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OTHER McGRAW-HILL HANDBOOKS OF INTEREST AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF Pursics « Amencan Institute of Physics Handbook BAUMEISTER AND MAR&S + Standard Handbook for Mechamcal Engmeers BEEMAN ' Industral Power Systems Handbook Bourns, Inc » The Petentometer Handbook BURINGTON AND May + Handbook of Probabiltty and Statistics with Tables CONDON AND Opisitaw Handbook of Physics Coouns + Basic Electronic Instrument Handbook Coomss ‘ Pnnted Circuits Handbook Crort, Carr, AND WatT - Amencan Electnuans’ Handbook Fink + Electrome Engineers’ Handbook Fink AND CARROLL « Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers HAMSHER * Communication System Engineenng Handbook Happen - Handbook of Electron Packagmg Harper - Handbook of Matertals and Processes for Electronics Harper + Handbook of Thick Film Hybnd Microelectronics HARPER - Handbook of Winng, Cabling, and Interconnecting for Electrom MS's sysomjau ‘OzIS lary UrgL UIK 1-0 OF cor = MAK qaenod aprxo all udd oor = ON I-UT 001 = MIA quaurmosTAUsy azeys [a Ol = OW 1-0 TO fird MIA saunia[oy, . apy [eI uolstoarg warsulo col = AA OSC-F 3AM 2p pur selmgny, WI SLI-U LO 0g = MASI uonaasur omy AAAK Paqwao pra] [ery MZe UT OE-G FO 008 <= Av 0S-3 BOD Punoa-aita ofurerec) JeMod ON S1-U ty G03 = Mek apixo wi wdd 90g = 4G >1< OW St-U T 00 = Moh azes Rely ‘uorsfoaid jue UW O17-U OF ost Ae ly youre UN T= O01 005 < Moh Qaodury) wry woqrey OW S6-0 oF 006 M0 epixo anL ON S10 oF cos ANS; FTE eze[s (APY U4 OE-O 10 coe = MOOE-Z AA 88ez]0A MoT punoa-aatan OTe wdd 909% = OF FE-O TO 00s = METH oadual, purlosa-aips papjop BOUBe/O} %G = UN O01 = UT aos < Moh yor uayTsoduroo UequE) asodind jeianeg pilawa sourystsey De ‘HeTDYje0o remog Apadoid Aay eday A10B810- eumjeoduey, sedhLsoys}s0y o14eUe, pur pexig jo LamwuIng Zz" TTGVL +7 18 Characteristics of Resistors 1.4 FIXED RESISTORS Fixed resistors are manufactured in four basic types 1 Carbon composition 2 Metal film 3 Carbon film 4 Wie-wound Resistors ean also be classified in terms of therr tolerance 1 General purpose tolerance 5 percent or greater 2 Semppreeision tolerance between | and 5 percent 3 Precision tolerance between 05 and 1 percent 4 Ultraprecision tolerance better than 05 percent A summary of different resistor types and their hey properties appears in Table } 2 CARBON COMPOSITION The carbon-composition resistor 13 perhaps the most widely used fixed resistor in discrete circuits Composition resistors are available in resistance values from I 1 to 100 MM and typical power ratings of 4 to 2.W Thewr temperature coefhcient 1s high (greater than 500 ppm/*C). and their cost 1s low A cutaway view of a carbon resistor 1s shown m Fig 110 The resistance matenal 13 a form of carbon, such as graphite, embedded in a binder The resistance and n- Scider+corted feed coor txtng Molded body Fig 1.40 Cutaway view of a carbon-composition resistor (Courtesy Allen- Bradley) sulaon matenal, and the wie leads, are molded simultaneously under high tem- perature and pressure The result 1s referred to as a slug-type structure. Different reststance values are obtamed by sarying the carbon and filler content METAL FILM Metal-film resistors are available as thin’ and thich-film-type com- ponents In the thick-film category are the tin-oude. metalglaze, cermet, and bulh- £lm resistors Each type will be considered in this section Thin film The resistance element in a thin-film resistor 1s a film having a thickness inthe order of one-milhtonth ofan inch (A thick film has a thickness greater than one- mulhonth of an inch.) Typically, the thin film 1s deposited on a ceramic substrate under a high vacuum, the technique 1s referred racuum deposition (see Chap 9). Metals used for deposition mclude nickel and chromum Some charactenstics of the thin- film resistor are resistance range of 10 (2 to 1 \L tolerance better than 0 5 percent, TCR less than 25 ppm/C, power rating up to 5 W, low nose Tin oxide Tin oude, in sapor form, 1s usually deposited on a cerame substrate under high temperature The vapor reacting with the substrate, which 1s heated, re- sults ina tightly formed resistance film Some charactensties of the tin-oxide resistor are, resistance range of a few ohms to 25 MA, tolerance better than | percent, TCR Jess than 200 ppm/°C, power rating up to 2 W, good stability Metal glaze A powdered glass and fine metal particle (palladium and silver) me ture is deposited on a cerami substrate The combinations then hred at a high tem: perature (typically 800°C) This results ina fusion of metal particles to the substrate Fixed Resistors «= 1-8 Some characteristics of the metal-glaze resistor are resistance range of a few ohms to 1.5 MQ, tolerance better than | percent, TCR as low as 20 ppm/°C, power rating up to 5 W, good stability, Cermet A cermet-film resistor is made by screening {see Chap. 9) a mixture of pre- cious metals and binder material on a ceramic substrate. Similar to the manufacture of a metal-glaze resistor, the combination {s then fired ata high temperature, Anexample of a cernet film resistor is illustrated in Fig. 1,11. Some characteristics of this type of resistor are: resistance range of 10 9 to 10 MG, tolerance as low as 1 percent, TCR in the order of 100 ppmn°C, power rating up to 3 W, good stability. Couted bad. (Ceramic substrate Fused termination. Solder-cooted "eed ‘Helixed cermet Fim Fig. 141 Cataway view of a cermetfil resistor, (Courtesy Allen-Bradley) Bulk film In this resistor, the metal film is etched on a glass substrate (Fig. 1.12}, Because of their unequal coefficients of expansion, the metal film is compressed slightly by the glass substrate, The compressed film has a negative temperature cocieient, which cancels out the inherent positive temperature cocflicient of the film, Asaresult, the bulk-film resistor has a TCR close to zero, Some characteristics of the bulk-film sesistor are resistance range of 30 2 to 600 kQ, tolerance as low as 0.005 percent, TCR in the order of 1 ppm/°C, power rating up to 1 W, very low noise, good stability. Noistureproot epory case Moistureproof epoxy encapsulant Silicone rubber encopsulation Usolate’ resistive element from externat strBsses) Etched bulk: metat Film Flexible welded ribbon leads lisotote resistive element From mechanicot se ledds stresses! Fig. £12 Cutaway view of 2 bulk-filtn resistor, (Courtesy Vishay Resistor Products) CARBON FILM This resistor is manufactured by depositing a carbon film on a ce- ranic substrate (Fig. 1.13), Some characteristics of carbon-film resistors are resistance tange of 10.0 to 10 MQ, tolerance 5 percent or greater, TCR in the order of [50 ppm/"C, power rating up to 2 W, generally less noisy than the carbon-camposition resistor, low cost, Color coding Deposited carnon film Solter-coated Tead Spiret caf ‘Ceroreie form Fig. 143 Cutaway view of a carbon-film resistor. (Courtesy Piher International Corporation)

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