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Subtraction Curriculum

Version 1
Revised 3/23/15

1st Grade
2-3 weeks

Enduring Understandings:
To understand the relation between subtraction and the real world.
To be able to interpret and solve word problems

Students will know that:

Students will be able to:

Word problems can be written as math Interpret word problems

Solve subtraction problems
Subtraction is used in real life
Remember and sequence events in role
They can both read and solve
Complete worksheets
subtraction problems
Write word problems
Combine addition and subtaction

Day 1
Character creation
For the Board:
Warm up
Captain's Log

To use subtraction to solve the pirate story problem

Warm up:

10 min
Pirate ship!
Port/Starbord/At you positions
Swab the deck
Captain's coming


10 min
Word: Subtraction


15 min
Whole class on imagined pirate ship.
Establish how many Crates we have
Deiver some at each port- send a student from the ship.
Write equasion on board

Captains Log

15 min
Every student has a paper to fill out a captains log
Whole class travels to each port
Students fill out log at the end of each trip for captain and get it checked off.

Day 2
Small ships
For the Board
Warm up
Pirate ships
Warm up

10 min
Pirate ship
Add: Land HO
Hit the deck
Pirate party

Pirate Ships

10 min
Separate class into groups of 3/4 and each one sets up in a port
Pick an item that you sell
Write on your paper how many you want of each thing (to stay at port)


15 min
Make a pirate flag that incorporates the item that you sell
Keep back of flag blank, you will need it for your pirates log


15 min
Everyone rotates through the ports and tracks how much they sold
Each group create the equasion of their journey
Some groups may run out! And that is okay.
Find out how much you would've needed.

If time:

10 min
Present final equasions

Possible extension:
Travel with full class to create story that uses both addition and subtraction
Students must record which item we are gaining, and which item we are losing
Students create both equasions at the end of the trip

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