Ingles 5 Reading Teens

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Universidad de Cuenca

Name: Santiago Arias

Level: 5-2
Write a paragraph describing your opinion about this article,
and some suggestions to keep our teens away from this
I think these trends are new ways that teens can try new things
regardless of the consequences. Teens would remember that their
actions have consequences and they should think what there are doing.
Also teens sometimes dont take care of their bodies and do anything no
matter what happens. Teens do this thing because they want to impress
his friends. Now many teens are trying new kind of drugs. For example
they use alcohol, or bath salts to get high. These substances can be
dangerous and they probably could die. Some of these substances that
teens use to get high are easy to get, also teens need information about
this substances and what this can do in our bodies. Also internet can be
dangerous if we dont know what we are doing for example you could
find this sounds that simulates drugs, although this is harmless this may
be a waste of money and time. Others also take advantage of the
misinformation of adolescents and manufacture products that do nothing
just to make money regardless of the welfare of teens. In conclusion I
think teens do this because his life is not complete so they need to try
this new drug to feel alive. I think teens need more attention from his
parents because some parents stay all day working and just see their
kids for a few moments. Also I think parents need to communicate more
with his kids and ask him what happen.

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