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in] Sayyid Jamal al-Din al-Afghani Lecture on Teaching and Learning and Answer to Renan Sar Jamal aD Agha (ha, 1236-1897 was pertaps the mst amous propo rent of modems Hy ad ht enayd he stables popu of a modems nthe Conny ance fs eth Born Asda nrtwestem Irae adopted the rene Agen order to dance Nr em hie Si ongas He was educated at seminar ies ran anda then sued moder sceees in nda beorecomng to prominence | [faroyl aise frst thee 1260s, Upon he expen, anal aDin then sparta decade associated wih academic reform Beeb ie arb then fr aost a cade in Caro, teore beng expelled yet agan. He sport much ofthe BOs fu rope—inPars where he pushed the enous ual Utes awutga (The Sones TI with Matarered ASU (ne chapter 3) and ter ssa, i fl years were pert at suite nicer to the rls fan and afer yet ane Dui the ‘Gtosman Ene, rough bath nar weresupeus a oy ad pty AS with his ame ama aD ener hi ote postions wen necesary—suppoing aed ‘ppony bole moray, enanpe at denouncing ard aPenrg oat the Brtih Eneire Hs consistent an however a 0 ree the ower and mage of temic ‘sri through modemyle reforms The tos presnted here—addesed to Hinds inthe fist section and Chests inthe secondo ana ates ew that Maser Can and must adopt mde scence ata meus of cileaterl sia f Lecture on Teaching and Learing ows that te determination ofthese 40 circles is impossible unl perfection in geometry is achieved “Ths we can sy tha the nin Were the invents ofantmetic and geometry. Note how nian gum ls were transfer from bere tothe Arabs, apd ron ‘On Thursay, Novernber & [1882], i Abou Ha (Cleat, he sid [1 Allow me to express my please that so many an youths ae here, ll domed with wre ae at {ainmets and all making great efforts acquire Aowledge. Certainly I mst be happs to see such offspring of Idi, since they are the ofshoots of that India that was the cradle of hans. Human va es spread oat ren ia tothe whole work, These ‘youths ate fom the very land where the meridian ‘Sle was ist determined. They ae fom the same "eal that first understood the zodiac. Everyone Inrnon: Poa and Rela Wry of Sad tit pa ie om Pen ech ty th Raley Une of Cao Pros, "agp 11-108 1-17. Te fist sto m3 tae dled in 18 he eon pce wa st ose there wo Europe, “Tse youths ae also the sone of a that wis he source of all he Las and ules ofthe wor. ‘one observes closely, be wil see that the "Cove Romain." the nother ofall Wester codes, was taken from the four vedas andthe shasras, The Gneehs were the pupils of the ian in iterary ideas im id postr, and Toty thoughts. One ofthese pupil. Pythagoras [Greck mathematician, circa 569-475 fC spread sciences and wisdom in Greece and feached such height that bis word was accepted ‘without proof as an inspiration from eave. 1, NMI RE Kedle, Sip Jama a Di a-ha’ Fhe 172) Ee Reon afta an A An se ftw UnlendPltca Acs Me san 103 (0% Sayyid Juma a-Dn aAfphan [The Indians each the highest ve in phil soph though The soi of adi isthe same sel the tir of Inia isthe same ai: these youths who re present her are fits ofthe sae earth an imate SoLam very happy that they having awakened ater 4 Tong seep are reclaiming their inheitance and suhering the fats oftheir om te, Now I would like wo speak of since, teaching and Jearing. How ificl itit speak about se ‘nce. Thee sno end or limi to sieve, Te bene fis of science are immeasurable; and these finite ‘houphscannoc encompass whats infinite Bess, ‘howsands of eloquent speakers and ses have a ready expressed thir thoughts to explain science and its nobility, Despite his ate doesnot permit he oto explain its vires ‘Thus say: someone looks deeply int the ques tion. he will see tha scence reste word There was is and wll eno erin the word ut science. ‘amis {Sammu-ramat Asysan queen ith century 2]. who reached the bordets of Tatary and Init the nie conquerors weee nat the Chaldeans bt ce and knowledge, ‘The Egyptians who increased their realm, and Ramses 1 (Egyptian king, ved 1279-1213 mc) called Sosestrs, who reached Mesopotamia acco ing to some and India according wo teri was not ‘he Epysians but cence hat dit The Phneniians ‘wo. with thir ships, gradually made colons of the rsh ses. Spin, Pou. and Gresee—in vay its scene, otto Phoenicians, which soexpanded their power. Alexander [Macedonian king, 336-323 1c] never came to Init or conquered the Indians ‘ater wat conquered the Indians was ence ‘The Europeans have now pat ther ands on every satof the word. The Eaglish have eached Afshans. ‘sn the French have seized Tunisia, elit this usurpation, aggression, and congue have not ee tom the Freach or the English Rather is sience that everywhere manifests greatness and power, Ignorance had no alternative to protating seit humbly before science and acknowledging its sub Iason. Tn realty, sovereignty has never let the hode of scence. However, this tac ruler, which seieneis continually changing capitals. Sometimes ithas move fom Eastto Wes. and oer tines fr ‘West to East Move thin this, i we stay the nehes ofthe word, we fern hat wealth isthe result of commerce, industry, and agecuure,Agrcutre is chine oly wih agricul sae, ha Shee. od set. polo ‘th hoses ebony, chan fem sty Tht cident al wean a resutof scene. Te are mice nth a Witt ccc, andthe 0 wea he thr ha sciences. th we wel eg tani nan indus work meaning a i on ofc ee vere in the world, — suchen ewe slo shown pens. The agus meno ae scesand rover pep oe Seen Thich vee fre el toarsemiate kg Jost an iil hasan oun ovn pt werk lee the pond and inpaoe is tesa pls seen ing the lw of com, st sees oa sven refit ma eft dsninton i siete st th oer fan ocr aeglen toteniaccning tbe sso armen. Beas vill ever thin, far else dens baton of the sens ng sujet ha will ese tot gvenment Wha advanage thre a Zalaigo ing ely pot ad bac anh enone al sch overt AS the nobility of cence has Ben somewhat life ens who sy some wor tnt Ilion wen sec. teatng nd erg You mst kw tht each cn a pst jest deals ih ug thence ad scoenfthrspcl bet Far camper ise the spec ef cst cs the eters wr abd with ts omn specl gu tn seas ofthe pci fetes ots with ‘znd analysis an compost, Plan eee “aon ites oly lana te sae a se cost Arnett quis td lytic Nee hse secede He we tre wel we wl eam tht cach ae ps sees whose ahs a spec mate ete ny face Nata he Fanaa is existence individually and sepa an re be the cause of benefit for the human fy exten ofeach ne of hese et oa rate io aoterscience, ike the relation SPerhmetic wo geometry. edo ne ccs fr te sins can erect fom th one sence el. Thos pe Gort sec were ulated progress woul i ved int nr woul reat. Tos mires mee oe the copehensie sol {rio Senos so th can proce ire Pn cash thm ins poe lace, SEER Sit pmeesfechone orto Since tht has te poston comprehen peta he ak ose Tne Se for iso Resne t b Snel spo ta oss an emu pees, lsh the ec ht ‘etna Temploys cach of th sees PF Cama dd ane pio an al dint hatcommanty wee ese ithe Sener wth pct jet hove sens {San cat ith nay fo a etry. hat se hundred year Tat cmon witb ie ‘fir piksophy ould dee conelsions om tse scenes: “he Oman Gaver an the Kha of rapytane been pening sco ore ech tomo sence rape ya nt tow cy have at eee ny beef om hse ‘sciences. The reason is that teaching the philosophi- ‘SToccnces warns a hoe schoo. ad fecamc of henoetne of psy 0 fi Sram om hse us ha a bs Crombie pt of noha en in the nots gis pe ty eas ey theme npn fhe European Sumi toute sven to efor ir hgdons in Sond wi scene Also ty woul! at sen hei Sin ach yea Earp conti for eda, “ue weld orn eae fom re tah

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