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Summative Evaluation Data


Number of Students




Over half of the students in the class, being twelve, scored an A on the summative
assessment. Five of the students scored a B, two students scored a C and one student scored a D.
Overall, the average of the class was a B. Throughout the unit the students were able to compare
reduce, reuse and recycle effortlessly, however they had a difficulty time contrasting the three
ideas from each other. A few of the students inabilities to differentiate between the three Rs may
be the main contributor to the lower grades on the assessment. For the future I would spend more
time determining the differences between the three Rs rather than focusing on the similarities
and how they are all related. The most common error was confusing recycle with reusing on the
completing the sentence section. Another common error was on number eight. Six students chose
make new materials from new materials. After reviewing the question with these students, each
one was able to correct themselves immediately recognizing their mistake and answering the
question correctly. The students were also tripped up on the recyclable material question, with
the answer being all of the above. For the future I will go over test question formatting to ensure
that the students are aware of what specific questions are asking. I will not rewrite the question
because at this age, it is important for the students to have practice with these types of questions
before state testing.

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