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Needs: Cultura

Student needs recognition

for his exceptional
abilities socially.
Student needs
opportunities throughout
the school day to
participate in positive,
inclusive school activities.
Student needs positive
attention throughout the
school day rather than
constant pestering about
undisruptive behaviors.

Student needs an additional

challenge in most classrooms.
Student needs recognition for his
exceptional abilities
Student needs opportunities to
showcase his work.
Student needs opportunities to
share his ideas aloud.
Student needs opportunities for
hands-on learning.
Student needs increased
opportunities for choice and
voice in the classroom.
Student needs increased
opportunities for movement
throughout the class period.
Student needs college prep work
integrated into middle school and
high school instruction.

Student needs
opportunities to draw
connections in texts
between his culture and
other cultures.
Student needs
opportunities to consider
and deconstruct aspects of
his own culture.
Student needs
encouragement and/or
opportunities to draw
connections between his
life outside of school and
his academic career.

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