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Compiled by:
Bryan Brown
Sam Deely
Emily Dvorchak
Austin OKeane
Laura Walter
Individual Responsibilities:
Bryan Brown
Twitter Procedures, Findings, and Recommendations, and Brochure
Sam Deely
Executive Summary, Memo, and Presentation
Emily Dvorchak
Supplementary Materials (excluding Executive Summary), Background, Problem
Statement, Conclusion, and compilation of report
Austin OKeane
Facebook Procedures, Findings, and Recommendations, and Presentation
Laura Walter
Website Procedures, Findings, and Recommendations, and Presentation

Table of Contents
Executive Summary..............................................................................................................................3
Purpose, Scope, and Problem Statement.............................................................................................4
Findings/Analysis of Findings..............................................................................................................7
Table of Charts....................................................................................................................................21
Table of Illustrations...........................................................................................................................29

Executive Summary
As members of Generation Y, we have been asked to evaluate and provide recommendations
for the online and social media presence of Nike Running, a subsidiary of Nike, Inc. In order to
effectively evaluate its performance, we chose to benchmark Nike Running with Adidas Running,
as Adidas is one of Nikes greatest competitors. More specifically, we decided to focus our attention
on the three domains of Facebook, Twitter, and the Nike website to answer the question of how
Nike Running can improve its online and social media presence to meet or surpass the level of
interest that Adidas Running achieves.
Through utilization of both internal and external research methods, we were able to
effectively evaluate and provide recommendations for Nike Running. This report highlights our
findings and provides substantial recommendations to advance Nike Runnings social media and
online presence. Overall, we recommend that Nike Running combine its subsidiary pages, utilize
promotional events and athletic sponsors, initiate more customer interaction, and provide more
information about its products to further its online and social media presence. This report
emphasizes the importance of these recommendations.

Our team has been charged by the Nike, Inc. Board of Directors and executives to conduct
an analysis of the online and social media presence of the company. This type of review has become
increasingly important in todays world as the use of social media continues to rise, especially
amongst younger generations. As members of Generation Y ourselves, we have been asked to look
specifically at how Nike succeeds in presenting itself to those of our generation as well as how it
might strengthen its virtual outreach overall.
We chose to evaluate Nikes social media presence with regard to Facebook, Twitter, and the
Nike website, as we believe these three channels will be most relevant for our purposes. Facebook
is the largest social media network in the world with more than one billion users, making it
important for Nike to adopt a strong presence on this medium. Twitter, though it totals fewer
monthly active users than Facebook, is also of vital importance. Tweets and their content have
become effective indicators of information for businesses. We believe Nikes presence on Twitter
will be a similar important indicator of its orientation to Generation Y. Finally, the company website
itself is a crucial channel to consider when assessing how successful Nike has been in reaching the
We feel confident that the following analysis will succeed in accomplishing what was
charged of us, and that if put to action our recommendations would strengthen the online presence
of Nike.
Purpose, Scope, and Problem Statement
In order to conduct an appropriately thorough analysis with regard to social media, we chose
to narrow the scope of the company and focus our attention solely on the online performance of
Nike Running, a subsidiary of Nike, Inc. As of November 1st, this subsidiary totaled fewer likes

on Facebook than other Nike subordinates such as Nike Soccer and Nike Skateboarding. This
implies that Nike Runnings online presence offers substantial room for improvement. Additionally,
our team shares a mutual interest in running and felt it would be exciting to analyze. We therefore
decided that Nike Running would benefit most prominently from the close analysis we were
charged to conduct.
Furthermore, we felt it necessary to select an appropriate benchmark of performance with
which to evaluate Nike Running. We have chosen to compare Nike Running to Adidas Running
throughout our report. Adidas is one of Nikes strongest competitors, and the two companies seek to
communicate comparable messages and market similar products by means of social media. Adidas
Running will thus be a suitable point of reference for evaluating Nike Runnings online
When reviewing the social media of Nike Running and its benchmark Adidas Running, we
quickly noted that Adidas has a larger following on both Facebook and Twitter. (Precise
measurements regarding this observation will be detailed in the Findings section of our report).
As such, we proceeded with the following essential question:
How can Nike Running improve its online and social media presence in such a way as
to meet or surpass the level of interest that Adidas Running achieves?
The following analysis seeks to answer this question and strengthen Nike Runnings performance
with regard to social media.
We will now disclose the specific processes undertaken by our team in order to gather
findings. Firstly, we determined that Nike Runnings social media presence warranted analyses
through both primary and secondary data collection. Our group created a survey, sampling 50

people, as a primary means of gathering data. The survey consists of ten questions, each of which
may be found in the appendix of this report. Our chosen medium for distribution of the survey was
that of Facebook. More specifically, three of our five team members sent web-links to various
Facebook friends, leading them directly to our survey. Each person selected was a member of
Generation Y. The findings and analysis pertaining to this primary research can be found in the
Findings/Analysis section of our report.
The following subsections will detail our procedures with regard to secondary research. As
previously mentioned, we chose to conduct our review of Nike Running across three platforms of
social media: Facebook, Twitter, and the subsidiary website.
In order to effectively evaluate Nike Runnings presence on Facebook, we monitored its
daily activity from August through November. Specifically, we tallied the number of posts made on
each of those 92 days. Using this tally, we then determined two figures. The first was the average
number of days per month where at least one post was made, and the second was the average
number of postings per day. In order to gather secondary data for our benchmark of Adidas
Running, we compiled information using collection procedures identical to those used for Nike.
However, Adidas Running did not post at all in the month of September, and thus we do not have
data for that month. Our averages will be expounded upon in the upcoming Findings
section. Lastly, we created simple bar graphs for each months data. This allowed us to more easily
illustrate and compare the frequency of Nike Runnings Facebook posts to Adidas Runnings
Facebook posts. These graphs can be found in Tables 2-5 in the Table of Charts.

To accomplish our goal of analyzing Nike Runnings presence on Twitter, we looked
extensively at Nike Runnings profile (@NikeRunning). We also examined the profile of Adidas
Running (@adidasrunning). Our team first looked at the number of followers and number of total
tweets amassed by each company. We then conducted a more comprehensive analysis and surveyed
the individual content of the tweets sent by both Nike Running and Adidas Running, as well as the
number of re-tweets each subsidiary received. Finally, we sought to determine the level of activity
that Nike and Adidas have on a tweet per day basis. To determine this figure, our team looked at
past history of each account for the months of October and August.
Analysis of the Nike Running web page occurred through a visit to the page itself as well as
visits to each link offered on the page. These various web pages and the experience provided on
each were compared to the Adidas Running web page and each of the links it provides. The two
pages were compared on the basis of sensory appeal, ease of use, interactive qualities, and
references made to both Facebook and Twitter.
We believe the aforementioned procedures undertaken to conduct both primary and
secondary research were the best possible chosen to approach our task. They have ultimately led to
a set of noteworthy findings that will be described in the following section.
Findings/Analysis of Findings
In this section we will discuss the various results garnered from our chosen procedures. We
will also delineate the meaning of our respective findings. In keeping with the nature of our
evaluation thus far, results will be divided amongst Facebook, Twitter, and the Nike Running

website. The results of our primary research are relevant to each of the three selected mediums, and
thus the findings of our survey research will be described throughout all three subsections.
Before disclosing our findings of the last few months, we will provide a brief summary of
Nike Runnings prior success in comparison to Adidas Running. As of November 1st,
approximately 1,683,000 people had liked Nike Running on Facebook. Comparatively, as of that
date, Adidas Running had garnered approximately 3,150,000 likes. Reference Table 1 in the
Table of Charts for a simple illustration of these findings. Similarly researched, we found that as
of the same date, approximately 308,000 people had followed @NikeRunning on Twitter, while
approximately 470,000 people had followed @adidasrunnings Twitter page. These statistics will
be important to remember as our analysis continues, and their significance will soon be made clear.
According to our primary research, 86.54% of the members of Generation Y check their
Facebook accounts multiple times per day. That heavy traffic is crucial for the implementation of a
successful social media marketing plan, which we will touch on in the later Recommendations
section of this report. It is potentially problematic that, as was stated before, the Adidas Running
page nearly doubles Nikes in terms of likes. Our secondary data may shed more light on where
Nike Running can improve and how it can more effectively utilize the heavy traffic on Facebook.
We found that Nike Running has shown consistent attention to its Facebook page, posting 16
out of 31 days in August, 23 out of 30 days in September, and 20 out of 31 days in October. That
consistent activity is promising, and even more impressively, Nike Running often posts on its page
more than once in a single day. In August, the company averaged 0.548 posts per day, and by the
end of September that number had risen to 0.833. It declined only slightly in October to 0.774 posts
per day. Nikes consistency will be key in our recommendations.

Contrary to assumptions that might be made based on Adidas Runnings larger amount of
likes, the competitor does not spend even remotely comparable time on its Facebook page.
Posting only three out of 31 days in August, zero out of 30 days in September, and ten out of 31
days in October, Adidas Running does not market at Nike Runnings level in this medium. Daily
averages are also lower for Adidas Running. Its Facebook page only averaged 0.097 posts per day
in August and 0.29 posts per day in October. Tables 2-6 in the Table of Charts more clearly
compare Nike Runnings monthly activity to the activity of Adidas Running. Furthermore, as seen
in Illustrations 1 and 2 in the Table of Illustrations, Nike Runnings page is far more aesthetically
pleasing, maintaining parallel structure in its posts and highlighting larger, more colorful pictures in
those posts.
Yet, counterintuitive to these comparisons, Adidas Running surpasses Nike Running in terms
of number of likes. We searched the Facebook pages of other Nike subsidiaries for an explanation
of this contradiction. We found that Nike maintains another page titled Nike Sportswear. This page
has approximately 1,671,500 likes, almost matching its Nike Running page. Our primary research
indicated that 53.85% of Generation Y members are not aware that Nike even has a subsidiary
company called Nike Running. Adidas, on the other hand, does not offer a second Facebook page
devoted purely to sportswear. Perhaps Nikes deficit in likes can be attributed to its division of
these product types. In fact, Nike actually doubles the number of Adidas subsidiary pages,
maintaining 31 to Adidass 15. This may prove to be Nikes largest critique and will be explained
further in the upcoming sections.

After conducting both primary and secondary research on the Twitter profiles of Nike
Running and Adidas Running, we have compiled an overview of the presence of each company on
this particular social outlet. Through our primary research we were able to discover that 42.31% of
Generation Y members use their Twitter accounts a few times per day. This verifies our initial
assumption that Twitter is indeed a very important social media outlet that should be fully utilized
by Nike Running to maximize business processes.
When examining Nike Runnings Twitter account, we found that it totals more than 308,000
followers and 77,000 tweets through its entirety of Twitter activity. We also determined that
@NikeRunning averages more than 100 tweets per day. Something important we noticed, however,
is that the majority of these tweets are direct replies to other Twitter users. That is, users ask
questions or mention the use of Nike Running products on the Nike Running profile, and the
company replies to them very often. When it is not replying to others, Nike Running only averages
between three and five tweets per day, as seen in Table 7 of the Table of Charts. The company
often tweets about current sporting events or Nike-sponsored events, like marathons and races for
example. Nike Runnings non-reply tweets receive an average of anywhere between 40 to 100 retweets and favorites.
When reviewing the Twitter account of our benchmark Adidas Running, we found that
@adidasrunning has over 470,000 followers and a total of approximately 1,200 tweets. It averages
roughly five tweets per day. There is, however, a notable element of deviation in this average, where
some days garner only a single tweet and others total up to 10 tweets. This can be seen in Table 8 of
the Table of Charts. The majority of tweets include a picture of Adidass various products, most


notably running shoes. Tweets often include a sponsored athlete of Adidas as well. Adidas
Runnings tweets receive an average of 30 re-tweets and favorites for any given post.
Overall, we can see that in some ways Nike Running and Adidas Running are at a
comparable level on this medium. If we exclude Nike Runnings responses to other users, the two
competitors tweet approximately the same number of times per day. In other ways, they differ.
Adidas Running has a larger following on Twitter than does Nike Running, with 470,000 followers
as compared to 308,000. Nike Running, however, has a much stronger sense of user engagement
and social awareness than does Adidas Running. Evidence of this can be found in the number of retweets of Nike Runnings posts as compared to the number of re-tweets of Adidas Runnings posts.
We feel that the level of user engagement and connection to followers is a more important measure
of success than the quantitative following itself. Thus, even though Nike Running does not level
with Adidas Runnings total number of followers, its evidenced connection to users leaves it with a
strong Twitter following on the whole.
One key element of any companys selling toolbox is its website. With the invention of
smartphones and the constant Internet connection most people have, the ability to look on a
companys website and be drawn into making a purchase is crucial for market success. In the course
of our primary research we discovered that 57.69% of respondents have purchased Nike apparel in
the last year but only 15.38% of respondents said they would purchase Nike clothing from the Nike
website. The same percentage of respondents said they would purchase Nike shoes from the Nike
website. The largest number of respondents said they would purchase clothing and shoes at a
sporting goods store, 59.62% and 51.92% respectively. Given the importance of a strong website
presence, these findings may be problematic for Nike and will be incorporated in the


recommendations we later make. It is important to consider any other problems, improvements, or

changes to the Nike Running website in light of these findings.
Upon conducting secondary research, we found that in many ways Nike Runnings website
represents the bare minimum of what is needed for a customer to make a purchase. As you can see
in Illustration 4 of the Table of Illustrations, the website contains a plain white background, with
pictures of the key product lines being offered at that time. Most headings are gray and nearly all
text is black. And while consumers can certainly find what they need and carry out a purchasing
transaction with relative ease, the website is not inspiring or appealing to the senses. When
compared to our benchmark of Adidas Running the differences are dramatic.
The Adidas Running website, as seen in Illustration 5 of the Table of Illustrations, features
two large colorful pictures and the customer is required to click on one or the other to continue with
his or her purchase. The consumer is then taken to a page dedicated to a specific product that
contains reviews, videos, celebrity endorsements and actual Facebook posts and Twitter tweets from
customers who have already made said purchase. On a single page the customer can view product
specs, watch a promotional video, read product reviews, and even find a nearby location at which to
make a purchase.
Another key consideration in web design is how effectively other social media is used on the
website. Despite the previously discussed large number of individuals using Facebook and Twitter,
Nike Running provides little to no reference to its social media pages on the Nike Running website.
There are two minuscule icons to the right-hand side when the page is opened, and no further
indications can be found until one has scrolled all the way to the bottom of the page, where
Illustration 6 of the Table of Illustrations shows the only social media references to be found. This
differs from the #FreeRun page, where the company created a contest that encouraged individuals to


run and dedicate the resulting kilometers to a dream running trip. The #FreeRun page is plastered
with hash-tags and bright photos. It also contains actual updates from the creators and users of the
contest, all of which are promoted and brought up to date through the use of a mobile app and
various social media programs.
The limited amount of social media references on the Nike Running page can also be seen
when compared with our benchmark website of Adidas Running. As seen in Illustration 7 of the
Table of Illustrations, opportunities are frequently provided for individuals to like or tweet
about a product, as often as every few inches down the page. This feature serves as a constant
reminder to consumers that not only should they like and enjoy the product, but they should also
take advantage of social media to share the product with others. This not only encourages consumer
interaction but also gives a more youthful and Generation Y-friendly appearance to the page. By
making this process easy, Adidas Running recognizes that many Generation Y individuals enjoy
sharing their interests with others.
Clearly, the procedures undertaken to conduct primary and secondary research have
provided us with a sufficient collection of information to analyze. We will be drawing
recommendations and conclusions from this pool of information, and as such we value it highly.
As was requested of our team, we will be recommending specific ways in which Nike
Running can maintain and strengthen its online and social media presence. Our strategic
recommendations are based on the findings of our primary and secondary research. Since secondary
research was split amongst Facebook, Twitter, and the Nike Running website, our conclusions and
subsequent recommendations will be divided amongst these three mediums as well. That is, we will


recommend how and why Nike Running should improve its presence on each of the three different
In regards to Facebook, we have concluded that Nike far outperforms competitors like
Adidas in regards to consistency of posting on its page. We urge Nike Running to maintain that
attention, perhaps by setting a goal of averaging one post per day. In doing so, the company could
engage not only Generation Y but also all online customers even further, by allowing for a high
number of advertisement views and customer interactions. This will ultimately result in higher
We feel that Nike Runnings main problem on Facebook lies not with the frequency of its
posts or the type of posts that it makes, but rather with the number of subsidiary pages that Nike
itself controls on this medium. By maintaining the Nike Sportswear Facebook page for instance,
Nike is halving its site traffic. If Nike were to combine its sportswear and running pages, it would
not only double its likes, but it would also allow for twice the focus on that page by Nike social
media staff. Such extra time and effort could provide the necessary push to propel Nike above its
competitors within social media. This recommendation holds true for all of Nikes subsidiary pages.
We believe that if Nike reduces the total number of Facebook pages that it currently upkeeps, the
centralization of its customer base will allow for more direct advertising and better results overall.
As mentioned previously, Nike Runnings page is far more aesthetically pleasing than
Adidas Runnings page. Yet, while Nike Runnings advertisements are creatively simplistic and
utilize bright colors extraordinarily well, they fail to outperform Adidas in terms of representation of
athletic sponsors. While Nike rarely posts pictures of its sponsors, more than a quarter of Adidas
Runnings posts highlight its athletes. An example of this can be seen in Illustration 3 in the Table


of Illustrations. Furthermore, Adidas Running succeeds in highlighting national marathons and

running-centric events. In doing so, the company promotes physical activity and advertises those
large-scale events to consumers who already run. If a Facebook advertisement for a marathon
entices even a few Facebook users to attend an Adidas-sponsored event, it allows for more exposure
to the brand and results in higher sales. Nike Running can better utilize events like those to level
with Adidas and appeal to the multitude of Facebook users.
Lastly, although Nike Running frequents its Facebook page with pictures and
advertisements, more legitimate interaction with Generation Y members and other Facebook users
will further engage its consumers. Nike should view Facebook as an opportunity to further Twitters
reach. It can use Facebook as just another medium to interact with its customers, and that can only
result in sales increases for the company. We would like to emphasize that Nike Running is
currently doing almost everything correctly in regards to its Facebook page. Minor shifts in its posts
may help, but the largest decision will be whether or not to reduce the number of subsidiary pages
on Facebook.
In regards to performance on Twitter, we would first like to commend Nike Running for
having such a strong following on this medium already. Nike Running averages more re-tweets and
favorites of posts than its competitor does. The subsidiary should strive to maintain this high level
of customer attention, as it indicates a high level of user engagement and direct contact with
Generation Y members and other users. That is, whether Nike Running replies to a question, offers
advice, or extends a congratulations on race results, its Twitter feed is full of direct replies to others.
We believe these direct responses are a great way for Nike Running to immerse itself in powerful


methods of user engagement and should thus be continued, especially since Adidas Running does
not practice this technique.
Something important to note, however, is that when viewing @NikeRunning on a mobile
device, these direct replies are visible to every user who checks the Twitter feed. This creates a
cluttered look for the profile and makes it difficult for users to locate a single tweet. We suggest that
rather than make these postings public to everyone, Nike Running send a direct message to the
individual who posted a tweet. In this way, the subsidiary can maintain its high level of user
engagement without creating unnecessary clutter on its profile.
One final recommendation in regards to Twitter is that Nike Running should make an effort
to increase its overall following, thereby leveling more closely with Adidas Running. As discussed
previously, the followers of Nike Running are far more involved and committed to the company
than are the followers of Adidas Running. This is indeed valuable, but the total reach of an
individual tweet is also important. We feel that Nike Running could increase its quantitative
following in several possible ways. For instance, it could promote other tweets. That way, users who
do not actually follow Nike Running will take note of the companys presence on Twitter.
Furthermore, it could work to entice users by offering them unique and exciting promotional
opportunities, like contests for example. These contests might be so simple as saying, the next
1000 followers will be entered in a pool to win an exclusive Nike gift card. We believe small
measures like this could ultimately make a huge difference in this companys overall following on
Twitter from a quantitative standpoint. If the following is increased, Nike Running will be able to
effectively surpass Adidas Runnings level of interest on this medium.


Finally, Nike Runnings website could prove to be a truly powerful tool for the company as
well if a few small changes are made. First, we would like to revisit the fact that only a small
amount of Generation Y members claimed that they generally purchase clothing and shoes on the
Nike website. The figure was a mere 15%, which is feeble on its own and worse when compared to
the over 50% of respondents who purchase clothing and shoes at a sporting goods store. This is
important to note, because while the Nike website should continue to enable ease of purchasing,
product purchases should not be the primary focus. Instead, the Nike Running website should focus
most prominently on promoting products and providing information that will lead to some type of
purchase, regardless of whether that purchase is made through another channel.
One way in which this could be achieved would be to make Nike products more prominent
on the webpage. Larger, more colorful pictures can be used and can serve as links to exclusively
product-focused pages. This would help to ensure that viewers focus mainly on Nike clothing and
Nike shoes when they visit the webpage. Nike has already begun this process by using pictures as
links to its various product lines, but the current pictures are primarily black and white and are
relatively small considering the overall size of the Nike Running website. Other portions of the
Nike website, like the #FreeRun page mentioned in the Findings section, utilize beautiful pictures
and color extremely effectively. If this same skill could be translated to the Nike Running page, it
would easily overtake the Adidas Running webpage.
As previously discussed, Nike Running surpasses Adidas Running in regards to some
aspects of social media. This would suggest that transitioning to a higher social media presence on
the website should be a relatively smooth process. Instead of only two small icons in the upper right


corner of the webpage, the subsidiary should use larger Twitter and Facebook icons throughout the
product pages. This will appeal to Generation Y consumers in particular because it will enable a
faster sharing process and allow customers to immediately respond to those aspects of the page they
enjoy most.
Another way in which social media could be used more effectively on the website would be
to dedicate a specific portion of the product pages to consumer responses. By encouraging
consumers to share opinions and thoughts concerning new products, Nike Running would enable
excitement to build surrounding a product and would enhance the appeal of said product. It may not
be necessary to do this on every product page, but if Nike Running does this for a few key products
it could marginally increase the companys sales.
One final way in which the Nike Running webpage could improve would be to make the site
more interactive. There are currently no videos and no celebrity promotions, and as discussed above
there is limited encouragement of social media use. This combination results in a relatively flat and
boring webpage. Such results are problematic for Nike, since shopping tends to be driven by
emotion. That is, the more sensory stimulation available, the better off is the company. Brighter
colors, videos, movement, and endorsement from high profile individuals would each work to
enhance the overall experience of visiting the Nike Running website. If the overall experience is
improved and the consumer is happier, it then follows that he or she will be more likely to make a
purchase. We therefore view this as being a significant suggestion for Nike.
In summary, we have seen that in some ways Nike Running already exceeds or levels with
the social media performance of Adidas Running, and should strive to maintain that success. We
have also seen that in other ways Nike Running could improve to match or surpass its competitor
across these important mediums. We have concluded that the company should consider a reduction


in subsidiary pages, and should seize opportunities to promote athletic sponsors, unique events, and
exciting contests. The Facebook page should be altered and made to match Twitters high level of
customer interaction, but the Twitter page should also be altered to eliminate the public nature of its
direct responses. The website should be focused most prominently on providing information and
promoting products, and visual appeal should be enhanced. Lastly, social media should have more
of a presence on the website. Improvements specific to each medium should be made, yet ultimately
the mediums can work together to strengthen the online and social media presence of Nike Running
and Nike itself. We are confident that if taken into consideration, our recommendations will place
Nike at the pinnacle of social media advertising.
Our analysis has led us to conclude that in order to meet or surpass the level of interest that
Adidas Running achieves on social media, Nike Running needs to make the aforementioned
changes to its Facebook, Twitter, and website pages. These conclusions are based on our research
results as well as our interpretation of performance from a Generation Y perspective. If the
recommended actions are pursued, Nike as a whole will be able to strengthen its online and social
media outreach and outshine its competitor.
We would like to close by thanking the Board of Directors and executives at Nike Inc. for
their attention regarding this issue. Our time spent conducting this analysis has proven to be
insightful and useful, and we hope the leaders of Nike Inc. will recognize and appreciate the value
and importance of our account. Our team has been grateful for the opportunity to conduct this
analysis, and we look forward to watching Nike transcend its competitors by means of an even
stronger online and social media presence.


Table of Charts
Table 1.........................................................................................22
Table 2.........................................................................................23
Table 3.........................................................................................24
Table 4.........................................................................................25
Table 5.........................................................................................26
Table 6.........................................................................................27
Table 7.........................................................................................28
Table 8.........................................................................................29


Table 1


Table 2


Table 3


Table 4


Table 5


Table 6


Table 7

How often does @NikeRunning Tweet?



Number of Tweets per Day





Day of the Month (October)




Table 8

How often does @adidasrunning Tweet?


Number of Tweets per Day






Day of the Month (October)




Table of Illustrations
Illustration 1...
Illustration 2...
Illustration 3...
Illustration 4...
Illustration 5...
Illustration 6...
Illustration 7...



Illustration 1


Illustration 2


Illustration 3


Illustration 4


Illustration 5


Illustration 6


Illustration 7


Adidas Running. Adidas Group, 2013. Web. 1 November 2013.
Albergotti, Reed. Facebook CFO: More Users, More Demand. The Wall Street Journal. 30
October 2013. Web. 3 November 2013.
Careers at NIKE, Inc. Nike, 2013.Web. 11 November 2013.
Demos, Koh, and Ovide. Twitter Reveals $1 billion IPO plan. The Wall Street Journal. 3 October
2013. Web. 3 November 2013.
Nike Running. Nike, Inc., 2013. Web. 1 November 2013.


Survey Monkey Survey1


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