Sample Unit Plan - Sheet1

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Franklin's 7th Grade Social Studies Unit Plan

Theme: World Studies from 750 B.C. to 1600 A.D.: Ancient Greece to the First Global Age
Year End Goal: At least 80% of students will pass end-of-year exam with at least 80% mastery on exam.

Topic: Feudalism and Transitions, Unit: Renaissance and Reformation

Unit Goal: At least 80% of students will pass End of Unit Exam with at least 80% mastery.
Unit Dates

Content Standard

Lesson Objective

6. The Renaissance in
Day One: Identify the meaning of
Europe introduced
"Renaissance" and the shifts in society that
revolutionary ideas, leading to led to the beginning of the Renaissance.
cultural, scientific and social
Days Two-Five: Identify major Renaissance
artists/writers and explain their contribution
to the "rebirth" of Europe.
Day Six: Explain how Renaissance ideas
and values spread, and describe the
influence they had on Northern Society.
Days Seven and Eight: Explain how
technological and Scientific advancements
weakened the power of the Roman Catholic
Church in the Renaissance.

Formative Assessment
Exit Slip

representations of
renaissance art and ideals.
Group discussion and
analyzation of articles.
Letter to the Pope

Summative Assessment of Standard: Power Shifts Diagram (Days

Day One: Describe the conditions that led to Reflection of Simulation
7. The Reformation
introduced changes in religion the Protestant Reformation. Identify how the Roles & Proposals of
Roman Catholic Church exercised power in Change
including the emergence of
government and society.
Protestant faiths and a
decline in the political power Day Two- Three: Explain how the
Document Based Question
and social influence of the
weakening of the Catholic Church allowed
Roman Catholic Church.
reformers to speak out against the Church.
Describe the significance of Martin Luther's
95 Theses.
Day Four-Eight: Analyze the shift in political
power after King Henry VIII's break from the Diverse Learner Application
Catholic Church.
Day 9: Identify emerging protestant religions
and describe the Catholic Church's current
state of power.
Exit Slip
Summative Assessment of Standard: Add to Power Shifts Diagram
(Days 10-11)

Unit Assessment:
Renaissance and

Achievement Goal: 80% of

Actual Achievement: _______% of
Students will pass End of Students passed End of Unit Exam with
Unit Exam with at least
at least 80% mastery on exam.
80% mastery on exam.

Remediation Plans: Test

Corrections for students
<80%, Guided Review for
students <70% mastery.

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