Present Simple Present Continuous

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Put the verb into the correct form PRESENT SIMPLE or

1. He ______________(know) all about the film.
2. Jane __________________(talk) to a friend at the moment.
3. He __________________(not/work) on Sundays.
4. Margot _______________(love) music and dancing.
5. Now, the dog _________________(sleep) under the table.
6. He __________________(not/like) his job.
7. I _____________(think) she _________(be) very pretty.
8. I ________________(always/go) to bed very early.
9. How often a day _________________(you/eat) ice-cream.
10. She _______________(often/clean) the house on Saturdays.
11. ___________________(they/go) to the pub every evening?
12. They __________________(now/learn) how to treat animals.
13. Good students ____________________(always/study) hard.
14. It __________________(never/rain) in summer but it _________________ (now/rain).
15. They ______________________(generally/arrive) early but today they ______________
(come) late.
16.__________________(she/see) her friends every day?
17. My father ______________(do) the cooking at weekends.
18. He ___________________(take) a walk to downtown now.
19. Mary ______________________(just/look) around the shop
clothes now.
20. He _______________(go) surfing every two days.
21. People ______________(say) Edinburgh is a beautiful city.
22. They _________________(practise) radical sports this year.
23. _____________________(they/go) out now?
24. A taxi driver is a person who ______________(drive) a taxi.
25.Tom _________________(drink) some juice because he is
26. Who _____________________(you/usually/play) with? With
my friends.
27. His sister ____________________(not/often/help) him.
28. Ive bought a new video and now I _________________(watch) it.
29. Why ____________________(they/sit) by the fire?
30. She ____________________(not/like) dirty places.
31. Miriam ____________________(still/decorate) her bedroom.
32. He __________________(never/miss) a match on TV.
33. Write down in pencil! ______________________(I/not/write) with a pencil?
34. He __________________(always/wake up) before the bell __________(ring).

35. She _____________________(never/eat) anything while she ___________(be) at the

36. When __________________________(they/usually/hear) the news on the radio?
37. He ___________________(want) to know what we __________________(do).
38. ______________________(you/do) it every lesson?
39. I can __________________(see) a man on the roof. He _________________(cry) for help.
40. ______________________(concert/begin) at 5 or 6?

B. Insert a gerund or a to-infinitive:

1.She loves ________________(wear) jeans.
2. Id prefer _______________(stay) at home.
3. Im afraid _______________(lose) my
4. You need ________________(study) more.
5. Can you help me________________(move)
the washing machine?
6. What did you do after _________________
(leave) school?
7. Ive invited them _______________(have)
dinner with me.
8. The girl kept on ________________
(complain) about the computer.
9. Do you know how ______________(get) to
Johns house?
10. I cant stand ________________(hear) the
dogs barking all night.

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