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English 11 Syllabus

American Literature
Alicia Copeland
Contact Information:
Phone: 910-592-2067 Ext 6249

Remind 101
Text Code: @81f235 (3rd block)
@07ef2 (4th block)
Course Description:
This course gives the students an opportunity to explore a thematic approach to the universal
ideas found in American literature. Selected fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and drama will be
explored using all facets of language artslistening, speaking, reading, and writing. The course
includes the study of language usage (grammar) and the writing process.
Required Materials:
1-3 Ring binder (can be shared with another class, but please keep them separate)
Loose leaf paper
Post-It Notes (300 or 3 packs)
Index Cards (100, 3x5)
1 Subject Notebook (spiral or composition) This will remain in the classroom
All students will need to create a GMAIL account in order to back up any typed work.
The Rule: We will be active participants in a community of learners.
As a class, we will develop norms to help us follow this rule.
Electronics Policy (School Policy-No electronics may be charged during the school day)
Any and all electronics should not be seen or heard during class, unless given specific
instructions to do so. If any electronics are seen or heard the following consequences will occur:
First Occasion: Warning
Second Occasion: Confiscated until the end of the class period
Third Occasion: Confiscated until the end of the school day.
Failure to immediately hand over the device will result in removal from the class.
Make up/Late work & 5th Block Policy

If a student is absent from school (excused or unexcused) it is the students responsibility

to find out what they missed during class.
Late homework will not be accepted
All other assignments will be accepted with a deduction in grade for being late.
Students will have until the next 5th block to turn in missing assignments. After that week
the student will receive a 0 for the assignment. (NO EXCEPTIONS)

Major Assignments
Journals: We will practice Sacred Writing Time each day in class. The first 10 minutes
of class will be dedicated to writing in your journals. This time will not be interrupted
and will not be missed unless circumstances arise. SWT will be graded daily!
Vocabulary: You will be given vocabulary once a week. The vocabulary will be based
off of the weeks reading assignments. There will be multiple assignments aligned with
the vocabulary. There will be some vocab quizzes as well as vocab on the unit tests.
Literature: You will be reading in class (novels, short stories, poems,
speeches/informational texts) and at home (independent book study) you will be required
to analyze the texts through close readings (annotations) and you will be tested on their
Writing: You will be required to complete one major writing assignment (5+ paragraphs)
and several shorter writing assignments (2-3 paragraphs) per 9 week period. These
assignments will include: narrative, descriptive, persuasive, expository writing, and
multiple analysis types.
Projects: Some units will culminate with an engaging project: a project designed to allow
you to show off what you learned in a relevant, real world context.
Grading Scale
Class Participation
NC Final Exam

r grade

Welcome to English 11! I am looking forward to

being your teacher.
Ms. Copeland

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