Chem Lect11

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Lecture 11
Redoxs reac5on
M. Adam Adman

Electron tranfers

A redox reac5on is a chemical reac5on in
which changes in oxida5on numbers occur.
The reducing agent (supply electron) is the
substance that is oxidized
The oxidizing agent (accept electron) is the
substance that is reduced.

Electron Transfer is a
Two Way Street
1. Some atoms gain electrons
This process is called reduc/on
Example: S + 2e S2-
Example: Cu2+ + 1e Cu+
2. Some atoms lose electrons
This process is called oxida/on
Example: K K+ + e
Example: Sn2+ Sn4+ + 2e

The word redox is a combina5on of the
words reduc/on and oxida/on.

Thats because the two processes

Oxida/on and reduc/on in terms of

oxygen transfer
Oxidation is gain of oxygen.
Reduction is loss of oxygen.

For example, in the extraction of iron from its ore:

Because both reduction and oxidation are going

on side-by-side, this is known as a redox reaction.

Oxidising and reducing agents

1. An oxidising agent is substance which
oxidises something else. In the above
example, the iron(III) oxide is the oxidising
2. A reducing agent reduces something else. In
the equation, the carbon monoxide is the
reducing agent.
3. Oxidising agents give oxygen to another
4. Reducing agents remove oxygen from
another substance.

How can an atom get reduced (gain electrons)
if there is not another atom geVng oxidized
(losing electrons) at the SAME 5me?
It cant!!!
If one atoms gains electrons, another must
lose electrons
Its kind of like recycling the electrons

Dont Confuse OXIDATION


Oxida5on Is Losing

Reduc5on Is Gaining

Raymond Chang. General Chemistry-the
essen5al concepts, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill.

Tutorial 11
1. Some atoms gain electrons. This process is
called .
2. Atoms lose electrons. This process is called

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