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Reflective Analysis of Portfolio Artifact

NAEYC Standard:
STANDARD 6. BECOMING A PROFESSIONAL Candidates prepared in early childhood
degree programs a) identify and conduct themselves as members of the early childhood
profession. They b) know and use ethical guidelines and other professional standards related to
early childhood practice. They c) are continuous, collaborative learners who demonstrate
knowledgeable, reflective and critical perspectives on their work, making informed decisions
that d) integrate knowledge from a variety of sources. They are e) informed advocates for sound
educational practices and policies.

Brief Description of Evidence:

Throughout the past couple years of my education I have completed both online and face to face
professional trainings. These include an Anti-Bullying program and an Early Childhood
Social/Emotional Development Program. I also had the privilege of presenting at the spring 2015
STEM conference. I, along with my two other group members, gave a presentation about sensory
activities in all age groups.

Analysis of What I Learned:

Through these experiences, I learned to how to identify and conduct myself as a proper member
of the profession of Early Childhood Education. I learned the importance of following ethical
guidelines and other professional standards such as my understanding of each NAEYC standard
and their importance in the world of Early Childhood Education. I learned about the negative
impact that bullying has on a young child and how properly and professionally handle it. During
the development training, I reviewed the social/emotional stage of development and its
importance, which goes along with Eriksons stages of development. Presenting at the
conference taught me the importance of a professional appearance and attitude.

How This Artifact Demonstrates my Competence on the

NAEYC Standard:
I prove my competence in this standard by ability to demonstrate knowledgeable, reflective, and
critical perspectives on the work I complete such as my trainings, conferences, and other
professional practices. I prove this by my continuous collaborative learning skills and my ability
to make informed decisions in my future classroom that will not only benefit myself, but also my
future students. Through these experiences, I am able to bring more learning opportunities into
my class room. I also prove my competence by my ability to further my knowledge by seeking
the opinions of a variety of outside sources to assist me in my teachings.

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