Deashni Lesson Plan 6 Edst

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Lesson Plan 6

Week 3
Date: Wednesday 15th of April 2015

Duration: 60 minutes

Unit: Dynamic earth

Lesson: 6 of 10

Level: Year level 6

Name: Exploring Tectonic plates.

Science understanding
Earth and space sciences
Sudden geological changes or extreme weather conditions can affect Earths surface (ACSSU096).
o Investigating major geological events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis in
Australia, the Asia region and throughout the world.
o Recognising that earthquakes can cause tsunamis.
Science as a human endeavour
Nature and development of science
Science involves testing predictions by gathering data and using evidence to develop explanations of
events and phenomena (ACSHE098).
o Describing how understanding of the causes and effects of major natural events has changed as
new evidence has become available.
o Considering how gathering evidence helps scientists to predict the effect of major geological or
climatic events.
Use and influence of science
Scientific knowledge is used to inform personal and community decisions (ACSHE220).
Considering how personal and community choices influence our use of sustainable sources of energy.
o Investigating how understanding of catastrophic natural events helps in planning for their early
detection and minimising their impact.
o Recognising that science can inform choices about where people live and how they manage
natural disasters.
Science inquiry skills
Planning and conducting
With guidance, plan appropriate investigation methods to answer questions or solve
problems (ACSIS103).
o Considering which investigation methods are most suited to answer a particular question or
solve a problem.
Communicate ideas, explanations and processes in a variety of ways, including multi-modal
texts (ACSIS110).
o Using a variety of communication modes, such as reports, explanations, arguments, debates
and procedural accounts, to communicate science ideas.

General capabilities and cross curriculum

General capabilities
Asia and Australias engagement with Australia
Dynamic earth unit plan

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o Students will look at the different plates between Asia and Australia and the affect they have on
each other.
Cross curriculum
o During this lesson students will be using their literacy skills to research new vocabulary about
tectonic plates and how it contributes to tsunami.
o Student will also be using their journals to document their finding.
o Throughout this lesson students will be using information and communication technology by
means of Ipads, video clips, interactive maps and internet research. Students will be able to
explore and extend their knowledge with ICTs.

Lesson Overview
5 Es teaching and learning model: Engaging and Explore
o This lesson has been designed to engage and introduce students to the theory of plate tectonics
and explore how the theory was developed and supported by evidence. Through class discussion,
videos, and activities, students seek connections between tectonic activity and geologic features
and investigate how the theory of plate tectonics evolved. Students investigate the tectonic
plates (where they are) and the history of their movements.

Lesson Objectives
Students will have the ability to:
o Understand how Earth is dynamic and how moving plates form ocean basins, mountain ranges,
islands, Tsunamis, and earthquakes.
o Identify the three general categories of plate boundaries recognized by scientists: convergent,
divergent, and transform.
o Students will use maps to understand how the theory of plate tectonics was developed and
o Students will use world maps to explore the relationships between locations of plate
boundaries and areas of high earthquake and tsunami occurrences. They will analysis the
differences found.
o Students will also use small group discussion to further explore the concepts of plate tectonics.
Outline which direction the plates are moving and the type of plate?

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Students Prior Knowledge

Students have prior knowledge in:
o Students have a basis understanding of Tectonic plates from prior lessons although they are not
fully aware of the functions and movements of the plates.
o Students acknowledge that movement of tectonic plates contributes to earthquakes which
could result in a tsunami.

Assessment for learning:
o Observations will be made throughout the lesson to ensure that students are grasping the new
o Through discussion and question, students will be able to voice their ideas and understanding.

Inquiry question
Key inquiry question:
o What are tectonic plates, where are they found and how do they affect the earths surface?

Lesson Structure

Introduction & Motivation

Orientation Phase

15 mins

o Begin by discussing how Earth is physically changing and

ask students for their ideas about why it changes.
o Write the term plate tectonics on the board and ask if
anyone has heard of this theory.
o Record class comments on the board and save for later.
o Show students the locations of earthquakes around the
world using the Tectonic Plates, Earthquakes, and
Volcanoes Flash Interactive.
o Ask students for ideas about how they think
Earthquakes and Tsunamis form.
o Show the Plate Tectonics: An Introduction QuickTime
o Explain what Divergent, Convergent and Transform or
conservative boundary plates are.
o Allow time for students to further explore the subject
individually or in pairs.

Dynamic earth unit plan



o Computers
o Whiteboard
o Markers

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Main Content


Enhancing Phase
30 minutes
35 mins
o Distribute copies of the World Map With Shorelines
and Continental Shelf Boundaries PDF Image and have
students cut out the continents (following the
continental shelf lines) to see how they fit together.
o This allows students to make comparisons and see
where they overlap. Teacher demonstrates on maps
the way the countries and plates move then engages
class in the history of their movement.
o At the same time, have students work with
the Mountain Maker, Earth Shaker Flash Interactive to
learn about the different types of boundaries.
o During this activity, have students write a list of
relevant vocabulary words in their science journal.
Encourage students to write the definitions in their
own words, but to use the textbooks/computer to
verify them.
o Check students' understanding of plate motions by
showing the Tectonic Plates and Plate
Boundaries Flash Interactive with the colour-coded
and defined boundaries.
o Have students indicate which direction the plates are
moving at the different types of boundaries.
o What geologic features could be seen at each



o Ipads
o Computer
o World map
o scissors

Note coloured
text indicates a
direct link to

o Science journals
o Pens
o Textbook


Summarising Phase
10 minutes
10 mins

Group Discussion - Check for Understanding

o Ipads

o Have students discuss the following questions:

o The different types of tectonic plates?
o How does the theory of plate tectonics account for
earthquakes and Tsunamis?
Extension - The Digital Library for Earth System Education
( offers access to additional resources on this
topic. Students can work on additional online activities and

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Differentiation of learning
o This lesson has been designed to cater for different learning styles and abilities (Gardners
Multiple Intelligences) and accommodates every student within the class.
o Lower learners will be able to participate in all the activities and have been placed in specific
groups to scaffold the student mixed ability groups.
o The level of questioning and detailed activities also ensures that higher order thinkers have
been challenged.


Have all ability levels been catered for (higher/lower order) within the class?
Did students enjoy the hands on activities and visuals?
Were the inquiry questions broken down sufficiently?
Was behaviour management maintained throughout lesson?
Did the scaffolding within teams work effectively?

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority.(n.d.).Science, year 6. Retrieved from
Marsh, Colin.Becoming a teacher: Knowledge, skills and issues.5th. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson
Australia, 2010
PBS & WGBH Educational foundation.(2015). Tectonic plates. Retrieved from platesearthquakes-and-volcanoes/

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