Is-Problems Mild 11-01

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The common problem identified by our committee is IS or the Islamic States

occupation of old fields and lands. The IS are a group of Sunni Muslims who are
seeking for revenge of the US, which arose from when the US occupied Iraq.
Nowadays, IS are able to produce 50,000 barrels of oil per day, which would give them
2 million dollars by selling these amount of oil. The problem from this is that if IS kept
on expanding and taking over more oil field, the worlds mass production of oil would
be in their hands. This will allow IS to be able to sustain itself, grows even more
rapidly and would be able to attract more international fighters to join their group; IS
would then be unstoppable.
The cause of this does not only comes from IS ideology of establishing a new
state, but it came from the conflicts between Muslims in the Middle East; Shia and
Sunni. In the IS case, Sunni Muslims are not well presented in countries such as Iraq,
instead they are being governed by a Shia government. Therefore, this is one of the
reasons why the IS, being Sunni, are able to seized their control very easily with the
support of the Sunni in Iraq. In addition, the establishment of IS and many terrorist
groups originated from when the US was in control of Iraq. Many locals, both Muslims
and non-muslims viewed this occupation as an act of discrimination. This leads to the
creation of many terrorists group such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS, in which their common
main goals are to seek revenge towards USA.
One possible solution of this is to stop IS from expanding any further. The
methods we can use is to persuade the Sunni Muslims to turn against the IS, attacking
the IS to reduced their supplies, and/or kill its leader, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. The
whole world has to consider this as a serious issue and mark this as urgent, as it
might consider being the start of another World War. The Security Council along with
the rest of the UN members has to work together to eliminate this problem as soon as
possible, with the members of the Security Council being in the battlefront and the
rest to provide supports with any technologies and/or supplies they might have
The challenges we might face are to figure out how to do this without turning it
into a World War 3. This is because with IS controlling the oilfields, it would affect the
economy and the whole world would be up against them. In addition, with IS having
hostage in captivity; they are able to do anything to these hostages to demand what
they want with a particular country. However, most of the time these hostages were
being killed afterwards without any consideration towards the responses IS gets from
that country. This would even put the whole world into chaos and aggression, and
with major countries army attacking at once; it can easily turn this revenge into a
war. A war, which would affect the worlds economy, creating a fuel shortage and
may lead to another great depression.

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