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GCSA Forum Minutes

9 December 2014
I. Call to Order and Invocation, Henry Hagen
II. Roll Call, Hannah Wardell

Pharvyana Marcelin, absent

Abel Cherian, tardy
Kuo Lu, tardy
III. Approval of Minutes, Hannah Wardell
IV. Reports of Officers, Boards, and Standing Committees
i. Club Development Update, Gianna Scavo
mid year evaluations
ii. Academic Affairs Committee, Kristen Gandek
Please sign up for finish the course times
iii. Communications Committee, John Buckley
Lots of design and website stuff this week. Website will be finalized this week.
iv. Financial Affairs Committee, Ryan Daly
FAC is going to work after break to present an FAC stipend proposal at the first
forum after break.
v. Cabinet Update, Henry Hagen
Talked about stipends, Chesters improvements, website improvements, working
on Spring elections timeline.
V. New Business
i. GC Alzheimers Buddies Charter
Program not funded through GCSA, but they are looking to become an officially
chartered club but will not use GCSA money.
GCAB started last semester, 17 students currently enrolled. Each week students
go to a nursing home down the street for an hour and connect with an Alzheimers
Purpose is to help connect with people outside of campus and build community.
Goal to have more students being involved.
Currently funded by Health Professionals, but dont have a way to outreach
through the college without an identity and the support that GCSA could provide.
Restricted by background checks that must happen before students can go to the
nursing home, right now we can take up to 30 students.
What about OCE? This feels like it belongs there better there instead of GCSA.
Pushed for that all semester, but they were unable to fund GCAB. They seemed
unable to unwilling to hold us under the OCE line. Preference this semester was
given to science majors, but we are now free to let any major participate. They
will take new applications in the spring for next year, the application will be open
to all and they will apply for more money if needed.
Do other clubs require applications? Is there a precedent for GCSA clubs to have
application only members?
Dr. Story is the advisor
Ezra, motion to approve club charter
Rosie seconded

GCSA Forum Minutes

9 December 2014
Passed unanimously
ii. Investment Club Charter
Investment club, working with EBO and economics and business department.
Based in portfolio simulation. Want to meet and travel to firms in boston and
speak to executives. Start a blog so alumni and perspectives can see. EBO is
great, but not financially and numbers analysis, quantitative focus--this club
would bring that. Prof. Tsang as advisor.
Budget--advertising to help them get off the ground, $50 for advertising.
Welcome to everyone, but focused on business, economics, and finance majors.
Meet on the off weeks of EBO. Encourage financial literacy on campus. Meetings
will include conversations about relevant financial news issues, financial
simulations and analysis, guest speaker at least once a month, based in
Why no events budgeted for the spring? Looking to go through URC first before
GCSA, at least this semester. Going along on EBO New York trip.
Over twenty people have showed interest, advertising will help make it feel
Why isn't this just being included in EBO? EBO is not geared toward those who
are finance savvy but those who want to talk about career issues and networking,
it is broader speaking to the community.
Able motion to approve Business Club Charter
Rosie seconded
Approved unanimously with abstention of Nathanael.
Emily, motion to approve $50 spring budget
Kevin Seconded
Approved unanimously with abstention of Nathanael.
iii. Scot Radio Budget Extension
Scot Radios main operating sound board broke. Asking for extension of
$1.206.43 to replace sound board, studio mic, 2 year warranty. Called about
repair, but want to get this budget approved so it can get repaired (hopefully
cheaper than budget allotted for a new one, but we would use this money for that
and return extra) and if not order a new one. Hope to get this all done over
Christmas break so shows can start up. They did not have a large tech budget
this year.
New mixer, same model but updated slightly. If we have to get a new one, they
will shop around.
Havent got an estimate for repairs yet, $829 is the price of a new one for worst
case scenario.
CTS is willing to ship it.
Used mobile unit last week and this week were using CTSs superfluous boards.
CTS assessed it and we think its beyond the scope of a tech shop in the areas
Jamie motion to approve Scot Radio budget extension

GCSA Forum Minutes

9 December 2014
Michael seconded
Approved unanimously
iv. Chesters Budget Extension
Met with Mark Stoll and contractor last week. Will knock down the booth last of
the bar. Have to get a handwashing sink instead of getting a new double sink to
meet health code, shouldnt cost too much more. Cabinets will only cost about
half of what weve already assumed, they also budgeted for a wrap around
counter that we do not actual need the middle of (only countering the front and
back). Planning to move the benches to the ends of the booth rows. Will be
splitting booth tables and using them as eat-in counter tops. Bar stools were not
originally budgeted, but Mark Stoll believes we do not need to budget
them.Would love to keep original budget just in case there are problems or
loopholes that happen, would like a cushion just in case. Dont believe we need
to change the number since we haven't been given budget changes by Mark
Stoll. Ideally, the microwave will stay in place and the bar will be in the corners by
the lions den, per Jesses discretion. In the end, the number of seats will
This is a big chunk of the club contingency fund-- only $3,400.84 will be left.
Mid year evaluations are coming and we get money back ($9000 last year).
Have you considered asking other organizations for money? Chesters in a
student run venue under GCSA and being funding by GCSA keeps Chesters
student autonomous. Planning on getting new appliances through Lane and
doing special renovations through GCSA.
SVC thinks this is pressing and would love to have it done over Winter break,
Chesters wants to do more but doesnt have the space.
This is important to do now in regards to safety--Chesters wouldnt pass
All resources come from Lane right now--we would make sure we had enough
supply to help with new traffic flow. We would add new workers to help during
busy times during budget season for next year. SVC pays the salaries of
Chesters workers Mon-Thurs. Dining services has to supply because they have a
food licence. This would provide administrative autonomy.
Fine line between capital expenditures by administration and by GCSA-- this is a
student space so we feel that it is appropriate.
SVC does not see the partnership of Dining services to be unbalanced.
Chris Carlson: Student activities fees are not traditionally used for capital
expenditures. Worried about building habit of using activities fees for things that
the administration should be paying for. Do not have enough student ownership
over the space.
SVC response: This is an improvement for student workers.
There is precedent, paving the ferrin parking lot, bromley lounge, the bistro.
We recognize the principle, but we also think that this needs to be done.
Have reopening in the Spring for more GCSA attachment to the changes and the
ideas. Will give more GCSA ownership over the space.

GCSA Forum Minutes

9 December 2014
17 student workings, thats few people for the impact in the perspective of FAC,
but we must consider the space change for the rest of the student body.
Fear that if we leave this until after break it wont get done--this might be the only
place the money is.
UNwise capital improvements have come from leftover money at the end of the
year and are not under student control.
Worried that Chesters is actually a space that administration could take at any
time-- there is no written guarantee that Chesters will always remain a student
Evan move to approve Chesters renovation
Nathan seconded
Passes with 6 in favor, 3 opposed, 3 abstention
v. Highland Games Update
Cabinet, CEC, RecIM, planning for a big April event. Will establish identities for
all of the representative halls--heraldry. If you are interested in helping out,
please talk to John. Will be meeting with RAs and Rec IM leaders. Funded
through executive account.
vi. Candy Cane Lane
Gave away 826 candy canes. Bought 252 more candy canes for $23.30
Nathanael motion to approve
Kevin Seconded
Approved with the abstention of Jamie and Emily
VII. Representative Initiatives
Rosie has been working with the library and they got extension cords that you
can rent with your library card in Jenks.
VIII. Presidents Notes, Henry Hagen
i. Thursday with Dr. Richard Mouw
Famous Prof. and Theologian. Exec Cabinet hosting. Chelsea and Hannah are
interviewing him. Conversation of civil discourse Thursday 4:45-5:30. There is
chapel Credit
Sophomores will stay put this year and Barrington will be designated as
commuter parking only. This was not our recommendation, it is the decision of
the administration. Sophomores will probably have to move to woodland next
IX. Announcements
Please touch base with Keith Krass about Goose
ii. Christmas Party Saturday
Hall Christmas decorating contest being held on Friday.
We will have an office block party at the beginning of the semester.
X. Adjourn

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