. Helps also identify positives in schools as well
as individuals. Entry testing for Preps- very important. Shows the direction
and help that is needed for the classroom teacher to go from. Collation of
data can help form reading and writing groups and helps give feedback to
parents to show where their child is in relation to the rest of the kids.

Self-assessment- absolutely promote self-assessment and reporting

back as it helps child realize the reason for learning and helps them create
individual goals with a personal importance.
Diagnostic assessmentENGLISH:
PAT-R (Pen and Paper multiple choice summative)
On Demand Adaptive Reading (summative)
NAPLAN (3 & 5 only)
Teacher Judgement
English Online (Prep-2 if necessary)
PAT-Maths (Pen & Paper multiple choice summative)
NAPLAN (3 & 5 only)
On Demand Testing (Grades 2 6) (summative)
Teacher Judgement
Mathematics Online (P-2 if necessary )
Whole School Excel Assessment Spreadsheet
In the folder Whole School Assessment 2015 on teacher files there is an
Excel file for each year levels assessment items. It is to not only keep all of
your results in one place, but it also makes it easier for teachers the
following year to track and analyse data.
This spreadsheet is used for assessment such as:

Pat Maths (August)

Pat Reading (August)

Pat Vocab (August)

Writing Assessments (twice a term)


On Demand Maths (May and November)

On Demand English (May and November)

Numeracy and Literacy Progression Points from

Accelerus (May and Nov)

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