EdExcel O Level Physics Paper 2 2008

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ko 7/5/4/0|//0/2}°"" 7540/02 London Examinations GCE = Physics Ordinary Level Paper 2 Friday 9 May 2008 ~ Afternoon Time: 2 hours Instructions tC {Check hat you ave the seta usin pape ‘AnewerALLthe questions Wit yor anoers inte sacs prove in his uestion pape ‘Sime qustons nat be sneered ahs rnin bot) Hou change Sour gab! an fee pt in ugh te box (8) a ten mak your new answer wth ess. ‘Where even. ase te aston of ee alg = 10 “Theta mk rts pe 10. The maths for aso ustions ar shown in oud ck Pa} Tho pperhas Squestins, A Wank pages rina Wie setannesnenty sanpe FTi IMINO N29654A_ conan nic ani yaaa iG anise | Turn over ti edexcel #3 Svsnp eg ee hs Answer ALL the questions. 1, This quetion is about force and acceleration, (@) The picture shows a small jet plane which an cary sx peopl > ae ‘When taking of fly loaded the mas ofthe plane 2560 kg, The two jet engines can exer ttl thst foes of S00 N andthe fiction fre between the wheels nd ‘he ground is 340 N. Both forces remain constant at these values ding ake of (©) Catt the acstrton ofthe pane a it stats to move, o (i) Explain why the soceleration gets smaller asthe plane speeds op. @ (Gi) The average aoseraton during takeoff i822 ms Calculate thetime the line wl ake wo reas i take off poe of 55 ms 3 Gs) Show tat the plane coud just take off using a runway 700m long. “ @ (©) State and explain wy the wheels ofthe plan ae foe into the body ofthe Plane afer ake of @ (6) The diagram shows an arrangement which i used to show Bow the acelraton of a iynamis wally depeche unbalanced oc Ticker Dynamics timer teoley Newtonmeter| Horizontal / runway é (i) Name oo ote tems of pps which sre node ' 2 @ 0 8 A ‘Turn over own. Describe how you would use this @ (Gi) When his arrangements used, the graph obtained is shown blow. Force /N Give a reason why the graph doesnot passthrough he orga o (G9) Describe how you could ast the arangement so thatthe raph prodsed fom the new results would pos through the oii. ® | a coawonas_| | SEES T=) 2. This questions about yhermal (heat) energy, density andthe expansion of gases. | “The picture shows aeylnscl balloon made fom very hin lak plastic H (@) (9) Te volume of ait upped inthis tlloon a 15°C 7.0. Cause the weight of sir traps nie the balloon [Density fair at 15°C = 12 kp } | ° (i) F the temperature of te sr rapped in che tlloon is increased from 18°C 154°C, show tht the new vole ofthe air tapped in Te balloon wil be shout §m, (Assume atthe presse and she mass ofthe wappod ai ean constant) o is Wat ef, fan, wil his expansion have on the density and weight of the nie ‘raped inthe taloon? Deasiy - Weigh. 7 @ (6) when place in sunlight the ir tapped inthe Autom Heats up andthe balloon expan (© Nane the process by whic the Sun wansfers et energy t the outside surface ofthe balloon o i) Name a process by which heat enengy i wansfee from the ouside sure of ‘he aloo to the air apped esd the bln, o (i Expfsn i ems of ir molecules hy the Balloon expands when the ir tapped inside i heed @ OT (©) The sine balloon experiences 2 vertical upward free called pts. The able below shows how the pda onthe balloon varies with temperature. ‘piv on balloon /N 95] 968 | 985 [00118] 108] 105.1] 1067 Tempesti otmapedar “© | 184 [200 250] 300/350] 0 [50 | 500 (©) Oe the grid opposite, plot a graph of Ups on ballon (-ax6) agains ‘Teperature of trapped ait ani) The sale forthe Uptrat ais has Been ean for you and the Temperature ais has been tated at 15°C. Choose a ‘eile sal fr the temperature axl that rakes fl se ofthe wid. Draw a Scag ine trough the pois. 6 i) Use your graph to fnd the temperate at whic the uptrastequls 1 N 0 ) On the gi show clearly how you se the raph to bian your answer. 0 (Gv) Thetotal weight ofthe ballon and the tapped aris 101 N. State why theblloo will acelerate upwards when te tempertue ofthe tapped air $0°C @ (tat 20 marks) 3. This questions about ight. (2) The diagram shows 7 fightin ar going towards ass. The normal athe pine ofincdenc is dab a dot line. Two renting ays A and B ae shown. 4 Fxphin te duction of ay A @ (i) Explain the dretion of ray B, @ (i) Which seit, ray A oc ray BP Put across in the correct box a ag Ba 0 (©) The digram shows a mios in cr set for daytime an fe nightsime ving > ‘las block eae ack of © Deytine Nighesime For both sting, light fom a car behind the diver strikes the itor and ges towards the driver's aye at © (©) Addatrows to bah diagrams to show the etions ofall the rays of ight. o (i) Explain why the back ofthe mors sive o Gi) Give two reasons why it would not bea god idea for the driver's eye 10 be placed at D for nig diving @ J WA 0 A ‘was ot sivered. The rays ae shown. (0) Cae the efctive index ofthe gas. (i) State what is happening at (i Cae the east possible vale for angle x. (iv) Expin your answer art i. (©) A student expereened with a gas block of similar shape tothe mior The block @ 0 @ o (© Dees next ld he refs ine of ing renga DSK Scromwe Sui nc td pol atl wt ei ein ~ © | Qs coutromansy | | BLANK PAGE A 8 8 4. This question is about electricity and radioactivity (a) tater hasan energy density of 0.10 KWh/kg which means hat it bods 10kWh fener for every of mas (©) Show that 0.10 kWh is 3601 @ (6) Themss ofthe batery 0.025, Use the val for (cle how mich eneray the bate hos. @ (Gi) Use your angwee fom (i) cleat thet fr which the tery can supply energy to 2 8 0W lp, @ (©) A Radioactive Thermoelectric Generator (RTO) isa device in which heat is released by he mdionsve decay of plutonium (Pu238). The RTG canbe used as a power suce in satellites and space probes Pluonium-238 decays by emitiag an alpha ‘tle o form an sop of uranium, Ta hal life of patonivn 238 is 88 years © Complete te deeay equation shown below. Pus a+ U “ (i) How long desi tke forthe sour of putnium238 ina materi to educe one-quarter? ° (Gi) Sate the energy comersons that take place in the RT by completing the boxes, ine lecial FA] en 7 cnr omy aad cory w o (© The RTG hasan outer casing ofsuniniom, Eplnn why aluminum i stable mater to se fom safety point of view: o | ——__ (@) An RTG tatary has an eneray density of 200 Whig bat is only 5% een, (Show thatthe RTG batery with a mass of 0.0020 has sufficient energy 10 supply 2'5.0W lamp for # hous. | | | | | | | | | | | o i) Why wil the RTG batery be able to supply eneray to the lamp fr longer than ous? @ [oo commas | | | BLANK PAGE, 5. This question Is about the vibration af wires and the design ofan experiment. ‘The diagram shows an ansngement for investigating the vibrations of «suetched see Length See wie Movable backs of wood Daas hea the wire is plucked at its entre it moves ply shown Below. The length ofthe sire epresnts hal the wavelength of the bran a ‘A vibrating tuning forks place on the wire as shown below. The wie vibes with an amplitude whichis tc smal ose, A smal ise of papers placed on te cent of he ‘With a tuning fork ofa eran frequeney the wiv ibaes with a lager amplitude ad ‘he paper fal of. This scaled resonance, Ting fk (0) Whats meant by the tems: amplitude (regency (iy wavelet (resonance? 0 0 0 ® () A stodent decides o investigate Dow the length ofthe wire at resonance depeads on ‘he frgueney of te ting Fork. Describe how she would insstigate the relationship between the length of the wire and the requney ofthe nfo ‘Your account sioaldincloe the flowing (0) A factor that neds to ean constant thrughou the investigation o i) Als of tre ite oF equipment neded to cary ot the investigation 1 7 2 a 7 @ (i). dexriion f the method she would ss (Uaclude any esiremens she wold make and sy how she Would ensure that thereat ar sacs possible) cc} iv) A table for ecorting resus, showing the colamn headings 2 (©) Below ica sketch ofthe resuks ofthe investigation, Labs he ae °% Describe te fect of equeney on lena - o (@) (On the axis beiow sksth how the speed f he wave in he wire depends on the ‘Requeney. Speed of Frequeney w () spain your sketch, [os Totat 20 mart TOTAL FOR PAPER: 100 MARKS END BLANK PAGE BLANK PAGE,

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