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Practicum Proposal 1

Practicum Proposal
Christina L. Shanks
Lewis & Clark EDAD 619

Practicum Proposal 2

In my current roles at Seven Oak Middle School as a 10th year teacher, new AVID coordinator,
and IAL student at Lewis & Clark I have learned many details about myself as a leader. As a leader, I
possess a vision for improvement: I am an effective manager, inclusive, ethical, understand political
issues, and have a breadth of experience. Above all, as a visionary leader, I am ready to improve learning
and achievement for todays students to be ready to perform in the economies of the 21

I have a plethora of leadership skills that make me an effective leader. I believe in a transactional
trust, what you give is what you get. As a leader, I help build a learning community that is seen as fair,
kind, and honest. I display these values through behavior and communication with others on the math
curriculum team, 6th grade RTI team, AVID site team and more. Furthermore, I am a community
member, and accessible and visible to all members of our community.
I constantly think about the big picture; student achievement, and make decisions accordingly. I
create individual and team goals and action plans in the direction to support student achievement.
Exceptional leadership, teaming, clear standards, and accountability are very important to me in my
teaching and leading. I lead with results and know how to build capacity to support professional
development of staff. In addition, I create environments of collaborative inquiry and reflective thinking.
The leader in me empowers staff by sharing the leadership duties throughout the school.
As a visionary leader I also plan for instructional improvements. Professional development is an
important part of creating success for all students, a positive school atmosphere, and effective
instruction. As a Learning Walk Leader I spent 2 years providing professional development that was
embedded in the job, collaborative, participant driven and filled with inquiry and reflection. As an AVID
coordinator I build a strong site-team that strengthens the school community. As a leader I empower the
team and help them build their strengths. I expect the best from all members. Shared decision-making
helps build trust and empowerment of all staff members. Those who directly work with students
everyday are leaders.
In conclusion, as a visionary leader in education, I am hardworking, well organized, and work
well with the community. I have a vision of fully developing and sustaining the AVID system
schoolwide at Seven Oak within the next 3-5 years, and with this experience becoming a building
administrator in 5-9 years. As an administrator, I will help create an environment with a positive climate

Practicum Proposal 3

and effective instructional programs.

Educational Leadership for Administrator Licensure Standards

(1) Visionary Leadership
An educational leader integrates principles of cultural competency and Equitable practices and
promotes the success of every child by facilitating the development, articulation,
implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by all
Ensure AVID student recruitment plan is in place and followed
Monitor the collection of required data for potential AVID students
Schedule AVID informational sessions
Setup & communicate information regarding AVID interviews & parent meetings
Organize/coordinate AVID college visits
Attend district AVID Site Coordinator meetings

Practicum Proposal 4

(2) Instructional Improvement

An educational leader integrates principles of cultural competency and Equitable practices and
promotes the success of every child by sustaining a positive school culture and instructional
program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.
Tutorials: Advocate for optimal scheduling of AVID classes for tutor scheduling
Tutorials: Monitor/assist in tutor completion of district requirements (HR & AVID
Training) prior to beginning work
Tutorials: Assist AVID teachers with on-going tutor training
Tutorials: Collect and provide feedback regarding tutorials/tutors
Tutorials: Ensure tutors have a means of accessing the policies and procedures unique to
the school for tutorials (e.g. obtaining & submitting time sheets; reporting absences)
Tutorials: Monitor and encourage consistent tutorial practices across AVID classes
Monitor to ensure that elective teachers have appropriate and current materials
Guest Speakers: Assist AVID elective teachers with securing quality guest speakers

Practicum Proposal 5

(3) Effective Management

An educational leader integrates principles of cultural competency and Equitable practices and
promotes the success of every child by ensuring management of the organization, operation,
and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment.
Create an AVID Site Plan with Site Team Members; submit to district coordinator by
district deadline; ensure the plan is reviewed and used on a regular basis
Work with the Site Team to ensure that each indicator in the 11 Essentials is met to attain
Schedule, plan, & facilitate regular site team meetings
Keep records of & disseminate information from site team meetings
Coordinate with administration to identify school accounts for funding AVID

Collaborate with colleagues to articulate curriculum and AVID activities

Tutorials: Assist administrator in hiring tutors

Lead an active, participatory AVID Site Team

Complete and submit the AVID Center Data Forms online yearly, according to district
Certification: Develop &/or maintain a system for collecting and managing certification
Certification: Complete & submit the ISS & CSS according to district deadlines
Certification: Schedule and participate in certification visits

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RTI level 1 coordinator for 6th grade team

(4) Inclusive Practice

An educational leader integrates principles of cultural competency and Equitable practices and
promotes the success of every child by collaborating with faculty and community members,
responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources in
order to demonstrate and promote ethical standards of democracy, equity, diversity, and
excellence, and to promote communication among diverse groups.
Data Collection:Equity Project ( Tool 4: Analyze Your Students, Tool 10: School
Improvement Mapping, AVID site data)
Utilize AVID data to improve systems and classes
Data: Coordinate and facilitate the collection of site data
Data: Coordinate the analysis of site data
Data: Work with school staff to ensure that AVID students are identified in the school
information system to assist with data collection
Certification: Assist in the compilation of evidence for certification

Serve as a liaison between the site team, principal, counselors, and district coordinator

Tutorials: Work with staff to increase tutor retention

Support teachers in ensuring that AVID students take part in college prep testing
Meet regularly with AVID elective teachers; facilitate site=level articulation conversations
Work with administration to identify a process for selecting site team members; assist with

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recruiting as needed

Oversee and Coordinate Certification & Data Collection

Ethical Leadership
An educational leader integrates principles of cultural competency and Equitable practices and
promotes the success of every child by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner.
Advocate that AVID students are scheduled into trained teachers content classes
Coordinate with counselors to ensure students are enrolled in appropriate courses
Advocate and Facilitate Staff Development Regarding AVID
Communicate & support elective and content teachers in attending specialized training
Coordinate and organize school wide professional learning opportunities of AVID
Promote/support RTI & PBIS strategies to new educators/staff

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Socio-Political Context
An educational leader integrates principles of cultural competency and Equitable practices and
promotes the success of every child by understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger
political , social, economic, legal, and cultural context
Strong Student Advocate
Coordinator with feeder schools for recruitment
Facilitate distribution of applications to potential students
Organize/coordinate family workshops
Create AVID club to promote school wide participation
Promote school wide college going atmosphere

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