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Country Assigned: Singapore

Issue: Combating drug trafficking throughout Asia

What is the current situation of this issue in your country?
Drug trafficking is still a major issue in Asia, since in some countries there are
now laws that are strong enough to combat this problem. Governments and people
are still lacking funds, resources and knowledge towards this issue and how bad it is
to the country and the world as a whole. There have been reports saying that the
number of Drug trafficking has grown each recent years, and would still continue in
the absence of the resource that international organizations such as UNDP would
needed to provide an effective intervention in the government.
Singapore has very strict laws for drug trafficking in the country. During the
past decades Singapore has hanged over hundreds of people from drug trafficking,
this includes numerous foreigners. The laws in Singapore are so strict that several
outsiders have considered some act to be against human rights, as any form of
involvement with drug can cause that person a death penalty. However, the issues
are now improvement, the court has now considered lifting death penalties to those
with little involvement towards drug trafficking.
Possible Solutions
- Soften the strictness of the drug related laws so it wont be against the human
- Helping neighbouring countries in ASEAN to develop similar laws that could be
applicable in that country
- Heighten up the strictness of immigration so foreigners would be prepared for
such consequences
- Work with international organizations and foreign partner countries to help stop
drug trafficking
- Develop international drug trafficking law
- Maintain human rights related to law

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