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Virginia Teachers for

EDUC 201 Field Experience Reflection
students name:
students school:

Meaghan Barfield
First Colonial High School

todays date:
hours earned:


Please mark all the field experiences youve participated in this semester

observation at preschool
observation at middle school
service learning activities
attending educational meetings

observation at elementary school

observation at high school
presentations at other schools
presentation at educational meetings

In the space below, please reflect upon your field experiences during this semester. What
did you learn? Did this experience affect your decision to be an educator? How will you
use this information next semester in EDUC 202? Please be specific and proofread your
Although presenting in front of my class was slightly nervewrecking in the beginning, as I began
my presentation I started becoming more comfortable teaching it. I had the barrier of
Depression and Suicide and that can be a very touchy subject for some which made me nervous
to teach about it. I learned that barriers to learning are much more common than I always
thought. This experience made me a little more skeptical about becoming a teacher because I
had never realized how great of an impact education makes on children and how big of a role the
teacher plays in their personal lives. Even though this realization scared me in a way, it also
made me more excited to become a teacher. I want to be a positive aspect in childrens lives. This
experience helped me in the way that I will be aware of all the barriers we learned about when I
begin my internship and use them to the best of my knowledge.

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