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Feudalism and The Manorial System Assessment Menu

Pick anything from the menu you would like! Your grade will be based on 50
points, so choose activities from the menu to equal 50 points. All work must
be quality grade level work.



Create a brochure to
attract stray peasants
to your Manor. Think
about how the Manorial
System benefits the
peasants. Must include
at least four factual

Create and illustrate

a diagram to explain
Feudalism or the
Manorial System.
10 points

Create an original play,
poem, or song about
feudalism. Creations
must include at least 6
educational facts.

10 points

15 points




Create a set of
postcards or letters
exchanged by two
people from different
social classes during
this time period.
Postcards must include
descriptions of daily life
and benefits/limitations
of both classes. Include
at least 2 exchanges (4
letters total).

Use a t-chart to
explore the two
perspectives of
serfdom (pro/anti).
Which perspective
would you side with
and why?
Arguments must be
supported with
10 points

Choose your favorite

topic from this unit.
Create a lesson plan
for teaching this to
4th graders. Include
any presentation
outlines or
worksheets you plan
on using with your
20 points


Political Cartoon

20 points

Compare and
Compare and Contrast
Feudalism as a
government system to
the Democratic System
that we use in modernday USA. Create a
graphic organizer to
organize your

Choose one person we

have studied whom
youd like to interview.
Create a set of 10
insightful questions to
ask. Tell why you would
want to interview this
person. Imagine and
record what their
responses might be to

Select a topic of your

choice from this unit
and create a political
cartoon that
demonstrates your
stance on that topic.
(i.e. Manorial System,
Church Power, etc.)

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