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83-5360 Mamalahoa Hwy Captain Cook, HI 96704 :328-2727 Fax:328-2729

Contact us via email: Honaunau359@gmail.com

Ho'omohala Ike,

March 24, 2015

- i Kupono

Developing Knowledge And Striving For Excellence


Communication Goal- Did you complete your Communication Goal survey? On Friday 3/13
(prior to the Spring Break), we sent home a compilation of all the questions. Please return this
form to school.

March 25

Answer to Question #7- If Kids Ran The World.

March 26

Included in the Tuesday Envelope on 3/10 an "Intent To Return form"

was sent home. This is for the school year 2015-2016. Please return this
form. If you need another form, please contact the office. Mahalo!

SCC/Community Meeting 2

No School- Kuhio Day

April 1
April 3

No School- Good Friday

April 10

Student Deposit Day

12:45pm - 1:15pm Friends of the
Garden Gathering

April 15

SCC Meeting

April 18-Saturday

9:00 am- Noon Garden Work Party

April 21-24

May Day We would like to thank Becky and Travis Leinonen for stepping
forward to chair May Day. May Day is approaching fast. There
will be a May Day Planning Meeting on WED, APRIL 1 at 6pm in
the Cafeteria. Please contact Becky or Travis. Home 328-0506,
text 217-7025 or email at Becky.Leinonen@gmail.com. All help
would be definitely appreciated and all proceeds helps every
student at Honaunau Elementary. Here is a chance for you to
be involved and meet other parents, and even network. Thank
you for your kokua!
See Behind for May Day Information

Kindergarten Registration is Open! If you know of someone

who has a child that will be 5 yrs. old by July 31, please have them come
to the office! If there are children under 5 yrs. old and want to attend PreSchool, please call the office to have the child placed on a wait-list

SBAC Reading Assessment

April 24

12:25pm After School Farm Stand

May 1

Student Deposit Day

SCC/Community MeetingOn Wednesday we will conduct the SCC/Community Meeting. The meeting starts at
4:15pm. There are a variety of topics. We will discuss the Financial Plan for next
school year, as well as results of the uniform survey. If you would like to provide
input into these topics, or other topics, please attend this very important meeting.


Aloha, families! Makahiki has come to an end and we are celebrating the beginning of our planting season
by starting seeds and sifting compost in the school garden! Our 5th graders are growing and tending
salad gardens based on the food traditions of different cultures, while the 3rd graders are exploring
fractions through starting seeds in 3x2 pots for our plant sales at Ace Hardware. Thank you for all your
support; weve already sold over 50 plants in our first week!
--Honaunau Garden dates of interest

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