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The Positive and Negative Impact of Colonization in Africa

Thursday, January 28, 2010

11:21 AM


• Two positives two negatives social

• Two positives two negatives economic
• Two positives two negatives political
• 3 facts and opinions per paragraph
• Fact-opinion structure

Social Impact

• More religious mission opportunities for Christianity
• Europe spread education to Africa
• Africans learned more about their land and culture
• Europeans defended Africans against their enemy
• Some Africans felt safer
• Europeans brought technology to Africans
○ Weapons
○ Tools
○ Medicines
○ Farming
• Africans felt siding with Europeans made them more powerful
• Many Africans learned English
• Made the world aware of Africa, did not seem as "forbidden"

• A lot of Africans were taken advantage of
○ Belgian overseers
• It destroyed their way of life
○ Took away traditions
○ Diluted culture
• Animistic religions were gone
• Took away language
• European foods introduced
• Made them dress as Europeans
• Slavery tore families apart

Economic Impact

• Tribal groups that sided with Europeans made money
• Africans obtained new goods
○ Weapons
○ Tools
○ Household goods
• Created more African jobs
• Learned new trade practices
○ More money involved instead of trading one object for another

Geography Page 1
• Europe took resources
○ Diamonds
○ Gold
○ Ivory
○ Palm oil
○ Rubber
• Africans forced into labor
• Africans didn't have an opportunity to learn how to use their resources
• Europeans took land so Africans couldn't sell it
• African farmers had their source of money taken away

Political Impact

• Learned about new governments
• Gained organized countries
• Made tribes get along
• Ultimately led to independence
• Sights of democracy built confidence
• They felt as equals to Europeans eventually
• Wrote treaties for cooperation among tribes

• Tribes were split
• No opportunity to lead
○ Only Europeans lead
• Europeans made Africans NEED independence
• "White man's burden"

Geography Page 2

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