Labour (2nd Attempt)

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Bank P. K. N.


Feb 20th, 2015

In ASEAN countries, there are many issues occurring, in which
they can be solved or not. However, there is a big problem, which it
takes quite some time in order to settle. In a simple word, it is a
long-term problem. Additionally, it creates tensions between
workers and bosses, and thus leads to a conflict. Labour is a huge
issue, especially in unemployment that the rate of unemployment is
constantly increasing. This issue must thanks to education as it
does not provide a standard education. Guide a wrong way to
study, and give a lecture wrongly and falsely.
Jobs, occupations, and professions are required good to
excellent profiles. In this case, education was necessary. We need to
study, and to graduate same pathway as your preferable job. For
example, if you want to be an ambassador, you are required
studying in Political Science, Sociology, and History. Thus, you can
get this job. Nonetheless, some people's wish do not match to what
they want; to be emphasised, they take a wrong path, and does not
match the job. In consequence, it leads to problems like
unemployment. Furthermore, in some nations, some faculty have a
lower education quality than an expected international standard.
Hence there is a high percentage of unemployment in Thailand,
thanks to the lower-quality education. Also, overseas students who
graduated from outside of Thailand, cannot get a job in the country,
because every company needs to pay a high amount of salary to
them. And it is too wasteful and unfair to certain groups, such as
Thai-graduated students. On the advantage, they can be hired at a
lower amount than the overseas. On the other hand, some
companies want someone who is graduated from a foreign country,
with limited positions. And thus this can create tensions among
workers and bosses.
Unfortunately, there is no permanent solution to fix these
problems, due to the lack of fund, support from involving
organisation, and time consumption that could ruin the education
system and require to set it up again. Still, we need to observe first,
discuss problems, decide a solution, and commence the project.
Even though, it could take a long time to be settled once for all, and
this could be a long-term solution. Hence the huge time
consumption and budget.
A first solution, we need to provide an equality among British
and American curriculum systems in Thai universities with
international programs. According to internet resources, some
international schools curriculum, especially British schools, do not

Bank P. K. N.


Feb 20th, 2015

meet or match with Chula and Thammasart Universities. The reason

is both famous universities have been using American systems
since the first establishment of international programs in early
1990s, whereas the British schools utilise IGCSE from Cambridge
University, and A-Levels and O-Levels as well. On paper, it can be
applied to any universities in Thailand, although in reality, it can be,
yet limitedly. This makes students to take a required course, or an
exam for matching the requirement. Even though, it sounds very
bad for students who want to hand in IGCSE scores to these
universities, and needs to pay money for doing an examination or
required course, due to the different system. But still it allows for
those who want to study in the United Kingdom or its colonised
countries. What if the Thai government revamps slightly by allowing
all local universities to accept these three British school grades,
that could help reducing of the proportion of choosing a wrong
studied pathway. With this, it can reduce the proportion of
unemployment. Yet, it takes a long time in order to get the approval
from the government. In some countries, the government straightly
rejects the demand, because it is too far to be fixed, or too much
consumption in time and fund.
Second, we can build a theme park, or a simulated playground
that has a theme of finding your dreamt job. This also helps young
ones to find a true goal. Although, the amusement park cannot be
very tiny, it needs to be huge to ensure providing most of the jobs
for visitors. In addition, the price will be definitely high as well for a
big land. In Thailand, there is an amusement park located in Siam
Paragon. Kidzania is a good example, a place for young audiences
who pursuit a wished career. Despite of negative comments about
creating this place, it can be used as an educated purpose to young
audiences. The good things about this place, it can somehow teach
young individuals to understand each careers working place,
wages, and perks. However, the ticket price is expensive to some
middle classes, and greatly among lower classes. The park needs to
sell in a high price is due to Siam Paragon, which is located in the
heart of Bangkok, has a high living cost, and thus the shopping mall
has a huge renting price as well. Therefore, CEO of Kidzania needs
to follow the principles of the mall in order to reach the equilibrium
in economics; the CEO needs to put a high price for compensating
incomes to the company and Siam Paragon. This project sounds
non-sense to adults and teens, yet interesting and knowledgeable
to young kids. As we provide tons of informations for the young
ones, they will know what should they do in the future; as such of
valuable knowledge, they are able to choose a suitable elective and
college for the job.

Bank P. K. N.


Feb 20th, 2015

The third solution is to lecture solidly and accurately in the

class. In Asia, some students require to get a tutor for extra lessons
and understandability. In Thailand, it is considered as a big
business. Most of Thai schools, teachers teach half of contents, and
students must take an after school tutoring to find the rest, in order
to pass a test that contained both of them. In fact, the ministry of
education secretly supports tutor business. On the other hand, all
international schools do not encourage students to take a tutoring
class. Also, the test consists of only the school content, not outside.
We need to revamp the education system, and not allow the tutor
to be interfered with the curriculum. Otherwise, it could lead to
corruption and exploitation. Also, teachers must lecture a school
content solidly, and exams must contain only in-school contents.
In the conclusion, education is a bigger problem in labour.
Therefore, the government should consider an education system,
whether it meets the standard or not. In addition, we must address
this issue to ensure everyone gets what he or she wants to do, and
to be. In spite of hardly fixing older teens, we can help young ones,
to find out a suitable one for a bright future waiting for them.
Younger generation is a crucial resource.

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