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Unoraganized at some points

No enough variety of sports
Basketball was fun
Dodgeball was huge sucess
Soccer was successful but not competetive
We need a bigger prize so more people will play in the tournaments
6th graders had an unfair disadvantage of being smaller
Frissbee golf was really unsuccessful, only teachers played
Four square was usuccessful
8th graders usually won all of the tournamnets.
Sometimes it got really out of hand
Hard to get all of the materials needed
Had to use people from other classes to help us run the tournament
Need about 6 to 7 people in the group
Need to have a limit on the people playing
To many people
No prize given to winner
The games needed to be longer than 5 minutes
To easy to win because only playing to 5.

What should the winners of the tounament get for there prize?
WIll there be different divisions because of different grades?
How will the teams be decided?
Will there be referees?
How many people will be on a team?
Where will it be played?
WIll there be certain rules?
How many games can be played at once?
How do we make it fun for all people?
How many teams will be allowed to play?

max of 16 teams
2 poeple on each team
prize should be in n out certificate
8 teams play at a time
reserve 2 courts
2 teams play on a half court
play to 8 points
if you lose your out
4 rounds in 3 days
self called fouls
maximum of 8 minute games
4 basketballs needed
play to 12 points in championship game
play by one's and two's
3 day tournament
2 day tournament
16 teams
32 players in total
Finals should be ten minutes long
grades will play the same grade until the championship

First we will put up a sign up sheet so people can sign up for the tournamnet. The first 16 teams will be playing in the tourname

graders. Brandon, Zack, Elliott, Jacob, and Ian will referee the games at lunch time. It will take place on the second week we c

team that is winning when 10 minutes runs out then they will win. The championship will be to 12 and they will have the whole
We will reseve 2 courts at lunch and each game will be play on a half court.

will be playing in the tournamennament. 6th graders will play 6th graders, 7th graders will play 7th graders and 8th graders will play 8th

ace on the second week we come back from break.

All of the games will be played to 8 points by 1s and 2s or if the

2 and they will have the whole lunch to play. We will need to get stopwatches, basketballs, and referees.

8th graders will play 8th

by 1s and 2s or if the

Ian, James M, Levi Z
Brandon, Jacob, Zack, Elliott
Elliott Jacob
Ellott Jacob
Zack, Brandon
Ian, Levi Z
James M
Jacob, Zack
Ian, Levi Z

PA Announcment
Morning Bulliten
Basketballs/ Talk to teacher
Stopwatches/ Talk to teacher
Reserve the Courts/ Talk to rec department/ Ms. Humphreys/ Ms. Kristi
Sign Up Sheet
Make a Bracket


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