Hangman: How To Use

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Module Objective

By the end of this module, teacher

will be able to:


use this freeware efficiently.

create their own subject materials.

Note: Make sure the programme is already installed in your computer to

enable you to use this programme.
How to use
Step 1
1. Click

, choose

button and

2. Wait until the screen displays this:-

Picture 1
Step 2
1. Choose

button and click.

Step 3

want to play.


Example :

button that you

Picture 2
Step 4
After you have chosen the category, this screen will appear.

Picture 3

Picture 4
Step 5

Click or type the


1. Try to guess the animal by typing or clicking the alphabet shown

on the screen.
2. There are 110 points available and 10 points will be deducted for
each mistake.
Step 6
1. If your answer is correct, yes message will be shown.

Picture 5

2. If your answer is incorrect, Sorry Try Again message will be shown

and the hanging stage will be appearing step by step.

Picture 6

3. After 11 incorrect answers, the complete hanging stage will

appear. Example like this :

Picture 7
Step 6
1. The score will increase with any correct

How to create your own category.

Step 1
1. On the front page of the Hangman game select
by clicking the button .

Picture 11

2. The screen will appear like the shown picture.

Picture 12

2. Type the list of the new category that you

want to create as many word as you want.

Picture 13

4. Click
to save the list and the save changes box will
appear. Then click Yes.

Picture 14

5. Save a category box will appear like the picture 15 shown, type the
category in the file name field. Click Save.
Example: Parts of body

Picture 15

6. You will get a display as shown in the picture 16. Then click quit.

Picture 16

7. You may play the game by following the first

instruction. Then select the new category that you have made.

Picture 17

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